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The man who brought Ebola to Texas

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No it was not a rant. Rather it was the equivalent of DR Ken telling you face to face that your cuqdad against the white people has reached an unhealthy level and needs sorting out.


Exactly, that's exactly what I was telling Khayr.


Khayr simply wants to blame the White Man for everything that happens in the Black community, as if the "White Man" is a Superhero with superpowers who has the ability to do things that the Black man can't do for himself. I got news for you Khayr: The White Man is no different from you. He was born, he will die, he gets sick, and he falls asleep.


Khayr, maybe you should channel your "cuqdad" against White people in a healthy manner! Maybe instead of ranting and complaining about the White man, you should develop your own industries and develop your own nation so that you won't need him. Doesn't it kill you that the Chevrolet or Ford or Volkswagon that you drive was developed by cadaan people? Why doesn't Africa have it's own major car manufacturers? And what are you doing to ensure that the Black Man is self-sufficient and independent? Wouldn't you rather deal with the Asian Man and the White Man as an absolute equal, instead of being in a subservient role?


The Indians have gotten this message already. India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and just the other week India sent a robot to Mars. The Indians have their own manufacturing companies, and within 50 years India is expected to become a First World Nation.


And they didn't get there through complaining and blaming Evil "Whitey" all the time. They did that through self-reliance and ingenuity. So why can't you do that?


Have some pride in yourself

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If we continue to have people with Khayr's attitude;


In 100 years we will see the Black Man STILL complaining about how unfortunate he is


Still complaining about "Evil Whitey"


Still refusing to be independent and not rely on others.


Still unable to develop his own industries


Still have crime, drugs, prostitution in his own communities. And still refusing to take responsibility over his own community.


While the cadaan man and the indiyaar man and the Indian man are building colonies on Mars, we will still be running around in circles, complaining all the time and refusing to be pro-active. Refusing to depend on ourselves. Refusing to improve ourselves.


Doesn't it shame you that Vietnam, tiny little Vietnam, has more manufacturing output than all of Africa combined? How does that make you feel Khayr?

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Kennedy, I think you are mixing things up here. Would a doctor knowingly deny a needed care to a patient, the answer is no. Are there white privileges in this country, and the answer is a simple yes.

The Inequalities the blacks face on their daily lives are real things here in America. There is a broken justice system that works for the rich(mainly whites) and disproportionately punishes the poor and the minority. There are dozens of researches and reports out there that will back up this, and I am sure you can do a quick search on Google to find them.


Blacks activities and elites alike are out there everyday fighting the system and trying to help elevate their communities out of the misery. Do not just throw blames on them as if they choose to live in Ghettos or inherently lazy or unwilling to come out poverty.


Btw, White-color crimes are ten times worse than street crimes, so why aint there white bankers going to prison in droves. Why would a black kid with a gram of crack send to jail while a while man in similar status or higher with 100g of pure coke gets hand slap.

Justice in broken and opportunities for better education and employments are not equally available.

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Ghelle T, I'm very well-aware that White people are better-positioned socially, economically, and politically in America. This is a fact and no one can deny this.


So what is the solution to this problem? Because Blacks were disadvantaged 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 40 years ago, etc. Do you really think Black-Americans should just wait 100 years until the White Man suddenly starts to become benevolent and start looking at Blacks as equals? Do you advocate that Blacks remain in such a subservient role until one day, perhaps in the future, we will finally be treated as equals?


Saaxib, read Malcolm X's autobiography. He goes into detail about this in his book. Black-Americans need to have their own independent communities, with their own judges, their own Mayors, their own all-black city councils, and so on and so on. They need to open up their own multi-billion dollar corporations and buying/selling from amongst each other. They need to create their own solid economic base, just like the Chinese and the Jews have done. The Jews and the Chinese don't rely on anybody, they rely on themselves, but they number far less than Black-Americans. Instead of a young Black 25 year old college graduate going to a company and being rejected due to his skin color, it would be far better if that young Black man was hired by a Black-run corporation. Blacks should hire each other, trade with each other, teach each other, and live amongst each other. Blacks can use their voting power to elect their own Black district Attorney, their own Black Police-Chief, and their own private all-black high-schools.


We both see the same problem saaxib. But my solution to this problem is complete separation and self-independence and self-reliance.

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Bro, look at this.


