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Farah Abdulqadir Removed From Justice and Constitutional Affairs Post

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Hiiraan Online

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Today, the Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed has undertaken the long anticipated first cabinet reshuffle of his tenure. The Prime Minister announced the reshuffle in a signed decree released early this morning.


Among the biggest changes in cabinet responsibilities was the shifting of Farah Abdulqadir, a key ally of the Somali President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, from the key post of the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs to, now, the Ministry of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry. He has been replaced by Salim Aliyow Ibrow who until this morning was in charge of Mr. Abdulqadir’s new portfolio.


Somali political commentators and analyst argued that the reshuffle highlights the increasingly apparent rift between the President and the Prime Minister which until recently, has been played down by both camps.


“It is obvious that the Prime Minister is targeting the President’s allies and I think this will not end well for him if it continues,” said a political analyst that did not want to be named.


“Whether the Prime Minister will finish his term or not I am not sure but he has fired a canon in the direction of the President and we can expect the President to retaliate in the near future,” said a former MP now turned adviser to the international community. “Who the victim will be is easy to speculate.”


The office of the Prime Minister and President have yet to comment on the reshuffle but there is clear consensus among Somali political analysts and MP’s that if this rift between the two most powerful executive office’s continues, the Somali people and their development path will be affected.


Below are the list of newly appointed Minister’s today in the reshuffle:


1) Salim Aliyow Ibrow appointed to Ministry Justice and Constitutional Affairs.


2 ) Farah Sheikh Abduqadir appointed to the Ministry of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry.


3) Mahad Mohamed Salad appointed to Deputy Minister of Planning.


4) Abdirahman Abdi Mohamed appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.


5) Buri Mohamed Hamza appointed to State Minister of Finance


6) Abdullahi Mohamed Nur appointed to State Minster of Foreign Affairs


7) Abdullahi Sheikh Ali (Qalocow) appointed to Deputy Minister of Finance


8) Fahmo Ahmed Nur appointed to Deputy Minister of Commerce


HOL will keep you updated on all the political updates on this story as it happens.

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It means little niyoow. The guys is still a minister and Yuulka didn't have the balls to fire him. Why is Farah is even a minister? what are his qualification that he has to be kept in place? but it is still good to watch qoslaye's power is shrinked 10%. what will he do now?

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As the head of the Ministry of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry, I am not sure how much influence Abdulqadir have within the cabinet. I think Yuulka played well, of course that depends what kind Minister Salim turns out to be.


Abdulqadir was an impedent.


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It is a little shake up. In the cabinet meetings I see always Farah sitting beside the Prime minister while other important ministers are way back. I think he is sidelined.


How about C/rahman Bayle. As I said before he was was a bureaucrat not a politician. I heard that Kenya wasn't happy about the international court issue of the sea. Heeso iyo nwax aan loo baahanayn ayuu meelahaa ka tirinayey.

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SOMALIA: President Hassan says PM’s cabinet reshuffle is “null and void”


Mogadishu (RBC) Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has rejected a minor cabinet reshuffle made by Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed early on Saturday which targeted president Mohamud’s close ministers.


In a press release this evening, President Mohamud said that he surprised and really “unfortunate” that his Prime Minister has made the unexpected reshuffle without his consultation.


He said “the so-called cabinet reshuffle made today by the Prime Minister is null and void and will not impact the work of the ministers”.


President Mohamud blamed his Prime Minister not consulting him and that he sacked ministers, appointed others without compliance to the country’s constitution.


The President press statement came hours after Prime Minister Ahmed reshuffled some of the cabinet ministers ad deputy ministers by targeting the key allies of the president changing from their positions.


The long-awaited cabinet reshuffle on Saturday changed from various ministers within the cabinet from their portfolios.


The Prime Minister announced the reshuffle in a decree signed by the Prime Minister which RBC Radio obtained early on Saturday.


1) Farah Sheikh Abduqadir, a key all of president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was removed from his position as the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. He was appointed to the Ministry of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry.


2) The Minister of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Salim Aliyow Ibrow will take the Justice and Constitutional Affairs Ministry.


The ministry is seen as focal point for the work of the government as the country now intends to reform the justice sector and and review the new Provisional Constitution which awaits for national referendum before 2016 elections are held.


3) Mahad Mohamed Salad, who is also an important figure of president Mohamud’s PDP party was removed from his position as the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs. Mr Salad is now appointed as the new Deputy Minister of Planning.


3) Abdirahman Abdi Mohamed is appointed to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.


4) Former State Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Finance were also transferred from their positions.

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Mooge looool.


qoslaye loves fawdo qas and destruction niyoow. ofcourse he will reject anything that doesn't serve his interest. it is time for him to go. why is farah such an important person for him? why is it about his own interest? what about the interest of the country? meeshaan mogadishu goverment is finished niyoow.


bring the popcorn niyoow. this game is getting interesting. lol.


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I was mistaken, I thought Bayle was among those shuffled. He is still here. Any way, the Prime minster has every right to shuffle, but he must consult with President. When a Prime minister has his own majority mp's in the Parliament , he could do as he chooses, but under the current agreement, the head of state must have a say about the composition of the cabinet. Second the Prime minister shouldn't be looking for confrontation at this moment.


He must learn to co-exit. As some have stated , their is constant struggle for the future and the election of 2016. One thing is for sure that some of the ministers might have forgetting who is the boss. You could have been appointed from the Presidents circle , but you must be subordinate with prime minister.

