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Baadiyoow attacks qoslaye indirectly. he is positioning himself for a run

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Mogadishu, 27 October, 2014: The NUP sees the ongoing conflict between President Hassan Sheikh and Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh as counter-productive and an obstacle to national unity and state-building.


The conflict between the leaders is a blow to the morale of the long-suffering people of Somalia and the international community which has been investing heavily in state institutions. The conflict also undermines the steps that have recently been taken towards the implementation of the New Deal and Vision 2016.


The NUP believes that only a solution based on the constitution can address the recurring conflicts between Somali Presidents and their Prime Ministers since 2000. The party, therefore, urges members of parliament and cabinet to uphold the rule of law and refrain from supporting either of the two leaders in the ongoing conflict.


We warn our respectful parliamentarians and members of cabinet against any measure that would aggravate the situation, including mass resignations in the cabinet or parliamentary motions that often come down to who has the deepest pockets. These sorts of moves, which have been taking place since 2000, have not produced any positive outcomes in the past and would not do so now.


We call on the people to be united, the parliament to legislate laws, the government to implement the laws, and the president to respect the constitution and safeguard the national unity.




Dr. Abdurahman Abdullaahi Baadiyow,

Chairman of the NUP

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qoslaye's time is coming to an end. the latest possible is 2016. He is finished beyond that. he is done. he will not come back.






protecting friends

enriching family menbers

divisive figure


qoslaye has a long list of bad stuff. he is finished.

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