This is a group of Black Businessmen in Oklahoma back in 1920. These men created hundreds of businesses, their own schools, their own banks, movie theaters, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, they educated their own tradesmen, they even had their own investment unions.


These people were VERY prosperous and successful. It was called The Black Wall Street. This was in Oklahoma. In 1920. 94 years ago....And these Blacks were doing it when they faced enormous subjugation and racism. But they still succeeded and still prospered. They didn't need the white man, they depended on each other, like brothers.


So if these Blacks can do this 94 years ago, if they created their own economy 94 years ago....what is stopping Blacks in Atlanta (who are more than 50% of the population) from doing the exact same thing? Why can't Blacks in Philadelphia, in Detroit, in Chicago, in Baltimore, in St Louis...why can't they do the same thing? It's been tried before, it succeeded before. So why can't it be done again? And these people did it through their own hard-work and their own ingenuity. (Tragically however, envious Whites destroyed and they set fire to most of these Black businesses and they killed hundreds of Black civilians, which ended up destroying this enormously successful community)


I mean, you can't even walk down certain black-neighborhoods in Detroit or Chicago without being robbed and possibly killed. This is a disgrace saaxib, we can do better.



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Kennedy, you are making assumptions that black don't strive enough to make changes in their communities. They do and perhaps you are only focusing the negative side of the black society. Brother, there are many hurdles for them to cross and honestly it's not easy for people to come out of poverty. That said, there are large black middle classes in those cities mentioned above, among them many entrepreneurs and professionals. As for the Jewish and Asians, none of them have had the experiences that the blacks went through, slavery,Jim Crow, and other state sanctioned discrimination that its scars still lives.

By the way you can't judge entire group of people by a tiny neighborhood in Oklahoma in 1920s. Besides a segregated US in 1920s-60s is not a something to praise.


Check the graph below and tell me if the blacks are better off today than they were 60 or so years ago.

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Kennedy, you are making assumptions that black don't strive enough to make changes in their communities. They do and perhaps you are only focusing the negative side of the black society. Brother, there are many hurdles for them to cross and honestly it's not easy for people to come out of poverty. That said, there are large black middle classes in those cities mentioned above, among them many entrepreneurs and professionals. As for the Jewish and Asians, none of them have had the experiences that the blacks went through, slavery,Jim Crow, and other state sanctioned discrimination that its scars still lives.

By the way you can't judge entire group of people by a tiny neighborhood in Oklahoma in 1920s. Besides a segregated US in 1920s-60s is not a something to praise.


Check the graph below and tell me if the blacks are better off today than they were 60 or so years ago.



Of course they're much better off in 2014 than they were in 1960. But what I'm talking about is the attitude towards success that the Black people have today is not as good as it should be. Those men in the 1920's, despite suffering through significant racism and subjugation, still did what they did to uplift themselves and their own community. And that's admirable. They overcame ENORMOUS obstacles and they achieved a lot.


Whereas when I walk down certain streets in Atlanta, I see nothing but garbage, drug addicts, young teenagers committing petty crimes, and single mothers. There are certain neighborhoods here which you can't walk through for fear of your life. There are thousands of Black youth killing each other every year in America. Blacks constitute 13% of the population but 52% of the homicides. Black-on-White rapes are more than 30,000 per year, Black-on-White assaults are almost 350,000 per year. While White-on-Black assaults are only about 70,000 per year.


There's a huge disparity saaxib. I'll give credit where credit is due, and yes there is a large Black Middle Class and most Black-Americans DO NOT get involved in this gangster lifestyle. Most of them live middle-class lifestyles, you're correct.

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I got your point bro, but what you're not taking into account is all of these crime stats you mentioned are direct results of the heavy handedness of the system towards the blacks. I am not saying they don't commit heinous crimes, but there are thousands of innocents black males who are unlawfully accused and sent to prison every year, thus adding them into those stats. Anyway, let's leave there for now.



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I got your point bro, but what you're not taking into account is all of these crime stats you mentioned are direct results of the heavy handedness of the system towards the blacks. I am not saying they don't commit heinous crimes, but there are thousands of innocents black males who are unlawfully accused and sent to prison every year, thus adding them into those stats. Anyway, let's leave there for now.


That's true. It's terrible what's happening to the thousands of innocent blacks being incarcerated for no reason.


I just hope you understand my point here.

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