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International Conference on developing Somali National Army in UK

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International Conference on developing Somali National Army in UK



Somali PM heads to London for upcoming conference on Somalia

A delegation led by Somali Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed on Monday left Somali capital Mogadishu to attend an upcoming conference to discuss ways to enhance the capacity of Somalia’s armed forces which is expected to kick off tomorrow in London.

The prime minister who briefed the media in Mogadishu before his departure expressed the importance of the conference for the capacity of Somalia’s armed forces saying he expects significant outcome from the meeting.


International donors will attend the meeting and the prime minister is expected to meet with delegates from international community and the Somali diaspora community in London.

The prime ministers returned from a recent visit to Baidoa town where he attended the opening ceremony of a reconciliation conference for south western communities which currently underway in the city.He is accompanied by senior government officials including ministers of defense and information.

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His Excellency the Prime Minister of Somalia, Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed, today opened an international meeting focussed on Support to the Somali National Army (SNA), at Lancaster House. A senior Somali delegation led by the Prime Minister and including the Minister of Defence, National Security Advisor, Chief of the National Army, Minister of Information and senior Somali military and security officers met with senior political and military representatives from the UK, UNSOM, AMISOM, EU, IGAD, Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Italy, UAE, Turkey and USA.



The meeting focussed on ensuring there is a Somali solution to a Somali problem with donor support to the SNA optimised to ensure Somalia has an adequate and professional security sector.


Opening the meeting the Prime Minister reminded representatives of the unique window of opportunity there is in the fight against Al-Shabaab: “ Today’s meeting comes at a time where we have real momentum, militarily and politically. Al-Shabab have been dealt some crushing blows, both through the force of the current joint operations with AMISOM and through the death of Godane. This presents a unique window of opportunity.


“To ensure we keep this hard-won momentum, you will hear today a realistic and pragmatic look at what support is needed now, focusing on the UN mandated 10,900 SNA troops. You will also hear a medium to longer-term vision for the SNA, and the institutions and security sector around it – we must prioritise, but it is vital that we do not lose sight of the wider support needed. Partial support is divisive and a source of instability in itself."


The Prime Minister also spoke of the need for continued political reconciliation, saying: “we are also mindful that political progress can only be made if there is real reconciliation amongst Somalis. Continued political settlement is essential. Not just for the long term peace and security but for the here and now. The integration of forces is one of our top priorities and we intend to deliver concrete outcomes over the next twelve months.”


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Wasiirka Warfaafinta oo Ammaanay doorka hoggaamineed ee UK

Published on September 18, 2014 by Mowliid · No Comments · 490 views




London, 18 September 2014 – Wasiirka Warfaafinta Mudane Mustafa Sheikh Ali Duhulow, ayaa maanta ammaanay doorka hoggaamineed ee UK ee Somalia iyadoo uu maanta London ka socdo Shirka Amniga oo ay UK iyo Somalia wada shir-guddoominayaan. Wafdi uu Hoggaaminayo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Somalia Mudane Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed ayaa ka qeybgalaya shirka London oo ay wehliyaan Wasiirka Gaashandhiga Mudane Mohamed Shiekh Hassan, Wasiirka Warfaafinta Mustafa Sheikh Ali Duhulow iyo mas’uuliyiin kale oo uu ka mid yahay Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed S/Guuto Dahir Adan Elmi (Indho Qarshe). Kulankan oo ka dhacaya xarunta Lancaster House ee London ayaa looga hadlayaa sidii loo taageeri lahaa Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed (XDS).




