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Puntland is leading the way to merit based employment. Clan will get you nothing

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niyoow Puntland is leading the way towards merit based society. all low level, medium level and high level positions are merit. instead of positions being filled by corrupt agaasime's sub clan, the government of puntland has testing system that says "if you know, show us". Puntland under Abdiweli is moving away from clan based employment something that is everywhere in places like somaliland and mogadishu and moving towards merit based where education and personal ability get you the job not being relative with minister or director general.



Garowe(pp) Wasaradda deegaanka,daaqa,duurjoogta iyo dalxiiska dowladda Puntland ayaa dhowaan soo dhajisay lix agaasime waaxeed oo ka banaan wasaradda kuwaasoo maanta imtixaankooda lagu qaadayo xarunta dhexe ee wasaradda deegaanka.


1795699_949588115067595_1916012444936388940_nDad ka badan 30 qof oo iskugu jira Wiilal iyo Gabdho ayaa shaqooyinkan soo codsaday waxayna imtixaanka ay galayaan qaadaya Masuuliyiin ka socda wasaradda shaqada iyo shaqalaha,Hay’adda Shaqalaha Rayidka ah iyo Khuburo ka tirsan wasaradda deegaanka kuwaasoo sheegay inuu soconaya ilaa saacadaha soo socda.


Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaradda deegaanka dowladda Puntland Mudane Faarax Cali Cabdi oo saxafadda la hadlay ka hor intaan la qaadin imtixaankan ayaa sheegay inuu ku faraxsan yahay sida wanagsan ee ay ugu kalsoon yihiin in loo tartamo shaqooyinka ka banaanka wasaradda deegaanka wuxuna sheegay inay ku qanacsan yihiin natiijadda kasoo baxda Imtixaankan.


Masuulkan ayaa sheegay arrintan inay qayb ka tahay dib u habaynta shaqada iyo shaqalaha xarumaha dowladda si shacabka Puntland loogu addeego qaab wanagsan oo lagu wada qanacsan yahay.


Shaqooyinka ka banaan wasaradda deegaanka isla markasna imtixaanka maanta oo Khamiis ah loo galay ayaa kala ah,Agaasimayaasha,Mamulka lacagta,Qorshaynta,Shaqada iyo shaqalaha,Duurjoogta ,xiriirka Gobaladda iyo dalxiiska,Keymaha iyo deeqa iyo waliba Cilmi baarista iyo Kobcinta Aqoonta,dhamaan jagooyinkan ayaa ah kuwa u baahan dad aqoon iyo waayo aragnimo u leh.


Kulankan waxaa sidoo kale goob joog ahaa Agaasimaha guud ee wasaradda deegaanka Mudane Maxamed Cabdiqaadir Barre iyo saraakiil kale oo ka tirsan wasaradda deegaanka.


Docda kale wasiirka Deegaanka Puntland Guuleed Saalax Barre oo boggiisa Facebook qoraal kooban soo dhigay ayaa sheegay arrintan inay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin.


”Saaka waxa loo fariistay ALLE mahadiis imtixaan loo galayo 6 Jago oo Agaasime Waaxeed oo ay Wasaaraddu horay usoo xayaysiisay iyadoo qayb ka ah dib u habaynta Dowladdu ku wado shaqaalaha rayidka ah. 16 sano kadib waa inaann ka guurnaa qaabkii dhabar kataabashada iyo eexda una guurnaa caddaalad loo sameeyo dadka oo dhan fursadna lasiiyo dadka aqoonta iyo khibradda leh “qofka saxda ah booska saxda ah”.Guuleed ayaa yiri.

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Another positive step in the right direction!


Laying a strong bureaucratic foundation is of utmost importance.


Test everyone in the government to make sure the right person is doing the right job for the right reasons.

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This is amazing news wallahi.


Hopefully, those who work in Puntland can focus more on gaining actual skills instead of relying on their Uncle to find them a job. This will be better for everyone in Puntland

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Dr and Tilla, this is what the plan is. every agency governmental or non-governmental will have fair, open and transparent testing system for every job and the most qualified will get it.


compare that to the qoslaye HAG system in Mogadishu. Damjadiid HAG just stole 350 student scholarships from Sudan and Yemen. Walaaaahi if you think about it, dadkaan gaajo baas ba ku taagan. How do you steal 350 student scholarships and give it all to your clan from dhusamareb all the way to Mogadishu. nobody else. thuggery, thievery and dark art of robbery is all that HAG is good at. loool. how do you cheat an innocent mother who raised a great kid and gave a good basic education and deny her the education her child needs because you want to send your uneducated dumb geeljire from dhuusamareeb. looool. thankfully, Puntland is #1 in education and its citizens are mostly wealthy who can afford to send their kids abroad if things get cheated.




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Welldone Puntland. Nepotism is the second biggest evil institutionalised by Somalis after tribalism. It leads to civil strive and mistrust, waste of resources, and general backwardness in the societies in which it is practised.

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Dr and Tilla, this is what the plan is. every agency governmental or non-governmental will have fair, open and transparent testing system for every job and the most qualified will get it.


Words are easy to say but hard to express in action.

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