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Mogadishu on fire as security continue to disarm HAG heavyweights

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Ciidamada dowladda ayaa lasoo sheegayaa inay guriga Axmed Daaci kasoo saareen hub badan iyo Dharka Ciidamada oo ay haatan gacanta ku hayaan.


Degmada Madiina oo guud ahaan saaka ahayd mid xaalad cakiran ku jirta dagaalka awgiis ayaa haatan xasishay. Balse wali wadooyinkii degmadaasi galayay waa ay xiranyihiin, dadkuna wax dhaq-dhaqaaq ah ma samaynayaan.



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Cadale, I take back if this guy as you said is the guy I think I agree he was the last man standing against alharam when Sharif was ruling. what happened after?


whats going on? why not make a deal with him instead of attacking? update us


it is him yes. The unuka imam, ugaas and all the unuka mp brought daaci to villa somalia to mediate between the government and him. lets see how this ends.

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^Marka Soomaalida kale leedahay dadka Xamar degaa nabad iyo dawladnimo ma raban, qofkaan Cadale ka leeyahay oo kale ayaa tusaale u noqonaya. Who gives a fck what a warlord did in the past? This is a government move to disarm the whole of the city, no one with armaments should be spared. Period. Anyone that doesn't obey faces a ton of bricks on their head.


The government runs the city now. No more warlords hijacking the government agenda just cause they are armed.


Get that into your qabiil infested skull, and move forward. We can't forever be in this hell. We want a system of police, court etc. No one desires to sit behind mooryaan for safety.


War if they where sincere in the first place why not open a dialogue daaci waa nin macquul. Instead they started shelling civilians and later they got karbaashed amisom got two tanks completely destroyed we're dealing with a man who has a huge support base from his juffo and his juffo are the most armed clan in mogadishu. Not only his militia was fighting but dadka deegaanka as well.

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War if they where sincere in the first place why not open a dialogue daaci waa nin macquul. Instead they started shelling civilians and later they got karbaashed amisom got two tanks completely destroyed we’re dealing with a man who has a huge support base from his juffo and his juffo are the most armed clan in mogadishu. Not only his militia was fighting but dadka deegaanka as well.




Awoowe, macquul ama macquul la'aan ma soconeyso inaad awood garab taagan dawladda noqoto. Magaaladu labo naaquudo yeelan meyso. I believe he was probably spoken too, but I am guessing he thought my juffo will back me up and I will stand to the gov't.


Adeer, hadaad dooneyso xayawaanimada in laga baxo oo loo gudbo 'rule of law', waa in dadka ku jiro wixii laga soo tagey choice la siiyo, you either do away with activities of the past or you literally go down, them and their dagaal-doon oday.

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Qof intaas oo hub iyo kuwa kale qarsan magaalo madax dowlad la aqoonsanyahay ka taliso loo ogolaan karo inuu hubkaas ku heysto ma jirto. Ama hubka dhig ama xoog lagaaga dhigaa. Waa isku waardiyeyaa kulahaa. Waardiyenimo my back.


Mooryåånimo fiinaa wiito ma soconeyso. Shantii sano u dambeysay xoog ayuu ku heystay degmadaas Wadajir, dadka deegaankaas degana baad ku haaye, isbaarooyin mooryååntiisa u dhigan jireen ama canshuuro baad ah ugu qaadan jiray guryahooda. Waa mid kamid ah tuugadii ugu weynaa Xamar ka jiray sanadihii u dambeysay. Eey eey dhalay. Asaga iyo guddoomiyaashii hore degmooyinka kale isbiirsi tuugnimo ku dhisan ayee sameysteen bilooyin kahor, inay qalalaasaha Xamar ka jirto sii badiyaan, si jagooyinkooda loogu soo celiyo.


Daacigaan should also be charged with the murders of whoever died in today's raid. In taas loogu haro ma'aha. Fuleynimo ugu cararay meeshuu deganaa, xataa mooryååntiisa ka cararo. Ma'ogi waxee u difaacayaan nin saas ugu cararaayo aananba kala jecleen daryeelkooda.


Jidkee mareen Qanyare, Yalaxoow, Max'ed Dheere, Ilqeyrte, Bashiir Raage, Caydiid Yariisoow, Cismaan Caato iyo baandadooda kale waa in la marsiiyaa ninkaan iyo kuwa la mid ah damacsan Mooryåånimo 2.0. Kuwaas ka awood, maleeshiyo iyo dhaqaalo badnaa wey quusteen, maxaa u yaalo mooryåånkaan sanadihii u dambeeye soo baxay marka.

