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Mogadishu on fire as security continue to disarm HAG heavyweights

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Mogadishu on fire as security continue to disarm HAG heavyweights






War Deg Deg ah Dagaalka oo sii xoogeystay iyo Axmed Daaci oo ka hadlay Dagaalka lagu soo qaaday.





Warar dheeraad ah oo aan Dagaalka ka heleyno, ayaa sheegaya in Dagaalka uu aad u xoogeystay, islamarkaana ay Xaafada Madiino gaar ahaan Suuqa-weyn ay kusii qulqulayaan Ciidamo dheeri ah oo isugu jira AMISOM iyo Nabadsugida.


Dagaalka ay Ciidamada Nabadsugida iyo AMISOM ay qaaden ayaa waxaa qeyb ka ah Ciidamada Xildhibaan Cumar Finish, C/qaadir Cosoble, C/llahi Sheekh Xassan oo iyaguna ay saameysay Risaasta, islamarkaana qorshaha Dagaalka lagu qaaday ay qeyb ka ahaayeen.


Dadka Deegaanka oo aan la xiriirnay ayaa inoo xaqiijiyay in Dagaalka uu aad u weyn yahay islamarkaana ay Ciidamada AMISOM Hoobiyayaasha ku ridayaan goobaha shacabka, waxaana jiro Khasaaro nafeed kor usii dhaafaya 15.


Axmed Daaci oo ka hadlay Dagaalka lagu soo qaaday ayaa waxa uu sheegay in Dagaalka uu yahay mid Argagixiso, waxa uuna Tilmaamay inay iska cabin doonaan ilaa ay ka guuleystaan.


Axmed Daaci waxa uu sheegay in AMISOM ay weerarka qeyb ka tahay, waxa uuna cadeeyay inuusan gacmaha u laaban doonin weerarka lagu soo qaaday.


Dhanka kale, wararku waxa ay sheegayaa in inta badan uu axmed daaci helaayo gurmad kaga imaanaya dhanka Gudoomiyayaashii hore.


Lasoco wixii faah-faahin ah wararkeena dambe


Xafiiska Shabakada

Muqdisho - Somalia




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nabadsugidda got their arses kicked the entire wadajir neighbourhood locals are siding with cabdullahi sheikh hassan,omar finish and the legendary Daaci. Amisom interfered and got two tanks destroyed. The government shot itself in the foot. HAG will destroy the government hada kedib no mercy.

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These guys nothing but doubling dealing misery contractors keeping the whole country hostage, nothing to do with HAG. Amisom and IC got wiser to them.

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This mooryan Ahmed Daaci will get what he deserves inshaAllah.


The fact that he refused to disarm himself and as a result caused a major firefight in Mogadishu is enough of a reason to execute this mooryan.


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nabadsugidda got their arses kicked the entire wadajir neighbourhood locals are siding with cabdullahi sheikh hassan,omar finish and the legendary Daaci. Amisom interfered and got two tanks destroyed. The government shot itself in the foot. HAG will destroy the government hada kedib no mercy.


So you want HAG to "destroy" the Government, and as a result return Mogadishu back to year 1992?


Warya do you hear yourself when you speak?

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Howlgallada Ay Ciidamada Ammaanku Ka Wadaan Muqdisho Oo Lagu Qabtay Hub Gaaraya Ilaa 500 Oo Qori


Hawlgalladii maalmahaan dambe ay hey’adaha amaanku ka wadeen Magaalada Muqdiho ayaa la sheegay in lagu qabtay hub gaaraaya ilaa 500 oo qori, oo noocyo kala gedisan isugu jira.




Afhayeenka Wasaarada Amniga Qaranka ee Xukuumada Somaliya Maxamed Yuusuf Cismaan, ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in hawlgaladan lagu soo qab qabtay ilaa 500 oo ka kooban noocyada kala duwan ee hubka..


Maxamed Yuusuf Cismaan afhayeenka wasaaradda amniga qaranka ayaa intaa ku daray in Dowladdu ay ka feejigan tahay in kooxda Al Shabaab, ay u gacan galaan wax hub ah, isagoo hoosta ka xariiqay in howlgalladan hub ka dhigista ah ay taasi sabab u tahay.


Afhayeenka oo la hadlay wakaaladda Wararka ee AP, ayaa tilmaamay in ciidamada amaanku ay sii wadi doonaan, hub uruurinta ay ka wadaan Magaalada Muqdisho.


Golaha Wasiirada ee Xukuumada ayaa 7-dii bishaan ansixiyayn hindise sharciyadeedka hubka, waxayna taasi ka dambeysay markii uu madasho la yimid Wasiirka Wasaaradda Amniga Qaranka.


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Ahmed Daaci surrenders the campaign to disarm will not stop








War Deg Deg ah Axmed Daaci iyo Qaar kamid ah Ciidamadiisa oo isku dhiibay Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya





Warar lagu kalsoonaan karo oon helnay ayaa sheegaya in Gudoomiyihii hore ee Degmada Wadajir Axmed Xasan Cadaw (Axmed Daaci) oo saakay dagaal culus la galay Ciidamada Nabad Sugida Dowlada iyo kuwa AMISOM uu goordhaw is dhiibay.


Axmed Daaci ayaa la sheegay in uu isku dhiibay Dowlada Soomaaliya waxaana Axmed Daacid iyo Ciidamo uu wato ay si gaar ah isugu dhiibeen Ciidamo uu watay Xildhibaano katirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Xildhibaan C/Qaadir Macalin Nuur.



