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Desperate Damjadiid assasinates Federal Police Comander

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Deg.Deg Taliyaha Ciidan Booliska Soomaaliya oo Geeryooday



Allaha Unaxriisto Taliyaha Ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed Gen. Maxamed Sh. Xasan Ismaaciil ayaa Goodhaweyd ku geeryooday Magaalada Muqdisho, Geerida Taliyaha waxaa warbaahinta u xaqiijiyey saraakiil ciidan oo ka agdhawaa Taliyaha.



Taliyaha Booliska ayaa soo shaqo tagey maanta waxaana si deg deg ah ugu soo booday xanuun markaa loo la cararay Isbitaalka ku yaala gudaha Magaalada Muqdisho halkaa oo markii dambeku geryooday.



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Ummm, ok Tillamook. How was he assassinated? Even the lil snippet u posted said he died of natural causes.


But of course, don't let 'Qabiil' get in the way of ur agenda.


Tillamook u are a disappointment sxb.

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My, my, my...what have we here?


Could it be Nin Yaaban accusing me of Qabilism?


*looks around, bemused*


Lol... I must have touched a raw nerve with this piece of news about Damjadiid.


I wonder... when did Damjadiid become a Qabil and when did sharing news about them become tantamount to being a tribalist?


Then again, Nin Yaaban will always be Nin Yaaban :D


..but let me assure you, saaxiib, I've been called worse on SOL...but still, a worthy effort, such as it is.


For future reference: Please come up with some defense for Damjadiid instead of labeling each and everyone against their terrorist policies a tribalist.

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R.W Cabdiweli oo ka Tacsiyeeyay geeridii naxdinta lahayd ee ku timid Taliyihii Ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed



Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdiweli Sheekh Axmed Maxamed, ayaa ka tacsiyeeyey geeridii naxdinta lahayd ee ku timid Allaah u naxariistee Taliyihii Ciidamadda Booliska Soomaaliyeed General Maxamed Sheekh Xasan Ismaaciil oo si kadis ah galabta ugu geeriyooday magaalada Muqdisho.


Isagoo ku hadlaya Magaciisa, kan Xuumadda iyo kan shacabka Soomaaliyeed ayuu Ra’iisul Wasaare Cabdiweli Sheekh Axmed tacsi u diray qoyskii asxaabtii iyo Ciidamadda Booliska Soomaaliyeed ee uu ka geeriyooday S/G Maxamed Sheekh Xasan Ismaaciil, waxana uu ugu duceeyey in Illaah janadii Fardowso ka waraabiyo.


“Qof kasta waa uu dhimanayaa, geeriduna waa xaq, anigoo ku hadlaya magacayga kan Xukuumadda iyo guud ahaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed waxaan Allah uga baryeynaa in uu naxariistiisa ka waraabiyo Marxuum Maxamed Sheekh Xasan Ismaaciil oo ahaa taliyihii ciidamadda booliska Soomaaliya isla markaana qeyb libaax kasoo qaatay dhismaha iyo qalabeynta ciidanka booliska.” Ayuu yiri Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdiweli Sheekh Axmed.


Dhanka kale. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda F. Soomaaliya ayaa magacaabay Guddiga Wasiiro ah oo ka kooban shan (5) oo baaritaan kusoo sameeya geerida kadiska ah ee ku timid taliyihii ciidanka booliska Soomaaliyeed.


Waxayna kala yihiin.


1. Ra’iisul Wasaare ku-xigeen ahna Wasiirka Diinta iyo Awqaafta, Mudane Ridwan Xirsi Maxamed (Guddoomiye)

2. Wasiirka Caafimaadka Mudane Cali Maxamed Maxamuud (Xubin)

3. Wasiirka Warfaafinta Mudane Mustaf Sheekh Cali Dhuxulow (Xubin)

4. Wasiirka Beeraha Mudane Axmed Cabdi Baaffo (Xubin)

5. Wasiirka Amniga Qaranka Mudane Khaliif Axmed Ereg (Xubin)


General Maxamed Xasan Ismaciil oo ka mid ahaa saraakiishii booliska Soomaaliyeed mudada dheerna ka soo shaqeynayay ayaa horaantii bishii July ee sanadkan loo magacaabay taliyaha ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed, isagoona wax badan ka qabtay Amniga Caasimadda iyo gobollada dalka mudadii uu xilka hayey.




Horseed Media.


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Waryaa Tilamook, do not listen these worthless Somali websites who write lie and lies. Somalia has already it's own problems, do not put fuel in the fire. He is probably a sixty or more years old Somali who doesn't exercise and sit most of his days while running a very stressful job.


Heart attack is a common disease these days. All we can say is Allah ha u naxariisto.

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Although you may be right and it may not be prudent to prejudge an investigation. I still believe Damjadiid/Al Shabab have their fingers written all over this one--just like the many other assassinations of MPs and other government officials in Xamar.


In any case, the body was flown to Nairobi for an autopsy, and until those results confirm otherwise..."fartu waxay ku godan tahay Damjadiid"!

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Yarka ganbadaa u sheegtay. Some people are blinded by hatred so much that they would say anything, absolutely anything.


Like Galbeedi said, dude was probably into his later years and didn't look after himself health wise. Besides, even if there's a suspicion of wrongdoing, we should be erring on the side of caution. Greater good thumps everything.


Allaha u naxariisto narxuumka, ee yaan war xun la fidin.

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Of the dead say nothing but good. Butcher mohamed xassan ismail farah this is his story in the siyad barre regime This man is responsible for endless killings of innocent civilians , and how ironic that his sympathizers are yelling today "toolka" :-). Another criminalsiyadest gone.

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Meydka Taliyaha Booliska Soomaaliya oo dalka dib loogu soo celiyey



Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa maanta la soo gaarsiiyey Meydkii AUN Taliyihii Booliska Soomaaliya G.S Maxamed Sheikh Xasan Ismaaciil oo maalintii Sabtida maydkiisa loo qaaday dalka Kenya si loo soo baarasho Sababaha dhimashadiisa ka dib markii laga shekiyey in la sumeeyey.


Cutubyo kala duwan oo ka mida ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliya, Kuwa wadooyinka iyo Baambayda ayaa diyaar ku ahaa Garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cade markii la soo dejinayey maydta Taliyaha, Waxaa sidoo kale garoonka ku sugnaa masuuliyiin ka mida golayaasha Dowladda.


Baaritaanka lagu soo sameeyey meydka ayaa sida wararka ku helayno sheegayaa in uu u geeryooday xanuun sambabada oo ku soo booday balse Ilaa hada warbixin buuxda laga bixin baaritaankii lagu soo sameeyey meydka Taliyihii Booliska Soomaaliya, waxaana goordhow xukuumada laga sugayaa in war cad ka soo saarto.



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Not to stir up anything or anyone. But word coming up was he took sides with HSM leading up too his death. So the PM saw this as betrayal and poisoned him. This then was to blame any supporters or close relatives of Pres HSM.


Whatever the case, wrong that a man's death is being used politically.

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Deeq, I always thought of you as an automaton who just posts articles on SOL and is incapable of having regular exchange.


But now that I see what your first independent contribution is... I believe, it's best you resume your blasé posting duties on SOL.


Kulahaa, "word coming up..." :D

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