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Tensions high:Siilaanyo relative kills two high ranking Somaliland officers

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Hailing from Awdal and Gabiley







Askari Ay Madaxwayne Siilaanyo Isku Beel Yihiin Oo Qoru-Lugad Ku Dilay Laba Sarkaal Oo Ciidanka Qaranka Ka Tirsan Iyo Nuxurka Arrimaha Loo Aanaynayo Dilkaasi



Hargeysa, (Qaran news) – Askari ka mid ahaa maleeshiyo beeleed dhawaan la qoray ciidanka qaranka Somaliland oo u dhashay deegaanka Qoru-lugad ayaa maanta xero ciidanka milatariga Somaliland ku leeyihiin Qoru-lugad ku dilay Alle haw naxariistee laba sarkaal oo ka tirsanaa ciidanka qaranka Somaliland.



Askarigan oo ka soo jeeda beesha Madaxwayne Siilaanyo ayaa sababta uu u dilay labadaas sarkaal oo ka soo kala jeeda goboladda Awdal iyo Gabiley lagu sheegay inuu ka daba-taagnaa xadhig disibiliin ah oo ay amreen saraakiishaasi in askarigaasi la xidho, ayaa sida la sheegay markii uu xidhnaa mudo aad u kooban iyagoon lagala tashanin la sii daayey, isla markaana uu qorigiisii intuu soo qaatay labadii sarkaal oo wada socda uu baas ku furay ayna halkaasi ku geeriyoodeen.



Sida ay u sheegeen ilo wareedo lagu kalsoon yahay askarigani dilka gaystay ayaa ka mid ahaa maleeshiyo beeleed u dhashay deegaanka oo ciidanka la qoray intii uu madaxwayne Siilaanyo u magacaabay taliyaha ciidanka qaranka Ismaaciil Shaqale.


Labadan sarkaal oo sida ay xusseen ilahaasi darajadoodu ahayd Kabtano isla markaana ka mid ahaa tiirarka uu ciidanka qaranku ku taagnaay, halka la sheegay in mid ka mid ah labadaa Kabtan uu ka mid ahaa jabhadii dib u xoraynta Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland ee SNM.

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It is all over Somaliland news websites,I am afraid it is a fact. The killer

has escaped from Qorilugud village already.

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How about what? We are dealing with facts here, the killer and Siilaanyo

are from the same community. Qorilugud and East Burco are located in the

same region and inhabited by the same sub clan. Hopefully the killer

will be caught and Siilaanyo won't try to hide the murderer.

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Salaax, this is unnecessarily divisive. Lumping a killer to a community is unwise, it denies justice to the victims and blames people who have nothing to do with the crime.


On different subject, do you have believe Siilaanyo's clan benefit from his administration? I am talk not about his inner circle but entire sub-clan?


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niyoow siilaanyo's family is feeling confident now they can kill anyone and get away. They are running Somaliland like a mafia. somalilanders must protect themselves from siilaanyo loyalists.



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People who have a disposition for extremism have the same disturbing characteristics. Their blind passion is easily triggered, their emotions easily manipulated by others, their values change by the day, their morals depend on their mood, their loyalty is transient, and their reasoning absurd. Ciidansuldan and Saalax personify this psychotic group. Not long ago the former used to insult the good people of Laascaanood day and night while the later used to wage a savage keyboard crusade against Puntland. Now their loyalties and their perceived enemies are completely different. Ciidansultan aka Abu Ciidan al Sultaan al Soomaali is now at peace with Laascaanood but has found the devil in the Arab Shia Muslims and Iran. As for Saalax, nothing will satisfy him except the nuclear bombing of East Burco and the lynching of president Siilaanyo.

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niyoow siilaanyo's family is feeling confident now they can kill anyone and get away. They are running Somaliland like a mafia. somalilanders must protect themselves from siilaanyo loyalists.



His time is up soon, he knows nobody will elect again him again hence the

poor attempt to corrupt the voting registratation but was clocked by the

opposition and most of Somaliland, it is too late for him.



Salaax, this is unnecessarily divisive. Lumping a killer to a community is unwise, it denies justice to the victims and blames people who have nothing to do with the crime.


On different subject, do you have believe Siilaanyo's clan benefit from his administration? I am talk not about his inner circle but entire sub-clan?




Every man belongs to a community in Somaliland. That helps identify and caught

him quicker, otherwise we would have a situation like in South Somalia where

almost everyone has impunity due to their identity not being known > Al shabab

and among other things.



As for nepotism and clan favortism within the Siilaanyo admin it is a reality,

from west to east Somalilanders are awaiting the quick disposal of this

sick man. One of the funniest thing most people noticed is ministers from his

community are never sacked or changed but others are Lol, maba qarsaanayo.

Good luck getting votes from his community only in the upcoming elections

he will be crushed badly via the poll and that is what he fears.