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^You make a good point. Ministers cannot and should undermine the Prime Minister. The President already had his one chance of removing a prime-minister. I don't think he could afford to take on the Prime-Minister at this juncture. He could undermine his chances in 2016 and would certainly be blamed for any farther delays in the process of finishing the constitution and forming federal states.



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From Abdiwali's Facebook page


Hanaanka dawladnimo iyo haykalka siyaasadeed ee dalka soomaaliya waa mid maraya meel xasaasi ah,waxaana haboon in la dhawro dastuurka & sharciga dalka u degan.


Masuulka kasta oo maqaam sare ka haya dawlada federaalka ah ee Soomaaliyeed waxaa looga baahan yahay inuu si wadanimo, geesinimo & hawlkarnimo leh u guto waajibaadkiisa shaqo.

Lama joogo waqtiigii shaqsiga la jecleysan jirey balse waxaa la joogaa waqtigii shacabka soomaaliyeed ee dhibaatada lixaadka leh haysato la badbaadin lahaa.


Waa dhamaaday waqtigii isjiid-jiidka iyo siyaasada qalafsan lagu dhaqmi jirey,waxaana golaha wasiiradda iyo xukumaddaba looga fadhiya inay laba jibaaraan hawlahooda shaqo si dalku marxaladaha uu marayo looga gudbo loona qabto shaqo adag oo na hor taal.


Shacabka soomaaliyeed waa dad jecel nabada,horumarka iyo dawladnimadda waana dad doonaya inay ka soo kabtaan dhibaatadii mudada badan soo jiitamaysay,mana dhici doonto in shacabka soomaaliyeed la caburiyo masiirkooda iyo rabitaankoodana laga hor yimaado.

Hadal yar,hawl-badan & Hanuunsanaan baa inoo balan ah.




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Lol :D


Amin Amir is a clown... Ha ha ha


Is it me or whenever a damjadiid ally of the President in the cabinet is either fired or sidelined, the FGS functions much better.


For instance, when the former defense minister was removed-- the trouble Culusow used to cause in Jubaland was greatly diminished. When the former interior minister was removed, Al Shabab's activities in Xamar have been greatly reduced.


And now with Farah sidelined, hopefully the work of the national court system and the implementation of a functioning and independent judiciary can begin.


I wish Yuulka all the best of luck in neutralizing Damjadiid, who are nothing more that Al Shabab in suits.

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I was mistaken, I thought Bayle was among those shuffled. He is still here. Any way, the Prime minster has every right to shuffle, but he must consult with President. When a Prime minister has his own majority mp's in the Parliament , he could do as he chooses, but under the current agreement, the head of state must have a say about the composition of the cabinet. Second the Prime minister shouldn't be looking for confrontation at this moment.


He must learn to co-exit. As some have stated , their is constant struggle for the future and the election of 2016. One thing is for sure that some of the ministers might have forgetting who is the boss. You could have been appointed from the Presidents circle , but you must be subordinate with prime minister.


Actually, according to the constitution the PM has a clear cut right to reshuffle the cabinet and is allowed to completely change upto 10 ministers and bring in new ones. He doesnt need to take it to parliament . All he has done is move them around, no new faces etc.


The president is only to be informed in this case and it looks like he has been, but should be consulted if there are more than 10 new faces(ministers).


The president reacted badly.let me explain;


He claimed that the new reshuffle is null and void- constitutionally he cant!, so already he is going against the constitution,


Secondly, he had been accused of interefering with the right of the government( in the Somali constitution, government is the council of ministers led by the PM) to govern and he only just proved that point.


What you will now see are two things;

Parliament that really resents certain individuals, chief among them being Farah Abdulqadir will support the PM, also he cant approach parliament and table anything because this statement of his is unconstitutional.


Finally the usual International community will go against him because he provided them with a clear point to use against him. Yuulka will probably swear in the new ministers and since he and only he can decide the sitting of the council of ministers, the new ministers will assume their roles. If and when that happens, the president will loose all authority from that point on and Yuulka in time will present small changes again and again until he has a cabinet that works to his agenda which should be the case. Either way, the president's interests would have been best served fighting behind the scenes. His new position has only made him very vulnerable.


Interesting times ahead!

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Odey, if the constitution states as you said , you are correct. On the other hand since the prime minister doesn't operate under the auspice of political parties residing in the parliament, the President is the head of the state and he is technically responsible for the selection of the Prime minister. The Prime Minister wasn't appointed from any party. His existence is through the appointment of the government. also , he must implement the agenda of the leader.


Remember, it was the President who campaigned and elected by the Parliament. While he was campaigning , he has to implement his plat form. If we are debating un issue in a normal sense of the parliamentary democracy, the prime Minister has the power to push his agenda, but for the Somalia of today, the rules must bended a little to co-exist. Also, the Prime minister can't purge from the government the allies of the President.


Having said that, the President shouldn't hastily answer or claim to block these appointments. That is " fawdo". " shaqadiinii iska wata waa qalad". In all it is typical Somali way of operating , my way or the high way. There are other underlying problems in the government, mainly insubordination. The president may put some of his men in the cabinet as a power sharing arrangement, but they should know, the prime minister is the chief executive that everyone must answer.


One thing is clear, if this prime minster is removed or pushed for impeachment in the Parliament, both him and Culusow will go together. So, if impeachment starts, at the same time the next leader to finish the term before 2016, must also prepare himself. I am a candidate.

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