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Three Things

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A serviceman was shot down in the desert and

captured by the enemy. They took him to the local

shah who said 'I will set you free if you can

accomplish three things.


See those three tents? There is a sumo wrestler

in the first tent. If you can defeat him, you

can go on to the second tent. In the second tent,

there is an elephant with an impacted wisdom

tooth. Solve his problem and you can go on to the

third tent. In the third tent, there is a

nymphomaniac. If you can satisfy her, then I

will set you free.'


The serviceman went into the first tent with the

sumo wrestler. There were a lot of grunts and

yelling. The tent was flapping in and out.

Finally, the serviceman emerged, totally beaten

up, dirty and bloody, but victorious.


He was taken to the second tent with the elephant

inside. Again, there were grunts and squeals and

screams, with the tent sides flapping in and out.

Finally, the serviceman emerged, even dirtier and

bloodier, but victorious.


'Okay, now where's that lady with the impacted

tooth?' he said.

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