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The disarmament of Mogadishu in full speed Gov has passed harsh weapon sentence

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The disarmament of Mogadishu in full speed Gov has passed harsh weapon sentence



Hay’adaha amniga dalka oo soo bandhigay hub fara badan

Published on August 8, 2014 by Mohamed White-ka · No Comments · 667 views

Hey’adaha Amaanka dalka ayaa soo bandhigay hub ay ku soo qabteen howlgallo laga sameeyay xaafado ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho, iyada oo horjoogayaal ka mid ah kooxda Al-Shabaab ay howlgalkaasi ku geeriyoodeen kaddib markii ay ka dhega adeegeen in ay ciidamada isu dhiibaan.


Hubkan ay maanta hay’adaha amniga u soo bandhigeen saxaafadda ayaa waxa ay ahaayeen kuwa laga soo uruuriyay xaafadaha magaalada Muqdisho kaddib howlgallo ay ciidamadu xaafadahaasi ka sameeyeen.


Ciidamada amniga ayaa sidoo kale waxa ay howlgallo xalay ka sameeyeen xaafadda Suuqa Xoolaha ee dhanka degmada Yaaqshiid, halkaasi oo ay ku dileen labo ka tirsan Al-Shabaab oo isku dayay inay baxsadaan kaddib markii ay ka dhago adeegaan amarada ciidamada oo ay isku dhiibaan.


Afhayeenka Wasaaradda Amniga Qaranka Maxamed Yuusuf Cismaan ayaa sheegay in hubka ay hay’adaha amniga soo bandhigeen uu yahay mid ay ciidamadu ka soo uruuriyeen xaafado ka mid ah degmooyinka gobolka Benaadir, ayna sii wadayaan howlgallada nuucaani oo kale ah.


“Howlgalladii ugu dambeeyay ayaa lagu soo qabtay guud ahaan degmooyinka Gobolka Benaadir ayaa laga kala keenay hubkaan, waxaa ku jira rasaasta hoobiyeyaha ee loo yaqaan nuuca 60-Ml, xaafadda suuqa xoolaha waxaa lagu dilay labo ka tirsan Al-Shabaab oo ka dhago adeegay in ay isu dhiibaan ciidamada dowladda”ayuu yiri Afhayeenka Wasaaradda Amniga.

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Last week the The Gov raided Arms dealer huge stockpile of all type of weapons and Army uniforms were confiscated and suspect arrested .
















The week before the Gov targeted garage belonging to cusman Cato


Police confiscated stockpile do all type of weapons









Great job by the security city must be disarmed well done



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Is the Government serious about this or would it back down when they come against powerful interests?


The Gov is serious arm dealing business are done, these raids are in connection with offense against Alshabaab that's due to start in days .


Security in Mogadishu will improve the effort has doubled on security force side plus the Gov forces are due to attack Alshabaab bases . People in Mogadishu are cooperating with Gov security force the hate for Alshabaab has increased by 100 % . Dozen of Alshabaab have been executed within month in Mogadishu Parents have been warned to turned their kids in so to safe them from fire squad.


Hooyo kasoo saartay wiilkeeda Al-Shabaab oo Lasoo Bandhigay, “Waxaan Arkay dad la dilayo Iyo Sir culus (




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