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Nitinyahu Under Fire For GaZa Failure

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Israel's acceptance of an Egyptian ceasefire proposal may have temporarily ended the war with Hamas – but the move has sparked a row within Israel's security cabinet that now threatens the future of the country's coalition government.


Over half of Israel's cabinet members are said to have opposed the ceasefire deal which entered into effect on Tuesday evening, with many members furious that Mr Netanyahu opted not to bring it up to a vote.


Discussions over the ceasefire between Israel, Egypt and the Palestinians have been going over the weekend – but during this time, Mr Netanyahu is said to have kept his cabinet out of the loop, Israeli daily Haaretz reported.


Only once news of the ceasefire agreement had been reported by the Arab media were Israeli cabinet ministers briefed over the phone of the development, writes Haaretz's Diplomatic Correspondent Barak Ravid.


Naftali Bennett, the economy minister, formerly an adviser of Mr Netanyahu and now one of the prime minister's key critics, even sought to bring the ceasefire decision to a vote upon realising that many of the cabinet members were against the deal.


Ceasefire deal ends 50 days of bloodshed in Gaza 26 Aug 2014

Interactive: the 504 children killed in 50-day Gaza conflict 26 Aug 2014

However, Mr Netanyahu produced a legal opinion which stated that a vote was not necessary.


Mr Netanyahu has faced growing opposition from his cabinet over his handling of the war with Hamas during the 50-day campaign.


Avigdor Lieberman, the foreign minister, who had recently pulled out his party from an alliance with Mr Netanyahu's Likud, has ceaselessly called for a reoccupation of the Gaza strip and a crushing of Hamas, whilst criticising Mr Netanyahu for not acting with enough force.


Last month, Mr Netanyahu fired his deputy defence minister, Danny Danon, after he criticised a previous ceasefire acceptance by Mr Netanyahu. Mr Danon described it as a "humiliating" decision for Israel.

But since the latest ceasefire had gone into effect, even those close to the centre of the Israeli political spectrum have levelled criticism at Mr Netanyahu's decision.

Members of Yesh Atid, a centre-Right party which is a key member of Mr Netanyahu's coalition, issued a veiled threat to topple Mr Netanyahu's coalition by pulling out its support.


"The Yesh Atid party will re-examine its future in the government, based on the political decisions the prime minister makes. Even those who support an agreement, like us, will reconsider their future in the government", said MK Ofer Shelah.

Due to Israel's political system, its coalition governments are notoriously unstable and rarely last their full terms.


Mr Netanyahu was also lambasted from the Left, by the head of Israel's Meretz party.

"The ceasefire came too late and its conditions prove, finally, that Operation Protective Edge is a strategic failure for Netanyahu – who went to war without any goals. And ended it with a great achievement for Hamas at the expense of the residents of the south," said Zehava Galon, leader of Meretz.

"It is now clear that the suffering of the residents of the south in the last few weeks, as with all the hardships that the residents of Israel have endured, was forced on us by an irresponsible government without any thinking, without any long term planning, and without any results," she added.

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The fact that there are many Israeli Politicians who think that Netanyahu--the war criminal--didn't "punish" Gaza hard enough is really offensive. Are you kidding me? So bombarding Gaza for 50 days, causing the deaths of thousands of Gazans isn't enough for these Zionist criminals?


And then they wonder why Israel is seen as a pariah State!

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The objective of the Zionist mission in GaZa was to destroy Hamas... Hamas was still firing rockets into israel up to the last minute of the ceasefire....isrseli objective therefore have not been met and Hamas ain't going no where anytime soon. What shocks me is not these Zionist what shocks me the most is the greatest enemies of Hamas is Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries. These absolute filth bags are everywhere trying to stop any kind of islamic resistance. Egypt bombed tripoli libya before the Islamist took it. To support a secular general named khalifa heftar. Not to mention Saudi Arabia and it's call for the removal of the Muslim brotherhood and the islamic state group. Seriously....


Hamas achieved what no Arab country could achieve...making the Zionist state submit.

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Doctor Kennedy the Zionist are weak hahaha...all their American technology hasn't stopped Hamas rockets. Everyone is seeing this and we are taking notes trust me. I will read it.

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Do you see the way Israel reacted when they lost like 65 soldiers in battle? They couldn't handle it wallahi. Israel can't handle casualties.


