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Turkey needs to be kicked out of NATO

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Yeah, these neocons, don't care about tomorrow, just to score few points.


And Mr. Johnson, one more thing, Turkey is the ally of the Somali people, we will not allow to be bad mouthed by likes of you. It is a responsible government.

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5 Reasons why Erdogan doesn't want to take on ISIS




Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is frustrated the United States did not get involved in the 3-year-old Syrian civil war until radicals from the Islamic State — also known as ISIS or ISIL — took over large parts of Iraq.


Erdogan had urged the United States to help Syria's moderate rebels overthrow the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, but he does not want to devote Turkish troops to the fight.




Kobani is in the hands of a Kurdish faction, the PYD, whose leaders in Damascus never joined the fight to overthrow Assad. The Assad regime didn't attack Kobani in the past three years and left behind weapons for the Kurds to protect themselves.


"Now Kobani needs Turkey," says Ilhan Tanir, Washington correspondent for the Turkish daily Vatan, "but Turkey is implying, 'You've been gambling for three years and already called for autonomous regions without consulting us, so this is part of the gamble. Now you are on your own.' "




Turkey has been fighting a 30-year war with a Kurdish separatist movement, the PKK. The PYD is associated withthe PKK, a State Department-designated terrorist group. Erdogan considers the PKK to be equivalent to the Islamic State.


As a result, the government fears if it provides weapons to Kurdish fighters, those weapons will be used against Turkey.




Militants have funneled weapons and fighters through Turkey into Syria. The Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra, an al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria, have networks in Turkey.


"If Turkey attacks ISIS in Syria, there could be a serious blowback within Turkey, and Turkey does not want to take this risk," Tanir said.




Turkish security and intelligence services may have ties to Islamic State militants. The group released 46 Turkish diplomats it had abducted the day before the United States launched airstrikes against it. Turkey, a NATO member, may have known the airstrikes were about to begin and pressured its contacts in the Islamic State to release its diplomats.


"This implies Turkey has more influence or stronger ties to ISIS than people would think," Tanir said.

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I am not a Conservative and asked my cable provider to take out Fox News from my channel line up so that proves I not a neo-con.


Just because Turkey gave some goodies to the incompetent Somalis and their children doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed to criticize them.


You guys criticize the Western countries that allowed you to live in their countries while fleeing AK47 carrying moryaans and allowed you a second chance to life so why shouldnt we criticize the Turkish govt?


I am,


Abdi "What a foolish thing to say" Johnson

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I am well aware of Turkey's goals and their relationship with the Kurds. And no one cares. There is a terror group that is causing havoc. They have a moral obligation to assist in crushing IS. If they don't do anything, they should be kicked out of NATO. Many NATO countries are furious Turkey is doing nothing. Turkey would rather see tens of thousands of people being slaughtered like goats just a few kilometers away than arm a few Kurds. Turkish tanks are on the border are watching Kurdish children being killed. If they are not going to arm the Kurds so they can do the work, confront IS yourself


I am,


Abdi "Don't let Turkish efforts in Mogadishu make you irrational" Johnson



War waxaan yaa dhalay?!

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Turkey has the second largest army in Nato. Turkey doesn't need Nato. The kurdish town of kobane and it's YPG forces according to Turkey are terrorist. So Turkey is arguing two terrorist organisations are fighting each other. Which is true. The PKK is a terrorist organisation according to the United States and the whole world.


This Abdi Johnson is some guy who is a regular from another forum. He regularly praises Israel for being modern and describes how he would love to go there.


I'm Cabdi "don't waste your time on this SOB" Johnson.

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Turkey is a stating the obvious. Isis didn't kill 250 thousand people. Is not conducting barrel bombs. The West is to concerned with Isis and not focusing on a assad who uses chemical weapons on his people.





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Turkey has allowed Isis fighters to cross it's borders freely and has treated wounded Isis fighters in it's Hospitals. Turkey buys cheap oil from Isis and allows foreigners into Turkey to join Isis.


All Turkish hostages were freed by Isis which is quite remarkable given the fact Isis either beheads it's hostages or shoots them! Guess it's the secret allies deal Turkey has with Isis eh?


Yep! Turkey is doing sweet F.A, absolutely nothing to aid the Kurds of Kobani. Turkey could of let Kurds from Turkey join their brothers in Kobani. Turkey could have allowed the Kurds to re arm in Kobani but they didn't.


Turkey would rather have Isis in Kobani than the Kurds, can't have the Kurds with their own capitol now can we?


So who's side are Turkey on? Isis obviously!


Here's what I would do If I were Obama. We have three countries, and four Armies already fighting Isis. Syrian, Lebanese/Hezbolla, Iranian and of course the Kurds.


I would forge an alliance with Assad even if temporary, Hezbollah and Lebanese Army plus the Iranians and Kurds.


These all united with U.S and it's allies air power is more than enough to defeat Isis. I would bypass/sideline Turkey altogether. I would pull U.S forces out of Turkey and drop monetary aid to Turkey and remove patriot Missile defense from Turkey.


