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HAG damjadiidist gun down another MP in Mogadishu. This time Bay and Bakook MP.

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HAG criminals clan militia using the cover of alshabab killed another critic of the government. this time the MP is from Bay and Bakool. it is never a HAG person like xaad, ahmed dirie, indhocade, muungaab or HAG MPs living and dealing in mogadishu. it is always other people that get killed and the killers "run away".




Breaking News ( Faahfaahin ) : Xildhibaan Adan Madeer oo lagu Dilay Xamar

Wararka ka soo baxaya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in Xildhibaan Adan Madeer oo ka tarisanaa Barlamaanka Federalka ee Soomaliya goor dhaweyd lagu dilay degmada Xamarweyne.

Xildhibaanka ayaa ahaa Gudoomiyihii Gudiga Maaliyada ee Barlamaaka Soomalida, sidoo kale marxuumka ayaa xilal wasiirnimo iyo wasiiro dawle ka soo qabtay xukumadahii ku meel gaarka ahaa ee kala dambeeyey.


Xidhibaanka ayaa sannadkii hore 24.july.2013 ka badbaaday qarax loogu xiray gaarigiisaa, xiligaas oo isaga iyo xaaskiisu ay ku sugnaayeen degaanka suuqa xoolaha ee magaalada Muqdisho


Xildhibaanka ayaa ka soo jeeday beelaha Digil iyo mirifle

Waa dilkii 3aad ee mudo bil gudaheeda loo geysto xildhibaanada Federalka Somalia ee ku xareysan magaalada Muqdisho

Waxii war ee ku soo kordha dilka xildhibaanka kala soco Puntlandi



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