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It is over. After Saado was killed, and now the name "MUDUG" is misused.

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Abdiweli thought that qoslaye should be given a chance and that if Faroole was the guy who cut Mogaidshu off we should re-evaluate. now abdiweli has realized qoslaye is a waste of a person. we kept telling abdiwli that qoslaye is not the person to be trusted or to be dealt with anyway.


qoslaye cheated and misled the international community by using the term "Mudug" which is Puntland state. if he wanted to use the districts of hobyo and xaradheere, he should have said so but when you use the term Mudug, you are implying an existing state.


abdiweli is civilized and a good person who thought wrong. he was willing to give these guys a chance, but they have completed failed.

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Sawirro+Dhageyso) Dowladda Puntland oo ku amartay xubnaha uga jira dowladda federalka inay si deg deg ku yimaadaan Puntland.


(Pi Garowe) Dowladda Puntland ayaa ugu yeertay xubnaha kasoo jeeda deegaanadeeda ee uga jira dowladda federalka Soomaaliya inay muddo 15 cisho ah ku yimaadaan gudaha Puntland si ay wadatshi ula sameyso.

Go’aankaan ayaa ka dambeeyay shir deg deg ah oo galabtay galinkii dambe xarunta madaxtooyada ay ku yeesheen golaha wasiirada ee dowladda Puntland oo uu shir gudoominayay madaxweyne Gaas.

War-saxafaadeed kasoo baxay shirkaan oo uu saxaafada u aqriyay madaxweynaha ayaa wuxuu sheegay in dowladda Puntland ay gabi ahaanba xiriirkii ujartay dowladda federalka Soomaaliya.

Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay inay kasoo horjeedaan hishiiska maamulka u sameynta gobolada Mudug iyo Galgaduud oo uu ku sifeeyay inuu kasoo horjeedo dastuurka kmg ah ee Soomaaliya islamarkaana uu yahay xad gudub lagu sameynayo dhul kamid ah Puntland. Wuxuuna ku eedeeyay madaxda dowladda federalka Soomaaliya inay horseed ka noqdaan hishiis ka hor imaanaya dastuurka dalka.

Wuxuu sidoo kale madaxweynuhu ugu yeeray Caasho Geelle Diiriye oo ah gudoomiyaha gudiga madaxa banaan ee dib u eegista dastuurka inay timaada Puntland.

Ugu dambayn dowladda Puntland ayaa sheegtay inay ka xun tahay in beesha caalamku goob joog ka ahaadaan qorshihii Muqdisho shalay lagu gaaray, waxayna sheegtay wixii ka yimaada oo dhibaato ah inay dusha saarandoonto xukuumada Soomaaliya.

Maalintii shalay ayay ahayd markii madaxda dowladda federalku soo bandhigeen hishiis ay ku tilmaameen in maamul heer federal ah loogu dhisayo gobolada Mudug iyo Galgaduud

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Dawlada Puntland waxay go’aan ku gaartay Qodobada soo socda:


1-Dawada Puntland waxay ka soo hor jeedaa heshiiska maamul usamaynta Gobolada dhexe kaa soo khilaafsan dastuurka dawlada federaalka

2-Waxay dawlada puntland aad uga xuntahay ka qaybgalka Xunbnaha Beesha caalamka iyo in ay marhkaarti ka noqoto heshiis khilaafsan dastuurka Dawlada federaalka

3-Waxay dawlada Puntland nasiibdaro u aragtaa in madaxdiisare ee dowlada federaalka ay horsed ka noqdaan heshiis ka hor imaanaya Dastuurka dawlada federaalka ah iskana horkenaya Bulshada somaliyeed

4-Dawlada Puntland waxay wada tashi ugu yeeraysaa Xubnaha kaga jira Goloyaasha dawlada dhexa ee ka soo jeeda deeganada Dawlada Puntland muddo 15 casho gudahood, ugu dambeyn 15 August 2014.

5-Dawlada Puntland waxay dib ugu yeeraysaa xubintii uga wakiilka aheyd Gudiga dib u eegista Dastuurka Marwo Caasha Geele Diriye

6-Dawlada Puntland waxay go aan ku gaartay inay gabi ahaanba joojiso wixii xiriir iyo wada shaqayn ah ee ay la lehayd dawlada dhexe ee federaalka


7-Dawlada Puntland waxay cadaynaysaa wax ala wixii dhib ah ee ka yimaada heshiiskaas aan sharciga ahayn ee mamul u samaynta Gobolada dhexe ee lagu sheeganayey qayba ka mid ah Deegaanada Puntland ay mas uul ka tahay dawlada federaalka ah

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abdiweli RECALLS ALL Puntland MPs from Mogadishu. We talked to Adiweli to get this done after Saado was done, but great he now did it.


lead the way Mr. President. Lead the way. thank you for listening to people's demands.



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Puntland way tashatay. It is over. Abdiweli gave qoslaye benefit of the doubt, but he misused the good will just like a useless HAG would do.



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Casha Geele is recalled too. she was supposed to be part of the constitutional committee. it is over. abdiweli doesn't care about the constitution anymore.



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