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Greatest Muslim Conquerers...

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Sultan mehmet al fatih or the conquerer. Conquered the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire of Byzantium. Expanded Muslim territories to the East, west and south.







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Why didn't you include AL-Baghdadi the great terrorist as he conquered half of Syria and Iraq whilst chopping thousands of heads in the process?

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Shah Jahan...the Moghuals 1 million square miles. The flag bearer of Islam in India. The richest and most powerful man on earth.








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Salahudin Ayubi the conquerer of Jerusalem. The conquer of Fatimid Egypt.





Isn't he the same Kurd you despise, consider infidel, and want wiped out by the terrorists in Syria and Iraq?

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Talabo Saxib I'm not a therapist. I don't despise Kurds. I despise PKK, YPG and peshmerga forces because they are Marxist lennonist communist who are secular and always willing to be used as a tool by israel and United States. The commander leading the IS assault against them in kobane is a Kurd. The best divisions fighting in kobane for IS are Kurds. Ether show were I said I hate Kurds or go seek help. Read islamic history you liberal brainwashed man. Now don't spoil this thread for people who want to learn about Muslim General who actually helped the nation unlike liberals like yourself who are so brainwashed by western propaganda you think your sh!t don't stick.

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The mehdi of Sudan lead a long campaign against the British in Sudan:





They called them religious fanatics back in those days as we'll.. Even though they were fighting in their own country against an occupying power.



Talabo would argue they are terrorist khawarij for fighting against the British on their own territory because that's what it says in his history book.

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Omar al mukhtar the leader of the islamic movement fighting for Islam in Libya under Italian occupation.








They hanged him...because he was a terrorist who was fighting to free his people from Italian rule.




May Allah have mercy on all the lions of Islam past and present who continue to die and fight for islam.

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CiidanSuldan, What someone else done 500 years ago or hundred years ago meant nothing today. These idea of nostalgic era, or the conquest of early Muslims has no bearing in today's world.


The era of conquest or empire building is past tense. If you really interested how empires, whether, Muslim , Roman , Christian or Persian have done , let me give you small example of yester years empire. Once upon a time , there were small northern tribe called English. With help of other residents of the British Isle ( scots, welsh and others), they conquered and ruled north America, Africa, Australia India and Middle East. They were industrialized and educated tribe which have done a lot throughout their empire.


With less than 10,000 army they rules 300 million Indians and Muslims of India. Today that India is going to be a world power. All that British empire disappeared in the middle of the twentieth century. The Muslim empire disappeared more before over 300 years ago. At least the British empire was replaced by other great nation like America, Australia, Canada and others. You don't see the English crying for the loss of their empire. THey moved . Did you heard about Napoleon Bonaparte who conquered Europe and reached Moscow in early 18th century. He parked his horses in Azhar University, in Egypt, the one thousand years old seat of Islamic learning. Please move on.


The so called middle east that which is poor without the oil is nothing. Even with their Petro dollar , the combined economy of the whole Arab world is equal to that of Spain and Portugal in terms GDP and production.


You and your friends must stop running around like wild dogs. Patience, honesty , and hard work is needed to build a functioning state. The Feudal Arabs must adopt and stop killing one another. Within six months ISIS will be without bullets. who ever sponsored them has abandoned them.

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Tell him about the French and Spanish empires, the Greek, Roman, and Persian empires before them, the Mogul empire, the Soviet Union, the Dutch colonies, the Portuguese colonies, even tiny Belgium had its day in the sun.

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Gentlemen. Who told you the era of empire was over. The American empire is real look at world. The war between Islam and the West is real ideologically their is a world wide struggle. The Soviet empire is still alive not in name look at Ukraine.


All these men fought for the same thing. It doesn't have anything to do with empire or nation states. It has everything to do with a perspective of the world. A Muslim order that rules over the people of the Muslim world and to expand that and overcome and destroy it's opposing ideological adversary. Secularism, liberalism, atheism.


All these men fought and died for islamic rule, Islamic ideology and Islamic right to self determination and right to rule our own affairs.


This is a struggle of ideology not a struggle of empire or nation states. Nation states don't exist. Empires fluctuate.


What is a reality today may not be a reality tomorrow.


Islam is slowly but surely returning as a political force. History, ethics, academia all show without Islam the world wouldn't be what it is. Therefore it is a superior force. Stateless but superior. All it needs is a state.




fought against racism, fought for the equality of black African Americans in America. They called him a terrorist.




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