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Garaad Jaamac Eid hate speech

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What a mooryaan!!! The God fearing Dhulos should stand up to this warlord and demand an end to his hate and fitnah. The tribes of Somaliland, especially his tribe and the eastern Duriyad are one and the same people- married to one another, son and his mother, uncle and his nephew, grandparents and their grandchildren, brothers and sisters from the same mother, neighbours and friends, etc.

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Dagaalku marna waa xaq marna waa xaq daro,garaadka reerkiisu haduu burco ku duulo waa xaq daro hadii reer kale sool kusoo duulana waa xaq daro.


Sida la sheegay mujaahidka dhabtaa waa kan diintiisa naftiisa xilihiisa dantiisa iyo taladiisa u madax banaan.


Jufo yar xuduud dawladeed ma yeelan karto isbitaal dawladeed oo dhaawac qaabili karaana kuma yaalo waana tan keentay in luuqadda snm la garan waayo 25 sano.


garaad dhaqameed waxaa lagu yaqaan inuu umaddiisa u kala digo,intaan dhib imaan.


Waxaan talo ugusoo jeedin lahaa anigoo ah miskiin gooni guure.

Dhowr iyo tobanka garaad, taladu mar way qaloocataa marna way xumaataa

Haday qaloocato waa la toosiyaa,haday xumaatana waa la saxaa, mar walba fursaddu waa jirtaa.


kala taggu wuxuu keenaa in cidkastaa kuu dawladayso, oo warqadaad ku shiri lahaydeen hargaysa laga keeno SSC waa buundada ama albaabka laga galo midnimadda soomaaliyeed waa in loo gaajoodaa,madaxana ciidda loo diidaa.






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loool. the garaad is chased by somaliland militia niyoow so he had to say those things. he is not the most eloquent speaker by any means but he is rallying troops niyoow to stop somaliland aggression against his people. the garaad insulted puntland few days ago and he doesn't care about anyone but his group but i support him to stand up to somaliland niyoow. he can insult puntland all he wants but as long as he fights against siilanyo, it is fair.



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Ninyahow nin adag baad tahay markaan dagaalamo adigu arinta deji safiiradii puntland u fadhiyay sool ma idigaa kasoo haray?


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However unfortunate it maybe for this young Garaad to so openly carry his heart on his sleeve--I wouldn't call it hate speech for a man to call a spade a spade. Everything that he said about the habar sub clan in Burco is true, so save us the unnecessary outrage saaxiibyaal.

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There is no hate or threat in his speech, pure Somali they call warning

Hal wiil inuu bilaash ku dhinto waa khasaare xuduudkii qarankaa sool kusoo dhamaaday kaa saari mayso hadhow.


Arinta la yaabka leh waxay tahay haddi dhulkii lakala googoostay qaybtii aad ka dagtay ama aqoonsi u raadso ama Ethiopia ka iibso waa casaabad xeeladeed waa la garan karaa, balse darwiishkiibaa nala socda waa arin guracan.


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