Turkey was needed during the cold war and that's long over.


After defeating Isis with the alliance above, I would tell Turkey from now on, you are on your own! Nato and the U.S will not come your aid in the event of future wars!


I'm well aware of why Turkey won't help the Kurds. Now is a good time to heal wounds and bury the hatchet between the two groups and it would go along way to developing a new friendship and alliance with the Kurds if Turkey got of it's ass and did something.


As it stands now Turkey won't do a thing. When Kobani falls, Turkey will have two problems, 1) civil war with the Kurdish population, 2) probable Isis invasion


The latter may not happen as I believe Turkey as an alliance with Isis.








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You call yourself starvin Marvin probably grew up on mtv. Dont know much about Turkey never been there. Dont much about the region, it's history or PKK.


Like I said turkey sees assad as the bigger problem. Which is true. 250 thousands dead. Chemical weapons usage and barrel bombs. The West don't want to overthrow assad he is anti Islam so they want him. They want to fight Isis. What Turkey is saying is let's fight assad and Isis. That's logical to anyone.


The PKK ypg are terrorist organisations. Atheist Marxist anti Islamic organisation. The West is doing what it's always done using any terrorists to fight it's wars based how it wants to see the region not the Syrian people or its naibour.


I've been to Turkey beautiful country the people in Turkey have a passionate almost suicidal zeal that hates the PKK and ypg. Why should Turkey fight Americans dirty war for a bunch of yanks controlled by zionist.

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Actually I grew up when TV was in B&W and MTV was 20 years away and we were fighting in Vietnam. I know all about the Region and the PKK. AS for visiting Turkey, I have no desire!


Actually it's not America's dirty war. Arab states want an answer, a solution to I.S but none are willing to act. Wonder why?


America and the coalition of the willing should have left Saddam in power, he kept a lid on all the factions in Iraq.


America would love to walk away and let the middle east sort it out. Hell, why the feck would you or anyone in their right mind want to go back there or get involved? America is only involved because of the humanitarian crisis and the Middle east begged America to intervene.


For the time being Isis is the main enemy and threat to all in the region. It wouldn't matter what concessions America gave Turkey they still would not become involved. Turkey are forever making excuse after excuse not become involved. They don't want blow back from Isis supporters in their country and they don't want a Kurdish state in Syria.


Turkey need to make up their mind who they are supporting and what action they will take because sooner or later Isis will drag them in.


I agree with you on Assad but....Isis is more pressing at this stage.



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Hey Marvin, as you said this is an Arab problem yet the gulf courtiers aren't doing any thing. I believe ISIS was crated by the Saudis, gulf monarchies and America to counter the growing influence of Iran in the region. Saudi Arabia is the best friend of the United States. If there is any Americana, it is the Saudi. I don't know what is so special about this Kurdish town. There are many towns suffering in Syria with no aid.


Remember , America was reluctant to give weapons to Syrian insurgents fearing that arms may end up in wrong hands. It is the same thing. Turkey fears weapons in Kurds insurgents could be used against them. America is the leading country in the world, they should lead and act.


If America want the ISIS threat to disappear, they must invade Syria along side Turkey and NATO. There could be some casualties, but they will defeat both Assad and ISSI, and install a moderate government backed by NATO. They should look the big picture. concentrate on the war, ISIS , Assad and the region not small Kurds town. These Kurds are clever in swaying world opinions in their favour.


Without America taking a decisive position , this war will linger many years to come.

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George Bush messed up when he removed saddam,as bad as he was,he held Iraq together and the balance of sunnis & Shiites was somewhat equal.Then the Saudis along with their friends kick it on the curve in their containment of Iran.Now no one knows who's who and what he stands for...Boomrang.

Turkey is rebuffing the US cos it has 15 million kurds inside its borders and adamant that strong Kurdistan doesn't come out of this,angry with the west for their refusal to let turkey into EU and strong dislike for Gulf states which they see only concerned about protecting their wealth and many times siding with Israel ova Iran and Palestinians.Erdogan doesn't have that special relationship with Israel unlike his predecessors

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Nouri Al Maliki was probably the worst possible person to lead Iraq during this critical time. He was an awful President, and he openly suppressed the Sunnis while favoring the Shia's. There were many violent crackdowns on Sunni protesters and he did not give them their rights.


This pissed off a lot of Sunnis, and this led to the Sunni Arab Tribal Members allying with ISIS in order to undermine Al Maliki's rule in Iraq.


You couldn't possibly do worse than this...


In 2009, Iraq actually appeared to be stable. The violence was way down, US Troops were withdrawing and the country was on it's way to a recovery. But Maliki's actions fucked it up so heavily that I honestly don't think Iraq can never be a real nation again. Even the Iranians are disgusted with Maliki, the worst President of any nation I've ever witnessed in my lifetime.


After this whole ISIS situation is resolved, I can see Iraq being split into a few countries; Sunni Iraq, Shia Iraq, and Kurdish Iraq. Iraq as a state no longer exists and sooner or later it will be split apart.

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