Wasiirka Warfaafinta ayaa yiri “Aad iyo aad baan ugu faraxsanahay inaan shirkan muhiimka u ah Somalia u nimaadno London oo looga hadlayo sidii dalka loogu soo dabaali lahaa amni iyo kala danbeyn. UK ayaa in muddo ahba aheyd saaxiibkeena qaaliga ah oo ay marwalba nala garab taagnaayeen taageero joogta ah, iyagoo door hoggaamineed qaatay. Shirarkii hore ee London loogu qabtay Somalia ayaa waxey isu keeneen caalamka oo ay diiradda u saareen arrimaha Somalia, tanoo ah mid ay Dowladda Federaalka iyo shacabka Soomaaliyeedba ay aad ugu faraxsanyihiin. Kulankan looga hadlayo arrimaha amniga Somalia ayaa imanaya waqti xasaasi ah oo ciidanka XDS iyagoo kaashanaya AMISOM ay ku guda jiraan howlgalka Badweynta Hindiya oo lagu baacsanayo kooxaha argagaxisada ah kuwaas oo guulo waaweyn laga soo hoyey, ayna ka mid tahay dilkii hoggaamiyahii Al-Shabaab Ahmed Godane.”


Wasiirka Warfaafinta oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa yiiri “Ujeedooyinka kulanka Amniga Somalia ee lagu qabanayo London maanta ayaa waxaa ka mid ah in la hubiyo in waddamada deeqaha siiya Somalia ay kordhiyaan taageeradooda ciidanka XDS si ay u hantaan soo celinta amniga Dalka. Dowladda Federaalka ayaa maanta shirka hor-dhigi doonto qorsheyaasheeda ku aadan sidii ciidanka XDS dib loogu dhisi lahaa, isla markaana ciidamada kala duwan loo mideyn lahaa, iyadoo la dhowrayo nidaamka cunaqabateynta hubka, iyo ilaalinta xaquuqul insaanka. Kulankan ayaa waxaa laga filayaa inay ka soo baxaan go’aano muhiim ah oo ay ka mid yihiin in la isku raaco qorshaha horumarinta ciidanka XDS tan iyo 2019ka, in deeq bixiyeyaasha ay caddeeyaan dadaalkooda taageerada ciidanka XDS, iyo in Somalia iyo UK ay ka wada shaqeeyaan sidii loo dabo gali lahaa ballanqaadyada la sameeyo. Waxaa kaloo ka fileynaa kulankan in wadamada deeq bixiyeyaasha ah ay goobta kulanka ka sheegaan deeqaha ay u qoondeeyeen ama u ballanqaadeen dhismaha iyo tayeynta ciidanka XDS.”


Wasiirka Warfaafinta ayaa ku soo gabogabeeyey hadalkiisa “Dowladda Federaalka ee Somalia waxey si hagar la’aan ah ugu mahadcelineysaa Dowladda UK oo uu hoggaamiyo David Cameron oo ah Ra’iisul Wasaaraha UK oo runtii muujiyey door hoggaamineed ee arrimaha Somalia, oo aan aheyn oo kaliya in shirar joogta ah Somalia loogu qabtay London, laakin ay teegeerada UK ka muuqato dalka gudihiisa, sida inay safaarad shaqeyneysa ka furteen Somalia (oo ah tii ugu horreysey ee waddamada Galbeedka), taageeradooda mashruuca Xasilinta Dalka, ka qeybqaadashada horumarka Xaquuqul Insaanka, taageeradooda ku aadan sidii loo soo afjari lahaa tacadiyada loo geysto dumarka, taageeradooda dhanka istraatejiyada warbaahinta, dib u habeynta garsoorka iyo arrimo kale oo fara badan. Ma hilmaami doono taageerada UK, waana naga go’tantahay inaan fursadan ka faa’iideysano si aan u soo celino amnigii iyo kala danbeyntii Somalia iyo inaan xaqiijino hamigeena ah inaan aragno Somalia oo ka xasiloon dhanka amniga, siyaasada iyo dhaqaalaha oo aan ka mid noqono waddan muhiiim u ah caalamka oo kaalintiisa ka soo dhalaala.”

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Congrats to the Somali Gov for securing funds and training for 5 to 10 years vision on developing Somali Arm Forces .







5 to 10 years Vision on building SNA are significant step towards sustainable Peace and stability in future Somalia .

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