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Somaliland silent on the death of its ambassador to the South, Mr. Godane

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Hadal-heynta ugu badan goobaha lagu Qaxweeyo ee Magaalooyinka,Muqdisho,Garoowe,Kismaayo iyo Magaalooyinkan kale oo halkan aan magacyadoodda ku soo koobi-karin ayaa Hadal-heynta ugu badan,noqotay sababta Maamulka Somaliland ay farxad ugu muujin-waayeen dilkii Safiirkoodii u fadhiyay Koonfurta Soomaaliya Marxuum Axmed Godane?


Dhanka kale Soomaalidda Qurbaha ku dhaqan ayaa iyagana is-weydiinaya sababta Maamulka Somaliland ay war-murtiyeed farxadeed u soo saari-waayeen ku saabsan dilka Amiirkii Alshabaab ahaana Safiirkii Somaliland Koonfurta Soomaaliya u fadhiyay?.


Waxa xusid mudan Maamuladda Mataanaha ee Puntland iyo Jubbaland ayaa war-saxafaadeed ay ku taageerayeen dilkii Axmed Godane soo saaray?halka weli Somaliland aan wax hadal ah laga heynin?taasoo loo fasirtay inay ka murugeysan-yihiin dilkii Safiirkoodii Axmed-Godane?



Runta Kama-Xıshoono

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Runta Kama-Xıshoono





LOL @ runta kama Xishoono ( waa beenta kama Xishoono)


WOW what a lie, listen to warancade's(interior minister) interview with the afternoon BBC Somali news on 6th September.Everyone in Africa heard contrary to your bias.

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