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Gov force are getting close to Barawe Alshabaab retreating ordering evacuation

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Forget alshabab for a minute because it was always under the islamic courts movement and kept in you remember the islamic courts union the best chance for peace somalia United the tribes, it established sharia, it promoted peace and maintained it ......Then what happened...Ethiopia invaded and used the weak government to destroy the country and maintain its interests...under the gize of terroism...even though the islamic courts Union never committed a single crime.






Do you remember how the people of mugdisho fought back against the Ethiopians...killing many and then forcing them to retreat ???







Alshabab can easily be defeated all you need is another islamic courts movement...






Or else when au leaves ether the criminals or alshabab will take it...for sure




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Yet you sing the praises of a semi handicap man, who smiles for no reason, who has no control over anything, who continues to steal millions, who has increased tribalism, who is using the same formula for failure as the last 15 so called governments.


The handicap man who smile is not so bad under his watch


We have seen on going reconstruction of the country


Free university - elementary - high school


Free and better health care


Stronger institution




Nothing but Good aside from Alshabaab attacks



Gudiga sare ee Jaamacadda ummadda ayaa maalinimadii shalay si rasmi ah ugu dhawaaqay furitaanka Jaamacaddii Ummadda Soomaaliyeed oo xitnayd dhowr iyo labaatankii sano ee lasoo dhaafay ee dalka Somalia ay ka jireen colaaduhu.


Kulan ka dhacy Madaxtooyadda Soomaaliya oo uu shir-gudoominayay Maxadaweynaha Somalia ahna gudoomiyaha gudiga sare ee Jamacadda Xasan Shiikh Maxamuud ayaa looga dooday qodobo ay ka mid yihiin Manhajka Jamacada, kuliyadaha lagu furayo, miisaaniyadda jaamcadda, iyo qodoba kale oo muhiim ah.


Wasiirka Wasaarada tcaliinta Sare ayaa sheegay inay tahay guul weyn oo Soomaaliya usoo hooyatay in dib loo furo Jaamacadii umadda Soomaaliyeed oo taariiq dheer dalka ku leh.


Wuxuu sheegay in Dadka Soomaaliyeed ay ka faa’iideysan doonaan baahida ay u qabaan waxbarasho, iyadoo waxbarashada jaamacada lagu bilaabayo ay noqon doonaan lix kulyadood, waxaana Saldhig u ah oo lagu baranayaa Af-ka Englishka.



Nothing but positive news sxb we are good with Smiling guy



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Believe your own hype and google images Saxib...unfortunately for you it won't last. This government has no solid foundation and will collapes like every other government before it. The African Union is on western pay to keep somalia from embracing its islamic destiny. Only islamic rule and sharia and peace building from the ground up using our culture and religion will work. Nothing else. The only people who ever brought peace to somalia were the Islamist. The only people who will ever bring peace again will be Islamist. Simple. Ethiopia, Uganda or Kenya don't care about you. It's in their interest to destroy you while they pimp out your children and get rich off your suffering.


While people like Malister continue with Waa walalehen hahahahah...... A gaal is never my brother and will never be my brother. They kill Somalis in Kenya and Ethiopia why would they help you.????


Acudubilah no hope for this one. When you have woken up to reality remember what I said to you .

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The only people who ever brought peace to somalia were the Islamist


Majority of the Gov are Islamist groups you Do Know that ICU which brought peace make majority of the security force and other Key Government position Today.



Somalia is Heading the Right direction



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