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Emergency meeting in Puntland about the conflict between Yuulka and Qoslaye

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Xarunta Madaxtooyadda Puntland ee Caasimadda Garoowe ayaa waxaa daqiiqaddo ka hor ka furmay shir uu gudoominayo Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Puntland Eng C/xakiin Cameey.


Shirkan ayaa waxaa ku suggan inta badan Golaha Wasiiradda,waxaana la filayaa in laga soo saaro aragtidda Maamulka Puntland ay ka qabaan khilaafaadka ka dhex-qarxay Madaxweyne Xasan Culusoow iyo R/wasaare C/weli.


Dawladda Federaalka iyo Puntland ayaa la wada xasuustaa bartamihii Bishii Oktoobar inay wada saxiixdeen heshiis ka kooban 12-Qodob,waxaana la filayaa labada dhinac inay ugu baaqaan inay ka heshiiyaan khilaafaadka u dhexeeya,iyadoo la saadaalinayo inay si dadban u taageeri-doonaan Reysalwasaare C/weli oo colaad qaas ah loo qaaday,kadib markii Puntland heshiis la soo saxiixday,iyadoo Kooxda Damjadiid aysan dantooda ku jirin Soomaali inay heshiiyaan.

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You know who Puntland is going to side with. Yuulka must be supported in order to bring down qoslaye and his HAGist Damjadiists. loool/


yuulka is giving qoslaye hard time and Puntland will support Yuulka all the way.

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