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The Al-shabaab threat will be eliminated or reduced in due course, but will not disappear totally from Somali inhabited regions. Many of us believe that there were a national security threat within the borders of Somalia caused by both neighboring countries and non state actors inside Somalia.


Even before the appearance of al-shabaab in Somalia 2007, there were assassinations and targeted killing of the Somali intelligentsia. High profile people many of them former high ranking members of the Somali military were murdered in Mogadishu. Many of them after performing their daily salah in local mosques. That thread and the targeted killings still continue. For the past 12 month, among those targeted were some of the most able outspoken and genuine Somalis who were inside the Parliament.


People who visit Mogadishu will tell you that there are many non state actors who are involved in these killings. Also the business activity of these non state actors are connected to arms dealings . People are getting rich because of the insecurity, while the larger public and the innocents are suffering. Among the players are :


1- There are hitmen in Mogadishu who could be rented with little money just like the mafia to assassinate people.

2- there are common criminals who could also used to kill, transport weapons, hide or spy on targets with few dollars.

3-Al-shabaab is the only non state actors who open about their business.

4- Tribally motivated killing to silence political rivals or property disputes. Most of these kind of killings are committed by the Warlords or militia connected to them.

5- Arm dealers. THese military industrial complex group are both in the security apparatus and business community. An AK47 or American M16 machine gun sells about $1000 dollars in the market. Criminals penly shoot soldiers to steal their guns and sell in the open market abut $700 dollars.

6-Privately controlled militia owned either by former warlords, politicians and businessmen. Directly or indirectly , they provide almost all the private security guards that protect the foreign NGO in Mogadishu and south central Somalia. For them a lasting peace is a constant threat of their survival.


THey claim that they are keeping these private militia and arms for their protection. That is bold faced lie. No Al-shabaab military cell will be storming the house of a warlord. They can have one or two security details. For the interest of the people Mogadishu who have suffered more than anyone else on the hands of these warlords, they deserve better. I can't imagine people some of them SOL residents condoning warlordism and clan militia in 2014. All those involved selling arms must be watched , arrested and their business closed. Movements of small arms should be restricted. If the voice of the warlords and their sympathizers grows larger, remember Mr President, that means you are doing something right.


Furthermore, I have nothing to say those who in their twisted minds or in sinister ways believe that the government is disarming those who are fighting Al-shabaab. That is a non starter debate. What we know is Terrorism , warlordism and violence comes from the inability of the state to control non state actors. Al-shabaab always takes advantage in anarchy. That is why it is hard for them to operate in Hargeisa. " ma jiraan cid ay ku soo dhex dhuumanayaan ama maremarsiiyo iyo ntuhun la leeyahay hebel oo mucaarad ah ayaa malaha ka dambeeya".


Targeting private militia is the best news since 2006, when the Islamic courts eliminated the threat of warlordism.


I would like to suggest to the government spokesman for the government in SOL Mr. Malister to set up a website and spread the word. So far it seems large segment of them are following warlords like Waagacusub and others who would like the insecurity to continue.

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said:</cite>No excuse. Reel hebel baa hub laga dhigayaa iyo waxaas. Kan isku sheegaya gudoomiyaha xisbiga nabada ee hadana difaacaya warlordhada, Mr. Célaahi sheekh Hassan is done as a politician.


Kan 'guddoomiyaha' ururkaas sheeganaayo, waa C/llaahi Sh. Xasan, Cumar Filish and this Daaci dude were all former mooryåån commanders under the Muuse Suudi Yalaxoow's former stronghold of Wadajir, the very same place now this Daaci dude want to continue to rule, as he did in the past five years, even xataa markii laga qaaday guddoomiyaha degmada.


So no wonder Cumar Filish and C/laahi Sh. Xasan, former comrade mooryåånimo in arms with Daaci, are siding with this very tuug. Yalaxoow might soon speak too, who knows.

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Very interesting post Galbeedi.


We need to think of a way to neutralize the private militias that still operate in Mogadishu. Disarming the people was the first and necessary step to achieving that.


Let's hope the Government takes further steps in being aggressive and neutralizing all of these "power interests" in Somalia. Including the corrupt Business Community. They need to be dealt with as well. The business community is a serious problem in Somalia

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MMA, that means if the threat of Al-shabaab goes down Yalaxow and company will speak again.


Dr. K, there more than 60 private warlords with militia. If XASAn Sheekh eliminates these groups within the next two years, that ould e a success to build on for the next President.


Hubka halaga dhigo

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As the saying goes, 'follow the money trail...'. This fellow and the guys like him were actually providing security services to foreign organisations and other groups, therefore, as Galbeedi said, profiteering from the lack of security.


