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self-sufficiency - Puntland built its own massive highway bridge without help

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Wafdi ka tirsan dowladda Puntland, Engineero iyo Culimaa’udiin oo maanta booqday buundada Midigar


(Pi Garoowe) Wafdi ka tirsan dowladda Puntland ayaa booqasho gaaban ku tagay buundada Midigar ee Sunijiif halkaas oo dhawaan lagu sameeyay dib dhis xoogan oo ay iska kaashadeen dowladda Puntland iyo shacabkeeda gudaha iyo dibada.


Buundadaan ayaa markii ugu horeysay waxaa hoosteeda ka gubday daadad xoogan oo ka dhashay roob ka da’ay tuulooyin katirsan gobolka Nugaal, iyadoo arintaana ay muujinayso sida adag ee loo dhisay buundada.


Mas’uuliyiinta booqday buundada waxaa kamid ah wasiirka howlaha guud iyo gaadiidka iyo wasiirka warfaafinta, Enjineero, culimaa’udiin iyo waxgarad.


Wasiirka Warfaafinta dowladda Puntland Cabdiweli Xirsi Indhaguran ayaa sheegay inay ku faraxsan yihiin sida ay buundadu u shaqeynayso islamarkaana ay bulshadu uga faa’idaysanayso dib udhiskeedii sanadkaan.


Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland Dr Cabdi Weli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa bishii julay 31-deedii xariga ka jaray buundadaan oo dib loo dhisay kadib markii ay ku buburtay roobadkii duufaanada watay ee sanadkii hore dhammaadkiisii ku dhuftay Puntland.

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this is the era of relying on your own companies and people and goverment to build the country. well done puntland for giving us all hope that we can deliver great things without Aid from Turkey, USAID and the EU.


This bridge was engineered, built and financed locally. good to see puntlanders leaning on each other and rebuilding their own state.


guul niyoow iyo nabad.

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This is a great achievement. I hope the next project would be a reservoir to collect all that flood water for use in agriculture.

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