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72 Page Conclusive Report: Rape Of Somali Women By AU forces

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This 71-page report documents the sexual exploitation and abuse of Somali women and girls on two AMISOM bases in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, since 2013. The AU soldiers, relying on Somali intermediaries, have used a range of tactics, including humanitarian aid, to coerce vulnerable women and girls into sexual activity. They have also raped or otherwise sexually assaulted women who were seeking medical assistance or water at AMISOM bases. Human Rights Watch interviewed 21 women and girls who described being raped or sexually exploited by Ugandan or Burundian military personnel serving with the AU forces.



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Do you here one of these fake nationalist taking about or critiquing the mass rape of Somali women by christien mercenaries sent to destroy the make up of Somalis further a hundred years of colonialism wasn't enough.


These fake nationalist never talk about the crimes being committed against Somali women.



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Tribal cheerleaders like malister come here daily spewing nonsense about how they are fighting alshabab even though everyone knows the government bandits can't Control a single inch of territory on their own.


When confronted with why he wasn't challenging the rape of Somali women by AU forces his reply was


"if they didn't rape them some one else would"


This is the sick nature of these fake nationalist tribal cheerleaders

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