The gov't must do away with this asap. Either introduce a unit within the Somali police equipped and competent enough to look after the safety of foreign groups or work on the establishment of legal and orderly security firms with legal firearms and disciplined and trained stuff.


Allow noo sahal nabad!




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If these efforts are genuine, the Government deserves our support. Mogadishu is center of the Somali Nation, a peaceful Xamar will tremendously help the revival of people and state.



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The government need to admit that, the warlords problem it is facing now is part of their short sightedness and leadership incompetence.


The reason why Alfa is spearheading this disarming mission is the fact that both police and the military are embedded with these warlords.


Remember the thousands of troops trained in Uganda and Djibouti. Big chunk of these men were militias earmarked for the training by these same men, and after the returning from their training, these men went back serving their masters, some providing security to the international NGOs, some manning checkpoints for their warlord, and others joining the clan warfare in Lower Shabelle.


The warlords battling the peace and the authority of this government are not the same old warlords that predated the ICU. Daaci & Co were part of the government and got their weapon cages - in the past five years - from Sharif & HSA governments.


Are there any guarantees that the men who are siding with the government today are not massing there weaponry cages to become future warlords, when they leave their government positions.


There has to be a system of checks and balances where nobody even HSA cannot abuse. Arms control is needed to be effective and strict.

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Wax badan baan soomaalida ka maqalnaa qaran iyo qabiil meel mawada galo

Madax weyne afrika jooga inuu dimuquraadiyadda % toban qaato waa loo ogol yahay


UN’ka miiska kore ma saarna waraaqahaasu, laakiin haddaad khaanadda soo jiido waad ka heli kartaa, dadkiisu weli ma ilbixin waxna ka garan maayaan sharcigga, kala dambaynta iyo dawlad nimada aan caburiska lahayn.


Idaacado iyo tv’aan shuruucda saxaafadda caalamka la socona waa la helay, boqol un u dhiib adiga iyo cameraman ‘ka waa laydiin kala dhex baxi, waxaad doonto sheeg ,ama sanka farta gasho.


tan kale,,

baqdin xoog leh yaa ka muuqatay markaad waraysiga dawladda dhagaysto ,ahmed daaci uma aanan socone meel agtiisaa yaan doonaynay inaan qoryo ka jajabsano war ileen tanoo kale!!


Ninkaanu xasan nasrallah waa ka hub badnaa wuxuu u ekaa, dawlad, dawlad ku dhex jirta

waxaa igu maqal ahaa c/yusuf si wax ugu dhismaan ina adeerkiis ayuu gawraca ka bilaabay qof walbana wadadiisuu qabsaday,qosol wax kuma dhismaan dibiga gawrac wayshu haku quus qaadatee

haddaad ina adeerkaa hubka u dayso berri walaalkaabu dili, taas waa hubaal

Qabiil qaran ma noqdo.


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Axmed Daaci oo lagu xiray Xarunta Ugu weyn Hay’ada Nabad Sugida ku leedahay Magaalada Muqdisho





Warar aan ka helnay Saraakiil katirsan Laamaha amaanka Dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa noo xaiijiyay in Gudoomiyihii hore ee Degmada Wadajir Axmed Xasan Cadaw(Axmed Daaci) lagu xiray Xarunta ugu weyna Hay’ada Nabad Sugida ku leedahay Muqdisho.


Axmed Daaci oo shalay isku soo dhiibay Dowlada Soomaaliya kadib markii looga adkaaday Dagaal Ciidamadiisa ay la galeen Ciidamada Nabad Sugida iyo kuwa AMISOM ayaa xalay lagu xiray Xarunta Hay’ada Nabad sugida.


Siyaasiyiin iyo waxgarad kasoo jeeda Beesha Mudulood ayaa Axmed Daaci ku qasbay in uu isdhiibo lana geeyo Xarunta Madaxtooyada , waxaana la sheegay in shalay saacado badan uu kusugnaa Madaxtooyada kadibna lagu amray Axmed Daaci in lagu xiro Xarunta Hay’ada Nabad Sugida.


Saraakiisha Ciidamada Nabad Sugida ayaa su’aalo waxa ay Xarunta ay Hay’adaasi ku leedahay Guriga Habar Qaiijo ku weediinayaan Axmed Daaci iyo xubno kale oo la socday oo lagu soo qabtay Howlgalkii shalay.


Lama saadaalin karo sida uu ku dambeyn doono Xaalka Axmed Daaci iyo Xubnaha lala xiray oo shalay Ciidamada AMISOM iyo kuwa Nabad Sugida kala hortagay dagaal dhiig badan ku daatay kadib markii weerar lagu qaaday Hoyga Axmed Daaci ka dagan yahay Degmada Wadajir.


Xafiiska Shabakada




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