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Ethiopia's Oppression Of Muslims...

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Our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia... The Muslims. Face unimaginable cruelty and suffering at the hands of Christian Ethiopia with international support and no criticism at all....our brothers and sisters have no weapons to defend themselves. Our brothers need weapons to defend themselves.





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Christianity is shrinking in Ethiopia...look at these evangelists scared. Islam is growing fast and the people are embracing it in mass....Watch scared they are and the propaganda they use to stir up hate...



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Islam is growing in Ethiopia rapidly. Day by day, the number of Muslims are increasing.


Soon, by the Grace of God, Ethiopia will no longer be Somalia's adversary, and Ethiopia will soon be a Muslim nation with a Christian minority. Islam is growing in Africa and one day it will reach into Southern Africa.


Let's hope the African Muslims will use Islamic solutions to solve some of their most serious social problems, especially with the poverty, AIDS, lack of prosperity, etc.

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Let's hope the African Muslims will use Islamic solutions to solve some of their most serious social problems, especially with the poverty, AIDS, lack of prosperity, etc.


islam has not made any of its current adherents rich, in fact the poorest countries are muslim , niger, somalia, mali, burkina faso, are the worst off in all social and economic indicators in sub saharan africa and still regressing. christian states meanwhile are taking real strides.


what islamic solutions are you talking about ?


Narrated Abu Umama al-Bahili:

I saw some agricultural equipments and said: "I heard the Prophet saying: "There is no house in which these equipment enters except that Allah will cause humiliation to enter it." Bukhari


^ its a funny religion, agriculture is looked down upon but plunder is rewarded by entry to paradise.

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islam has not made any of its current adherents rich, in fact the poorest countries are muslim , niger, somalia, mali, burkina faso, are the worst off in all social and economic indicators in sub saharan africa and still regressing. christian states meanwhile are taking real strides.


what islamic solutions are you talking about ?


Somalia is in a civil war, therefore it doesn't count. And before the Civil War, we had a Marxist Regime governing the country for 21 years.


And all the rest of the countries you mentioned are secular regimes, often Authoritarian, and have not applied Islam when it comes to governance. Egypt for example, is "Muslim" in name only. But it's actually a secular country and it's been that way since AT LEAST the 1950's. This is obvious to anyone who can see with his own two eyes

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Somalia is in a civil war, therefore it doesn't count. And before the Civil War, we had a Marxist Regime governing the country for 21 years.


And all the rest of the countries you mentioned are secular regimes, often Authoritarian, and have not applied Islam when it comes to governance. Egypt for example, is "Muslim" in name only. But it's actually a secular country and it's been that way since AT LEAST the 1950's. This is obvious to anyone who can see with his own two eyes


Narrated Abu Umama al-Bahili:

I saw some agricultural equipments and said: “I heard the Prophet saying: “There is no house in which these equipment enters except that Allah will cause humiliation to enter it.” Bukhari


^ its a funny religion, agriculture is looked down upon but plunder is rewarded by entry to paradise.


islam has no work ethic, the jizya which muslims take from conquered peoples is the sustenance of islamic people so said the caliph umar.



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Somalia is in a civil war, therefore it doesn't count. And before the Civil War, we had a Marxist Regime governing the country for 21 years.


And all the rest of the countries you mentioned are secular regimes, often Authoritarian, and have not applied Islam when it comes to governance. Egypt for example, is "Muslim" in name only. But it's actually a secular country and it's been that way since AT LEAST the 1950's. This is obvious to anyone who can see with his own two eyes


you are on record lionizing erdogan's turkish economic miracle. do you think turkey applies islamic governance ??



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Xabad did hanuman get his banana last night...


The western world is not wealthy it's based on debt and control of institutions like the IMF and world bank. It's a fact that the western world lives off Chinese money. Muslim counties have very low debt. And there are wealthy Muslim nations, Malaysia, sultanate of Brunei, UAE etc all these countries are heavily involved in islamic finance and bonds. While the west it's all debt that will come crashing down eventually...





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What kills this polythiest is in the film I posted the evengalist said Muslim Ethiopians are becoming increasingly wealthy while Christians poorer. Xabad ask hanuman to help and give the Christians of Ethiopia some money.

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Gentlemen we Somalis must prepare ourselves for the future Muslim growth of East Africa. Our Muslim brothers in Ethiopia we must be welcoming towards them inshallah together, through business, politics and social interaction we will become stronger. Christian Ethiopia is dieing.



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<cite>@CidanSultan said:</cite>

Xabad did hanuman get his banana last night...


The western world is not wealthy it's based on debt and control of institutions like the IMF and world bank. It's a fact that the western world lives off Chinese money. Muslim counties have very low debt. And there are wealthy Muslim nations, Malaysia, sultanate of Brunei, UAE etc


The Muslim world is not wealthy either, the examples you cited are petro rentier states. they don't even extract their oil its done for them by the infidel west, the technical expertise is provided by the infidel west. still i thought you said you considered countries like UAE, KSA unislamic. what gives ?





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Turkey doesn't have oil and yet its one of the fastest growing economies, Malaysia no oil, Indonesia no oil, Qatar extracts it's own gas and petrol and refines it through Qatar petroleum, the same for UAE. Never said anything about saudi but even Saudi Arabia extracts 80% of its own oil as it has an 80% share in saudi aramco the largest oil company in the country. Polythiest you have no concept of your maker how could you ever understand anything else. You worship a monkey statue ....


Ask hanuman your monkey god

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LOL Xabad literally just made that argument up, and then completely referenced a hadith out of context! :D In Islam, there is an encouragement to do business, to manufacture, to trade and to produce. The evidences are too much, you can't even enumerate them. And the Jizyah tax is a small percentage tax, which was levied on only a small minority of Non-Muslims (the poor, elderly, monks, nuns, and women were exempt from this tax). The Jizyah would never be enough to sustain the Muslim State, and historically the Islamic Caliphate NEVER relied on the Jizyah as it's prime source of State Revenue. Xabad's blatantly lying here. And even through the personal life of the early Muslims, many of them were merchants or farmers, or tradesmen.


Xabad, you're a troll. Don't get into an argument with me about this because I'm too bored to get into this type of B.S. again.


And stop following me around this forum. You're never going to make your Mickey Mouse belief-system sound rational, with these ridiculous, half-baked arguments. So stop trying.

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