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Somali Gov Troops advance shabelle dhex /Shabelle Hoose - Hiiraan free of alsha

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Ciidamada qalabka sida ee Soomaaliya oo la wareegay deegaanno hor leh oo ka tirsan labada Shabeelle iyo Hiiraan “SAWIRRO”

Published on August 31, 2014 by Mohamed White-ka · No Comments · 4,457 views

Ciidamada qalabka sida ee Soomaaliya oo kaashanaya kuwa Nabad Ilaalinta Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM ayaa gelinkii dambe ee maanta la wareegay gacan ku haynta Kilinka Shiinaha ee gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe iyo deegaanka Fiidow ee gobolka Hiiraan.


Abaanduulaha ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed Jeneraal Cabdirisaaq Khaliif Cilmi oo ku sugan deegaanka Fiidow, isla markaana u Waramay Radio Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in howlgalkii maanta ay ciidamadu kula wareegeen Kilinka Shiinaha iyo Deegaanka Fiidow uu yahay qorshaha dib la isugu furayo waddooyinka gobolada Hiiraan iyo Shabeelaha Dhexe.




Dhanka kale Abaanduulaha ayaa tilmaamay in ciidamadu ay sidoo kale la wareegeen degmada Kurtun-waareey ee gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose, halkaasi oo ay ka saareen maleeshiyada Al-Shabaab.




“Degmada Kurtun-Waareey ciidamadeena oo gacan ka helaya AMISOM ayaa ku sugan oo ka eryay maleeshiyada Al-Shabaab, runtii wax iska caabin ah ma aysan la kulmin ciidamadu, oo maleeshiyaadka halkaasi ku sugnaa lix gaari ayay wateen waxayna u carareen dhanka degmada Baraawe” ayuu yiri Jeneraal Khaliif Cilmi.


Abaanduulaha ciidamada Xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed ayaa tilmaamay in howlgallada ay yihiin kuwa lagu furayo waddooyinka ay haraadiga ku yihiin kooxaha xagjirka ah, waxaana uu intaa ku daray in meelaha ay la wareegeen la gaarsiin doono ciidamo boolis ah si ay u xaqiijiyaan amniga deegaannada cusub ee laga fara maroojiyay kooxaha argagixisada Al-Shabaab.


Jeneraal Cabdirisaaq Khaliif Cilmi ayaa uga mahadceliyay shacabka Soomaaliyeed sida ay u garabtaaganyihiin ciidamada qalabka sida ee Soomaaliya oo u taagan in ay dalka oo dhan ka xoreeyaan haraadiga Al-Shabaab.

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Somali gov troops advance on Jalalaqsi the only district controlled by Alshabaab in Hiiraan .




AU, Somali troops advance to Jalalaqsi in Hiiraan region

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Somali troops advancing - Photo HOL


Hiiraan Online

Monday, September 01, 2014


Mogadishu, Somalia (HOL) - Somali troops alongside AMISOM are on the brink of retaking the town of Jalalaqsi in Hiiraan region in central Somalia, army commander said.

General Mohamud Mohammed Hassan AKA " Qaafoow" said AU and Somali troops are in final push of retaking the town which is controlled by Islamist militant, Al-Shabaab.


General Qaafoow, the commander of the 12th April battalion of the Somali national army which is part of the operation " Indian ocean" told the VOA Somali service that AMISOM and Somali troops were on the brink of the town and its fall was imminent in the comming hours.


"Our troops and equipments are well-prepared and cannot be defeated, our soldiers are well trained and familiar with the environment ," he said.





Since the operation dubbed " Indian ocean" began , Al-Shabaab lost four towns and areas to AU and Somali troops.


According to general Qaafow, the Al-Shabaab fighters from the liberated areas fled towards the north but he didn't mention the name of the places they fled to.


The commander of the 12th April battalion, general Mohamuud Mohammed hassan also confirmed the operation which is now going on in the Shabelle regions will soon be expanded to other parts of the country where Al-Shabaab rules.


" all the liberated areas are in good condition now but we are asking the national government to bring food and water to the drought-hit civilians in these areas," general Qaafow appealed to the government


The general also added the government should bring special security police who will look after the peace and security of these recently liberated areas.


AMISOM and Somali government officials declared operation Indian ocean will wipe out Al-Shabaab from its last held areas and strongholds in south and central Somalia.


The first operation " eagle " earlier this year saw the militant lose many towns and strategic cities to AMISOM and the western-backed somali government forces.


Somali government has been struggling to contain an Islamic insurgency since 2006 and with the support of a 22000-strong African Union troops, the weak government made territorial gains from militants in recent years and mostly secured the capital, Mogadishu.

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C/Qaadir Siidii oo sheegay in Saacadaha soo aadan uu Shir Jaraa’id ku qaban doono Magaalada Baraawe





Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose ugu Magacaaban Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya C/Qaadir Maxamed Nuur (Siidii) ayaa sheegay in saacadaha soo aadan ay ku wajahan yihiin Magaalada Baraawe oo hada ah xarunta ugu weyn ee Al-Shabaab gacanta ku hayaan.


Mr-Siidii ayaa tilmaamay in Ciidamada Dowlada Soomaaliya iyo kuwa AMISOM ay u dhaqaaqeen Magaalada Xeebta leh ee Baraawe waxa uuna xusay in saacadaha soo aadan ay rajeenayaan in gacantooda soo gasho Magaaladaasi.


‘’ Howlgalka Badweynta Hindiya waa uu socdaa qorshaheena hada waxaa waaye in aan la wareegno Magaalada Baraawe, Saacadaha soo aadan hadii rabi idmo waxaan shir jaraa’id ku qaban doonaa Magaalada Baraawe’’ Ayuu yiri Gudoomiye Siidii.


Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Sh/Hoose ayaa shaaciyay in howlgalka AL-shabaab looga saarayo Gobolka Sh/Hoose uu soconayo ilaa ay ka gaaraan Xadka Gobolada Jubada Dhaxe iyo Sh/Hoose, waxa uuna tilmaamay in waqtiyada soo aadan AL-Shabaab ka sifeen doonaan Gobolkaasi.


Dhinaca Kale Gudoomiye Siidii ayaa beeniyay War kasoo baxay Al-Shabaab oo ku aadanaa in ay go’doomiyeen Magaalada Buulo Mareer ay gacanta hada ku hayaan Ciidamada Huwanta ah, waxa uuna intaa raaciyay in xaalka Buulo Mareer u hada caadi yahay wax go’doomin ahna aysan ka jirin.


Ciidamada Dowlada Soomaaliya iyo kuwa AMISOM ayaa gobolada Shabeelooyinka waxa ay ka bilaabeen Howlgal loogu magac daray Badweynta-Hindiya, waxa ayna Ciidamada is garabsanaya la wareegeen Deegaano dhoor ah oo horey gacanta ugu jiray Al-Shabaab.


Xafiiska Shabakada

Muqdisho Somalia


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Somali Air Force Cadets being trained by the Turkish Air Force in Turkey.

Somali Air Force Cadets going through their simulation training in Turkey exclusive pics the future looks good.










Mukhtar Abdullahi of the Somali Air Force gives speech at the Passing Out Parade at a Turkish Air Force academy


Somali Air Force Cadets going through their simulation training in Turkey


Turkey is also training Naval force




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