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The Glue-Sniffing Kids of Somaliland

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these kids are non-ethnic Somalis. they are all foreigners. in all my dealings with them, i have never found ethnic Somalis among them. they're mostly oromos and other such qashin. it's only a matter of time before they start protests and cause civil disobedience. oromos are already gaining confidence because of the nonchalance attitude towards immigration in the SL Republic. with crime figures already soaring through the roof in the nation's capital, we can't just stand back and do nothing. they ought to be removed immediately. this is a ticking time-bomb.


unfortunately, the Kulmiye Zionist Criminal Regime, hasn't a clue on how to deal with external threats. they are too busy with their ceremonial ''wax-qabad and dhagax-dig'' presentational politics. just last week, there were reports that the civil and electoral registration is heading towards an utter failure. how will they distinguish between who is an ethnic Somali and who's a foreigner.

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these kids are non-ethnic Somalis. they are all foreigners. in all my dealings with them, i have never found ethnic Somalis among them. they're mostly oromos and other such qashin. it's only a matter of time before they start protests and cause civil disobedience. oromos are already gaining confidence because of the nonchalance attitude towards immigration in the SL Republic. with crime figures already soaring through the roof in the nation's capital, we can't just stand back and do nothing. they ought to be removed immediately. this is a ticking time-bomb.


unfortunately, the Kulmiye Zionist Criminal Regime, hasn't a clue on how to deal with external threats. they are too busy with their ceremonial
''wax-qabad and dhagax-dig''
presentational politics. just last week, there were reports that the civil and electoral registration is heading towards an utter failure. how will they distinguish between who is an ethnic Somali and who's a foreigner.

First of all, please stop referring to our Oromo Muslim brothers and sisters as "qashin". They have a serious problem with abject poverty and political persecution in Ethiopia, so they need our sympathy.

Secondly, every child regardless of his/her nationality is innocent and so our government and our wider society have a responsibility to protect them from abuse.

Although Somaliland is too poor to look after even its own children, there should be at least some effort on the part of the government to stop these kids abusing harmful substances. Proper shelter and two to three daily meals should also be given to lone children.

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suffering children turn my stomach,all I could do is give thm few bucks, its issue need to be addressed sooner but hardly expect from heartless Africans.


Wish I was president.......

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First of all, please stop referring to our Oromo Muslim brothers and sisters as "qashin". They have a serious problem with abject poverty and political persecution in Ethiopia, so they need our sympathy.

Secondly, every child regardless of his/her nationality is innocent and so our government and our wider society have a responsibility to protect them from abuse.

Although Somaliland is too poor to look after even its own children, there should be at least some effort on the part of the government to stop these kids abusing harmful substances. Proper shelter and two to three daily meals should also be given to lone children.


such nonsense. i bet you love hearing the sound of your own voice.


oromos are the single biggest threat to peace. despite their political situation, they're expansionist. they are convinced the Somali territories were once part of their kingdom. they are anti-Somali and we have nothing in common with these vile creatures.

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