Wararka aan heleyno ayaa sheegaya in Axmed Daaci lagu galbiyay gaadiid dagaal oo aad u badan uu watay Xildhibaan C/Qaadir Macalin Nuur, Waxaana la sheegay in Gudoomiyihii hore Degmada Wadajir la geeyay Xarunta Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya halkaas oo xiligan lagu hayo.


Ma jiro wax war ah oo kasoo baxay Dowlada Soomaaliya oo ku aadan in gacanta Dowlada uu soo galay Axmed Daaci oo kamid ahaa Hogaamiyaasha aadka ugu hubeesan Magaalada Muqdisho saakayna ciidamada Nabad Sugida iyo AMISOM la galay dagaal dhiig badan ku daatay.


Waxii Warar ah ee amuurtan kusoo kordha kala soco Wararkayaga Dambe Insha Allah


Xafiiska Shabakada

Muqdisho Somalia




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So you want HAG to "destroy" the Government, and as a result return Mogadishu back to year 1992?


Warya do you hear yourself when you speak?


doctor, You may not know daaci personally but i do. Daaci is not a mooryaan he's a hero he defended his Wadajir district from Al shabaab without amisom and he defeated them dozen of times and im talking about 2009-2011 never ever did Al shabaab manage to capture his district. He lost his leg from a explosion and still he did his job protecting the people of the district. He takes care of more than 200 agoon kids all from his own pocket. it's unfortunate it's first time in 9 years there was fightings in the district and the sad thing it's government troops attacking its citizens. Amisom indiscrimintely shelled the the civilians. alot of movements going on the civilians are really angry xaalada wey kacsantahay the youth are coming from all the way from kaaraan to take part of the fightings. Daaci is currently outside wadajir and preparing for a offensive and he got a huge support from reer wadajir and kaaraan no kidding.

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doctor, You may not know daaci personally but i do. Daaci is not a mooryaan he's a hero he defended his Wadajir district from Al shabaab without amisom and he defeated them dozen of times and im talking about 2009-2011 never ever did Al shabaab manage to capture his district. He lost his leg from a explosion and still he did his job protecting the people of the district. He takes care of more than 200 agoon kids all from his own pocket. it's unfortunate it's first time in 9 years there was fightings in the district and the sad thing it's government troops attacking its citizens. Amisom indiscrimintely shelled the the civilians. alot of movements going on the civilians are really angry xaalada wey kacsantahay the youth are coming from all the way from kaaraan to take part of the fightings. Daaci is currently outside wadajir and preparing for a offensive and he got a huge support from reer wadajir and kaaraan no kidding.


Cadale, I take back if this guy as you said is the guy I think I agree he was the last man standing against alharam when Sharif was ruling. what happened after?


whats going on? why not make a deal with him instead of attacking? update us

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^Marka Soomaalida kale leedahay dadka Xamar degaa nabad iyo dawladnimo ma raban, qofkaan Cadale ka leeyahay oo kale ayaa tusaale u noqonaya. Who gives a fck what a warlord did in the past? This is a government move to disarm the whole of the city, no one with armaments should be spared. Period. Anyone that doesn't obey faces a ton of bricks on their head.


The government runs the city now. No more warlords hijacking the government agenda just cause they are armed.


Get that into your qabiil infested skull, and move forward. We can't forever be in this hell. We want a system of police, court etc. No one desires to sit behind mooryaan for safety.

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Ahmed Daaci is not different from the rest of armed man that are disarming he was told for hand all these Mans have been ask to disarm peacefully some complained ,


Moryaaans / Alshabaab With Gov uniforms are killing Mps and any Gov workers -even fighting each other for checkpoints and etc .



Let the Gov do it's job clean the city empower the police no one else should be Armed

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Mr. Malister, War wanaagsan baad sheegaysaa. They must be disarmed. Whether they are warlords, former strongmen or politicians. Anyone can use these illegal weapons for so many different reasons. Te threat against peace is not coming only from.Al-shabaab


No excuse. Reel hebel baa hub laga dhigayaa iyo waxaas. Kan isku sheegaya gudoomiyaha xisbiga nabada ee hadana difaacaya warlordhada, Mr. Célaahi sheekh Hassan is done as a politician.


Qaylada ha badato. keep cleaning the .

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ex Dharkeenley deputy commissioner also Heavily Armed has been arrested





Warar goordhaw kusoo dhacay Warqabadka Shabakada ayaa sheegaya in Ciidamada Nabad Sugida Dowlada Soomaaliya ay goordhaw weerareen Guri uu Degmada Wadajir ka dagnaa Sargaal horey uga tirsanaa Maamulka Degmada Dharkeenley.


Yuusuf Kabaale oo horey u ahaa Gudoomiye kuxigeenkii Degmada Dharkeenley kana mid ahaa dadka hubeesan ee ku dhaqan Madiina ayaa la sheegay in ay gurigiisa ku weerareen Ciidamo katirsan Hay’ada Nabad Sugida Qaranka.


Warar hordhac ah aan helanyo ayaa sheegaya in gacanta ku dhigeen Ciidamada Nabad Sugida Sargaalkan lagu magacaabo Yuusuf Kabaale oo caan ka ahaa Degmooyinka Dharkeenley iyo Wadajir Gobolka Banaadir.

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Awoowe, you either want a government in the country and that said gov't to run the affairs of the land from a to z.


You can't have a gangster/warlord amassing armaments parts of the city to literally have his own enclave in the capital of the country.


Reeraha Xamar ugu badani waa is ogyihiine, labadaa mid ha doortaan. Anyone of these so called warlords haday doonayaan iney affairs of the country wax ka run gareeyaan, let them go through the proper channels.



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