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Che -Guevara

Puntland: Tax Reform

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It seems Abdiwali is sticking to his promise reforming tax system and collecting more tax.


Shirkadda Isgaariinta Golis oo Shaacisay Iney Dhaqangelin doonto Cashuuraha ku Waajibay Daqiiqadaha Wicitaanka Taleefoonada (Sawirro+VIDEO)


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It is indeed a good move to broaden the tax base. For far too long have many businesses in Somalia thrived without paying their fair share to the country.


I must also add, the enforcement of tax collection must be vigorously coupled with a very strict Audit system which will ensure that the revenues collected from taxation are not lost to corruption, mismanagement and waste.


President Gaas must soon create a State Auditor's office which will have immence powers to prosecute anyone stealing the publics tax monies and provide transparency to where the taxes are spent.


This will ensure that the average Faarax pays his taxes knowing full well where his money is going and what it is being used for.

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I thought there was a State Auditor. You are right expanding the tax base means nothing if the tax goes into someone's pocket.


I wonder if they have any plans for property tax, the best resource of money for local government. I know they were debating sin tax as well.

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