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Puntland ministers visit the new Saaxo district that joined Puntland.

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niyoow it is a great day.


Puntland is moving full speed with bringing governance and order to the heart of Galgaduud.


Puntland mnisters visited recently the new districts in the middle of Galgaduud that now joined Mudug region of Puntland after seperating from Galgaduud and the rest of HAGs. construction of schools, hospital, police station and other government building already started. the people that live there are mostly Siyad Barre/Gedo clan with some Eagle clan specially the Elk Hunter warriors which is one of the subclans of the main Eagle clan.


niyoow, things are moving very fast.












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saaxo has some Elk hunters niyoow. they live in the area but majority is Gedo people there.


it is a district that wants to join Puntland and the minister gurxan is from that district. it was always in the plan to bring saaxo and caabduwaaq into puntland and that is why Puntland added one minister from Gedo clan in the goverment way before Central state fake stuff was even dreamed.


this was a long term project niyoow.


Minister Bashir Abdirahman Haji Gurhan is from Saaxo district.


Wasiir-dawlaha Madaxtooyada Puntland u qaabilsan xiriirka gobollada Bashiir C/raxmaan Xaaji Gurxan.





this minister was named in January so there is no connection between Puntland expansion and the Central State nonsense.

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Elk hunters reach and live the area. they constantly have clan battles with the Gedo people in that area. it is well known that Elk Hunters reach the area and live in saaxo. but the district is majority gedo people niyoow.



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Islaamahaan baligga qoraxdiisa yaan lagu dilin kuwii puntland wax ka dhisay baa meel cidlaa loogasoo tagey.

Galguddud oo dhan baa lagu yiri midooba, muxuu balli aan biyo lahayn soo kordhinayaa?


Soo khatarteeda ma leh haddii cabdi qaybdiid ka xanaaqo arintaan ilaahay dhib naguma keenee?


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This is a great progress ninyow. Puntland should develop this region. The gedo clan is better off with Puntland and should never join the Central State :-D

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