Israel is a tiny country, smaller than Djibouti. It has a small population and they're surrounded on all sides by Muslim nations. They NEED the help of a foreign superpower to survive, and they know they can't stand on their own two feet. If just one Muslim country was serious about confronting Israel, then Israel wouldn't be behaving like this.

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Do you see the way Israel reacted when they lost like 65 soldiers in battle? They couldn't handle it wallahi. Israel can't handle casualties.


Israel is a tiny country, smaller than Djibouti. It has a small population and they're surrounded on all sides by Muslim nations. They NEED the help of a foreign superpower to survive, and they know they can't stand on their own two feet.
If just one Muslim country was serious about confronting Israel, then Israel wouldn't be behaving like this


Israel didn't start this war. Hamas started it by firing rockets into israel, which defended itself. so what are you trying to say ?

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Israel started everything for being there. I don't think you need an excuse to fire rockets on a people who are genetically Jewish who have kicked you out of your land and taken your homes and killed and displaced your people. Your a polythiest you wouldn't understand xabad.

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Kennedy the first problem is it wasn't Muslims nations fighting israel they were secular atheist Arabist countries that's why they were humiliated. Furthermore the rothschilds and the Zionist own and control the United States so they were able to supply weapons and intelligence and many things so it was never a fair fight to begin with but with every war Muslims learn more. The future Is asymmetrical warfare, drones, rockets, tunnels etc.


Israel should not exist. No people have the right to go to someone else's home under a false pretext and take another mans home. A so called Jewish kid from New York can go and live in a land with subsidies and housing while the Palestinian who was born their is not allow to return.

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Israel should not exist. No people have the right to go to someone else's home under a false pretext and take another mans home. A so called Jewish kid from New York can go and live in a land with subsidies and housing while the Palestinian who was born their is not allow to return.


What of jews who were expelled from arab lands ? They can't go back to their ancestral lands too.


Palestinians are the descendants of arab conquistadors of 7th century. arabs are greedy land grabbers they want kurdish lands, jewish lands, berber lands, assyrian lands, coptic lands et al. i support the rights of minorities in the middle east against the arab usurpers. let them go back to their arabia.


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Jews expelled from Arab lands. Unfortunately for me I have continued to give you regular history lessons.


What Arab lands were jews expelled from??


Jews have lived with Muslims in peace for over 1400 years. In Spain we lived together in peace for 800 years under muslim rule. They even refer to it as the golden age of saphardic Judaism. In Jerusalem the jewish Ribbis use to give the key of their sinagouges to muslim imams when they disagreed with one another. In the Pale of Settlement were jews were trapped in central and Eastern Europe no able to live they got out using Turkish passports. In Tunisia and in Algeria and in Egypt and in yemen and in Iraq and in Syria and in turkey jews lived peacefully under the Islamic chaliphate and paid jizya. They prefered living under Muslims.


Jews left these lands to go to Israel and most of them are ethnically not jewish they are biologically Berbera and Arabs who converted to Judaism before islam. They make up like 6-10% of Israel a small minority.


The Palestinians and the labonese and some Syrians and ancient Hebrews are descendents of the Phoenician people's who are descendents of the Canaanites. I other words anchient Hebrews, Palestinians and labonese all hail from the same stock. The Palestinians were the hill Canaanites and the Hebrews the lower ground Canaanites until the collapes of that civilisation.


Most Palestinian have Cohen blood which shows they were not only jewish previously but of the highest stock the descendents of haaruun or Aaron Moses brother.


Just because they speak Arabic doesn't mean they are Arabs. Arabic was a language of civilisation and empire and people learned it and Arabs came and lived there as well but like the typical Polythiest you are you don't much do you?

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90% of the people who call themselves jews today are not jews, they are not even middle eastern. They are decendents of a people who lived near what is today between southern Russia I.e Dagestan, ingushetia and Chechnya and the ukraine it was known as khazaria. They embraced Judaism because they wanted to be seperate from the Abbasid chaliphate and the Byzantines but wanted monotheism because of social problems they were having. No to islam and no to christenity so they choose Judaism. They were a military war like race who decendened from Turkic Mongolian stock mixed with slav.


The mongol invasion pushed them west and that's how they entered Europe.


Like I proved to you last time we spoke about this.


Xabad I invite you to islam before you die worshiping a statue people built with their own hands who can't help you on the day of judgement. Who can't even help themselves if you destroyed it.



Idiolatry is a crime xabad a crime against the creator who created you from sperm and made you flesh and gave you heart and sight and senses.

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