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Puntland leaders a Rushes to the holy city Of addis ababa to complain no sham

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Puntland leaders a Rushes to the holy city Of addis ababa to complain no sham


Aug 23, 2014 - 2 Jawaabood

Madaxwaynaha Dowaladda Puntland Dr.Cabdiwali Maxamed Cali Gaas iyo wefti balaaran oo uu hogaaminayey maalintii shalay ahayd gaareen magaalo madaxda Dalka Ethopia ee Addis-Ababa ayaa waxaa halkaasi si diiran ugu soo dhaweeyay madaxweynaha iyo weftigiisa masuuliyiin katirsan Dowladda Ethopia iyo Jaaliyada Puntland ee ku nool magaaldaasi.


Madaxweynaha ayaa safarkiisa waxaa ku weheliya wasiirka caafimaadka Dowladda Puntland Dr. Saadiq Eenow, Xildhibaan Siciid Lugood iyo saraakiil ka tirsan madaxtooyada Dowladda Puntaland.


Madaxweyne Dr. Cabdiweli ayaa waxaa uu kulamo gaar gaar ah la yeelan doonaa masuuliyiinta Dawlada Ethiopia, Midowga Yurub, Urur goboleedka IGAD iyo xubno ka tirsan Beesha Caalamka.


Madaxweynaha oo mudo saddex maalmood ah ku suganaan doona caasimada Dalka Ethiopia ee Addis-Ababa ayaa waxaa uu sidookale la kulmi doonaa Ha’yado caalami ah iyo Ururada Samafalka ee Saldhigoodu yahay Magaalada Addis-Ababa, kuwaasi oo uu kala hadli doono harumarinta arimaha bulshada iyo sidii wax loola qaban lahaa shacabka reer Puntland.


Sidoo kale Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa uu la kulmi doonaa, Jaaliyada Puntland iyo masuuliyiinta Jaaliyada Puntland ee dalkaasi Ethiopa, kuwaasi oo uu uga xogwarami doono xaaldu guud ee Puntland.




Xafiiska Warfaafinta, Wacyigelinta, Hidaha Iyo Dhaqanka Ee Madaxtooyada Puntland


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niyoow we know the galmudug and ximan xeeb project is ethiopian project through axmed cabdisalaan, the guriceel ambasaddor in addis ababa. axmed cabidsalan has achieved to tell ethiopia that the HAG are their genetic brothers and that they should support central state and that is why ethiopia pushed the idea niyoow but ethiopia knows that puntland will never accept such state formed under 1.5 states because it is not fair. . axmed cabdisalan was rewarded his hardwork with eithiopia and was given ambassador position by qoslaye.


Abdiweli is statesman and will meet with Ethiopian PM and other AU officials on development matters and they may talk about this central state if time permits, but it is not the main agenda. Abdiweli is working hard to develop puntland and his trip is to strenthen development projects and increase trade.

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