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Puntland oil director Dholawaa dismisseed HAG dream for Puntland oil

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Ciise Dhoolawaa:Puntland waxay xaq u leedahay in ay la soo baxdo Khayraadka dhulkeeda kujira


Agaasimaha guud ee Macdanta iyo Batroolka Puntland Ciise Dhoola-waa oo Shir Jaraa’id Saxaafada ugu qabtay magaalada Bosaso ayaa sheegay in Dowlada Puntland ay Xaq u leedahay inay laso baxdo Shidaalka ku jira Dhulkeeda,ka dib markii Dowlada Federaalka ay digniin u jeedisay Shirkadaha Shidaalka Soomaaliya.


Ciise Dhoolawaa ayaa sheegay in Dastuurada Federaalka iyo Puntland ay cadaynayaan Awooda lahaansho ee Puntland ay kula soo bixi karto Shidaalkeeda,wuxuu Federaaalka ku tilmaamay inay ku jiraan Riyo.


‘’Dowladda Puntland iyo federaalka xiriirkooda oo marki horeba aan sidaa u wanaagsanayn waxa uu go’ay , waaana mid sharci darro ah in ay sheegtaan inay masuul ka yihiin arriha shidaalka Puntland, dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya waxaa loo ogol yahay afar qodob oo kala ah difaaca dalka, bixinta jinsiyadaha iyo socdaalka, sameynta lacagta iyo arrimaha dibadda wxii kale waxaa xaq u leh dowladda Puntland’’Ayuu yiri.


Agaasimaha guud ee Macdanta iyo Batroolka Puntland Ciise Dhoola-waa ayaa sheegay in Dowlada Federaalka ay kaso horjeedo in ay ku dhaqanto Dastuurka,ayna ka horjeedo heshiis dhexmara Puntland iyo Federaalka.


Todobaadkan ayay ahayd markii Wasaaradda Macdanta Soomaaliya ay sheegtay in Dowlada Federaalka oo kaliya ay gali karto heshiiska Shidaalka.

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niyoow good work to Mr. Dholawa for trashing HAG dreamers. these damjadidist thugs never stop dreaming about controlling other People's resources. wale ciyar bay ku jiran.


Director Dholawa and his daughter in Bari regions close to Galgala mountain area in 2010. He will do what it takes to protect Puntland.



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xabad, stop the HAGnimo niyoow. if you dont' stop it, I will call DrKenney who likes to destroy atheist propaganda ll the the time. lol


dholawa and Puntland leaders will not take HAG nacnac when it comes to Puntland resources. HAG can bark at a tree all day.

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xabad, stop the HAGnimo niyoow. if you dont' stop it, I will call DrKenney who likes to destroy atheist propaganda ll the the time. lol


dholawa and Puntland leaders will not take HAG nacnac when it comes to Puntland resources. HAG can bark at a tree all day.


Stop the calaacal, go for independence if things are so bad and leave the HAG alone. PL will still be bird poop without HAG bogeyman i assure you.


DrK is slightly deranged, that is why i have gone slow on debating, nin fiyow maba aha, he is wind up debate machine LOL.

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Stop the calaacal, go for independence if things are so bad and leave the HAG alone. PL will still be bird poop without HAG bogeyman i assure you.


DrK is slightly deranged, that is why i have gone slow on debating, nin fiyow maba aha, he is wind up debate machine LOL.



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Stop the calaacal, go for independence if things are so bad and leave the HAG alone. PL will still be bird poop without HAG bogeyman i assure you.


DrK is slightly deranged, that is why i have gone slow on debating, nin fiyow maba aha, he is wind up debate machine LOL.


lool. I thought you said you are not even SOMALI. gorma HAG noqotay niyow. niyoow why are all HAGs atheist niyoow?


Johhny B, allyourbase, xabad and two others I can't remember are all HAG. niyoow reerka diinta caruurta ma baran miyaa?

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lool. I thought you said you are not even SOMALI. gorma HAG noqotay niyow. niyoow why are all HAGs atheist niyoow?


Johhny B, allyourbase, xabad and two others I can't remember are all HAG. niyoow reerka diinta caruurta ma baran miyaa?


Mooge your slowly but surely going insane with this HAG calaacal, isku xishood and stop overusing the word ninyow. Nairobi ka waran sida kale ?

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LOL Mooge :D


Ninkaana somali ma ahan. Beentiisa ha aaminin. He already told us once on this forum.


I know several ajnaabis personally who have a working-knowledge of Somali. Some of them grew up amongst Somali friends and some of them are married to Somalis, so they picked up the language.


You'd be surprised at how many Ajnaabis can speak af-Somali, or at least understand it

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LOL Mooge


Ninkaana somali ma ahan. Beentiisa ha aaminin. He already told us once on this forum.


I know several ajnaabis personally who have a working-knowledge of Somali. Some of them grew up amongst Somali friends and some of them are married to Somalis, so they picked up the language.


You'd be surprised at how many Ajnaabis can speak af-Somali, or at least understand it


Believe it or not am from Mooge's clan :)

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