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Talaabo I have never supported Siilaanyo/Kulmiye even day one , so what values

changed? Do I hear the small cries of the followers of this sick man saying "

please whip Puntland instead of us" :D ? You remind me of Ibtisam who I made

cry when she tried to lie about my constituency claiming they support

Kulmiye and this was back in 2009/2010. Puntland is not a priority atm,

the aim for Somalilanders at large is to dispose of this incompetent loon

whether you like it or not.

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Che I told you every man is born from a community, meeshu maha Scandinavia.









Dadweynaha Reer Gabiley Dhalinyarada iyo Qeybaha Bulshada Oo Aad Uga Xumaadey Sida Foosha Xun Ee Loo Dilay Marxuum Sarkaal Maxamed Yuusuf-Cade -

(Hadhwanaagnews) Thursday, September 18, 2014 14:26:42



Gabiley(HWN)-Guud ahaanba Shacbiga Kunool Magaalada Gabiley,ayaa siweyn uga xumaadey dilka foosha xun ee lagu dilay Marxuum Sarkaal Maxamed Yuusuf Aw Rabaax (Maxamed Yuusufcade)oo kamid ahaa saraakiisha tababaran ee Dhinaca dalka Itoobiya kusoo qaatey koorsooyin waxbarasho ee Ciidamada Qaranka oo isaga iyo sarkaal kale lagu dilay xaley Tuulada Qoriligud Degmada Buuhoodle ee Xarunta Gobolkaasi.



Qeybo badan oo kamid ah Dhalinyarada Aqoonyahanka,Waxgaradka, iyo Duqeyda Gabiley oo lasoo Xidhiidhay shabakada Wararka Hadhwanaagnews ayaa, siweyn uga xumaaday dilka foosha xun ee loo gaystey saraakiishaasi Ciidanka Qaranka katirsan gaar, ahaana Marxuum Maxamed Yuusuf Aw Rabaax(Maxamed Yuusuf-Cade),waxaanay cambaarayn culus dusha ka saareen taliska Ciidanka ee faraha ka laabtey in ninkaasi gacan kudhiiglaha lasoo qabto waxaanay cambaareeyeen in Ciidamada qaranka lagu daro ciidan beeleed aan u carbisnayn anshaxa iyo shuruucda ciidanka.



Ibraahim Axmed Xasan Sangal oo kamid ah Waxgaradka Gobolka Gabiley ayaa si adag u cambaareeyay falkan lagu dilay Saraakiisha Ciidanka Qaranka waxaanu hoosta ka xariiqey Mr Sangal in habdhaqanka foosha xun ee Xukuumada Madaxweyne Siilaanyo masuuliyadeeda leedahay, in ciidamada Qaranka lagu daro ciidan beeleed aan tababarnayn oo dhibaato kasta u geysan kara Saraakiisha Ciidanka islamarkaana, ay masuul ka tahey dilka foosha xun ee lagu khaarajiyay Marxuum Maxamed Yuusuf Aw Rabaax,iyo sarkaalka kale ee lala diley arintaas ka tageysa raad xun islamarkaana, ay dadweynaha Reer Gabiley u hayn doonaan Xukuumada Madaxweyne Siilaanyo ee dhiirigalisa qabyaalada sida uu hadalkiisa u dhigay.



Ugu Dambeyntiina Ibraahim Axmed Xasan (Sangal),waxa uu tacsi u direy qoyskii,qaraanadii ehelkii iyo Guud ahaanba ciidamada qaranka iyo shacbiga Somaliland ee ay ka baxeen saraakiishaasi gacanta ka xaqa darani dishey iyagoo illaahay hor taagan oo tukanaya salaadii maqribka.




Dhalinyarada aqoonayahanka,waxgaradka iyo dadweynaha Reer Gabiley ayaa, tacsi taa lamid ah Marxuumka iyo sarkaalka lala dilay ee kale.



Marxuumka Maxamed Yuusuf Aw Rabaax(Maxamed Yuusuf-Cade),ayaa kamid ahaa saraakiishii soo dhameystey koorasyada Waxbarasho ee ay kusoo qaateen dalka Itoobiya, waxaanu ku barbaarey Magaalada Gabiley oo ku dhameystey Waxbarashadiisa heerarka kala duwan Dugsi hoose ilaa Dugsigiisii Sare.




Inaa lilaalhi wa inaa ileyhu raajicuun.




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People who have a disposition for extremism have the same disturbing characteristics. Their blind passion is easily triggered, their emotions easily manipulated by others, their values change by the day, their morals depend on their mood, their loyalty is transient, and their reasoning absurd. Ciidansuldan and Saalax personify this psychotic group. Not long ago the former used to insult the good people of Laascaanood day and night while the later used to wage a savage keyboard crusade against Puntland. Now their loyalties and their perceived enemies are completely different. Ciidansultan aka Abu Ciidan al Sultaan al Soomaali is now at peace with Laascaanood but has found the devil in the Arab Shia Muslims and Iran. As for Saalax, nothing will satisfy him except the nuclear bombing of East Burco and the lynching of president Siilaanyo.


Couldn't Have Said It Better.


To add one more line, we wait the day when Mooge & Malister change tag for different cyber killing fields.





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