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SOMEAT New wealth rises in Mogadishu

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SOMEAT local and export meat company opened a modern meat shopin in Mogadishu





Across Mogadishu, new buildings are rising where the shelled structures of two decades of war once stood. Workers this week installed cables on the top of a new 10-story building that will rent office space and apartments. Across the street a high-end restaurant served Arabian food.



"Feels like you are in Nairobi or Manhattan," said Ahmed Mohamed, a Somali-British man, while sipping coffee. He expressed hope that Mogadishu would emulate those two cities rather than return to violence.


The installation of Mogadishu's first ATM inside the high-end Jazeera Hotel has been hailed as progress for the city.


"We are planning to install at all other major hotels, the new airport terminal, and all major Salaam Bank branches in Somalia," said Mohamed Abdulahi Ali, communications manager for the bank.


"A real change is taking hold here. No going back," said Mohamed Hassan, a dual Somali-Dutch citizen, withdrawing cash this week.


Last week U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon traveled to Mogadishu with World Bank President Jim Yong Kim. Ban said that peace and security cannot be sustained without development and that the two should go hand in hand.


"Even though my visit is very brief today, I can already see and feel how the country has made remarkable progress since my last visit," said Ban, who unlike his first visit to Mogadishu did not wear a bullet proof vest this time.


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