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Breaking News UN Security Council in Mogadishu

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Breaking News UN Security Council in Mogadishu








Golaha Amaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay oo booqasho taariikhi ah ku yimid Soomaaliya WAR-

Muqdisho, 13 Agosto 2014 – Xubnaha Golaha Amaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho maanta aroortii, iyagoo booqasho taariikhi ah ku yimid Soomaaliya si ay u eegaan horumarka ay gaartay Dowladda Federaalka oo kaalmo ka helaysa beesha caalamka iyo si ay u muujiyaan taageerada ay had iyo jeer u hayaan dadaalka uu dalku ugu jiro si uu u xaqiijiyo inuu nabad waarta helo.


Booqashada shan iyo tobanka xubnood ee Golaha waxaa hogaaminaya Wakiilka Joogtada ah ee Boqortooyada Midowday ee Ingiriiska (UK) u qaabilsan Qaramada Midoobay, Danjire Mark Lyall-Grant iyo Danjire Usman Sarki ee Nigeria. Inta ay booqashada ku joogeen dalka, xubnaha Golahu waxay la kulmeen Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, Raiisal Wasaare Cabdiweli Sheekh Axmed, xubno sarsare oo ka tirsan Dowladda iyo Baarlamaanka Federaalka, hogaamiyeyaasha Maamulka Jubba ee Kumeelgaarka ah iyo Galmudug, Axmed Islaan Madoobe iyo Cabdi Xassan Cawaale Qeybdiid. Waxaa sidoo kale ay wadahadal la yeesheen madaxda sare ee Xafiiska Hawlgalka Qaramada Midoobay ee Kaalmaynta Soomaaliya (UNSOM) iyo Hawlgalka Nabad-ilaalinta Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya (AMISOM) iyo xubno ka socday bulshada rayidka.


Booqashadu waxay imanaysaa waqti aad ugu muhim ugu ah Soomaaliya iyadoo dalku isu diyaarinaya marxaladda labaad ee hawlgalka militeri ee ka dhanka ah Al-Shabaab, waxna ka qabanaya xaaladda baniaadanimo ee sii xumaanaysa, horeyna u sii wadaya dib u habeyn siyaasadeed si la isugu afgarto nidaam maamul oo federaal ah.


Hadal uu ka jeediyay Garoonka Dayuuradaha ee Caalamagiga ee Muqdisho, Wakiilka Gaarka ah ee Boqortooyada Midowday ee Ingiriiska (UK), Danjire Mark Lyall-Grant, wuxuu yiri “Waxaan ku faraxsanahay inaan fursadan u helnay inaan Soomaaliya booqano. Booqashadeenu waxay hoosta ka xariiqaysaa sida ay beesha caalamku uga go’antahay inay taageerto horumarka ay Soomaaliya u qaadday si ay u gaarto nabad iyo xasillooni. Goluhu wuxuu soo dhoweynayaa heshiisyadii siyaasadeed ee dhowaan la gaaray si loo dhiso maamul goboleedyo ku meelgaar ah, oo ay ka midyihiin sameynta Maamulka Jubba ee Ku-Meelgaarka ah iyo heshiisyada laga gaaray Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed ee Ku-Meelgaarka ah iyo Gobollada Dhexe.


“Xubnaha Golaha waxay sidoo kale muujiyeen inay filayaan in Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay: si degdeg ah u sameyn doonto guddiga doorasha qaran ee madaxabanaan; horseed ka noqon doonto hanaan wax dib u eegid loogu sameynayo dastuurka farina loogu qaadayo dhammaadka sannadka 2015; soona abaabusha doorasho dhacda sannadka 2016. Xubnaha Golaha Amaanka waxay diyaar u yihiin inay taageeraan dadka iyo dowladda Soomaaliya si aragtidan looga dhabeeyo. Xubnaha Goalaha Amaanka waxau sidoo kale hoosta ka xarriiqeen muhimadda ah leedahay in haweenku ay wakiillo ku yeeshaan dhammaan heerarka hanaanka siyaasadda ee Soomaaliya.” ayuu raaciyay Danjire Lyall-Grant.


Wefdiga Golaha Amaanka wuxuu ka koobanyahay wakiillada Argentina, Australia, Chad, Chile, Shiinaha, Faransiiska, Urdun, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Nigeria, Jamhiiriyadda Kuuriya, Isutagga Federaalka Ruushka, Rwanda, Boqortooyada Midowday ee Ingiriiska (UK) iy Maraykanka (USA).


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UN Security Council makes historic visit to Somalia

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United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM)







Mogadishu, 13 August 2014 – Members of the United Nations Security Council arrived in Mogadishu this morning on a landmark visit to Somalia to review progress made by the Federal Government with assistance from the international community, and to demonstrate their continued support for the country’s efforts to ensure a sustainable peace.


The visit by the fifteen-member body is led by the UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Mark Lyall-Grant, and Ambassador Usman Sarki of Nigeria. During the visit the Council members met with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed, senior members of the Government and the Federal Parliament, and the leaders of the Interim Jubba Administration and Galmudug, Ahmed Islaan Madobe and Abdi Hassan Awale Qeybdid. They also held discussions with the senior leadership of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and members of Somalia’s civil society.


The visit comes at an important time for Somalia as the country prepares to launch the next phase of military operations against Al-Shabaab, addresses a worsening humanitarian situation and pushes forward with political reforms to agree a federal system of governance.


Speaking at Mogadishu International Airport, the UK’s Permanent Representative, Ambassador Mark Lyall-Grant said, “We are pleased to have this opportunity to visit Somalia. Our visit underlines the commitment of the international community to Somalia’s progress toward peace and stability. The Council welcomes recent political agreements to form interim regional administrations, including the establishment of the Interim Jubba Administration and agreements on the Interim South West State Administration and on the Central Regions.


“Members of the Council also expressed their expectation that the Federal Government of Somalia will urgently establish a national independent electoral commission, lead a process to revise the constitution and hold a referendum on it by the end of 2015, and hold elections in 2016. The members of the Security Council stand ready to support the people and government of Somalia to deliver this vision. The members of the Security Council also underlined the importance of women being represented at all levels of the political process in Somalia.” Ambassador Lyall-Grant added.


The UN Security Council delegation includes representatives from Argentina, Australia, Chad, Chile, China, France, Jordan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Nigeria, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Rwanda, UK and USA.

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Speaking at Mogadishu International Airport, the UK’s Permanent Representative, Ambassador Mark Lyall-Grant said, “We are pleased to have this opportunity to visit Somalia. Our visit underlines the commitment of the international community to Somalia’s progress toward peace and stability. The Council welcomes recent political agreements to form interim regional administrations, including the establishment of the Interim Jubba Administration and agreements on the Interim South West State Administration and on the Central Regions.







The visit comes at an important time for Somalia as the country prepares to launch the next phase of military operations against Al-Shabaab, addresses a worsening humanitarian situation and pushes forward with political reforms to agree a federal system of governance.








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The world should not give up on Somalia. Instead, they should bolster and help this struggling government because failure of this government will have far more dangerous consequences for everyone including the West. Insh Alah things will get even better.

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