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Puntland elder and MP Said Diriye asks all Puntland MPs to leave Mogadishu

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Three MPs from Puntland were killed in Mogadishu. It is time to leave Mogadisho.











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They should most definitely leave the city for good, until the city can reasonably protect politicians, businessmen and others.


Mogadishu is a city where gunmen could brazenly kill a Politician and walk away as if nothing happened. And nobody gets arrested. The Police in that city are unbelievably incompetent at their jobs.


And I don't think it's gonna get better for a long time

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Doctor, all these MPs killed were the most intelligent and principled MPs in this shameful socalled parliament. they are picking the top talented and most beloved and are killing them. why don't they kill criminal occupiers like Xaad, Axmed diriye, general indhocade?


niyoow it is time to leave. we lost too much blood in mogadishu.

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Mooge, one thing though: The Puntland Government basically cut off relations with the Federal Government in Mogadishu. Once the Puntland MP's leave Mogadishu as well, that'll effectively seal off all contact between Mogadishu and Garowe.


Would that be good for Somalis long-term?


It'll be similar to the relationship that exists between the Government in Hargeisa and the Government in Mogadishu.

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Doctorkenny, sadly niyoow i am here to report that Abdiweli of Puntland is not the leader to expect to do that. the people of puntland have to do that and organize any exodus. that is why people like Said Diriye are speaking out with Faroole's picture in the background. Abdiweli is too much of a hostage to mogadishu at the moment and doesn't want to be seen as causing trouble. that is the sad reality niyoow.




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So basically Abdiweli should adopt the aggressive in-your-face behavior which Faroole was famous for? If that's the case, then I don't think it would happen, as you said. But the Puntlanders should leave Mogadishu en masse and start to look towards Bosaso and Garowe for investment. They have a big enough population and enough businessmen of their own to make it worthwhile.


Stop relying on Mogadishu for anything. There's not a single thing they can provide for you, not even security. Too much time will be wasted when the Puntlander Youth need development, they need jobs, they need economic growth. So be self-reliant and only deal with Mogadishu on an equal basis in the future.


InshaAllah in the future, when the time is right, Puntland and Banaadir can come together on an equal-terms basis, and form a loose Confederation similar to the United Arab Emirates.

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Wafdigii Puntland ee Muqdisho oo sheegay inay DF ka filayaan natiijiyo jawaab cad dilkii Saado, una duulay Garoowe(SAWIRO)





Jul 26, 2014 - jawaab



Wafdigii ballaarnaa ee ka socday dolwad goboleedka Puntland u dirtay inay wax ka soo ogaadaan dilkii Fanaanaddii Qaranka Saado Cali Warsame loogu geystay magaalada Muqdisho taasoo sidoo kale kamid ahayd baarlamaanka Soomaaliya.


Ujeedka socdaalkani oo ahaa mid ay ugu kuur-galayeen sababta rasmiga ah ee Saado Cali Muqdisho loogu dilay maadaama ay tahay xildhibaanad Puntland ah.


Diyaarad gaara ayaa Wafdiga kasoo qaaday Garoonka Diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde ee Muqdisho,waxaana saacadaha soo socda ay gaarayaan Garoowe, hadduu EEBE raali ka noqdo.

Sarkaal ka tirsan Wafdiga oo ka hadlay ujeedka safarkooda ayaa sheegay in socdaalkoodu uu kusoo dhamaaday natiijo fiican, ayna dowladda Federaalka ka filayaan inay jawaab cad ka bixiso dilka Marxuumad Saado Cali Warsame.

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Sarkaal ka tirsan Wafdiga oo ka hadlay ujeedka safarkooda ayaa sheegay in socdaalkoodu uu kusoo dhamaaday natiijo fiican, ayna dowladda Federaalka ka filayaan inay jawaab cad ka bixiso dilka Marxuumad Saado Cali Warsame.

Puntland admin are satisfied



Mooge and Kennedy are you guys with enemy why ? Why boost Alshaabab morality by advocating hate separation between Somali people and regions?


How come no one targets Puntland business mans and employees ? This is war between SFG and Alshaabab don't spin the facts.


How many HAG have died in the Hands of Alshaabaab ?



These MP's have sacrificed their life for Somalia they are National heroes and icons ...........

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Malistar, if I genuinely believed that Al Shabab was behind the wave of all the assassinations in the Capital City, then I wouldn't be saying this. I think most people would agree that some other criminal element is behind this wave of insecurity.


And I am NOT advocating hateful separation of anybody. I would tell the same thing to the Somalis of Hiiraan and Galmudug and Awdal. Focus on developing your own region, and then come to the table with the rest of Somalia to work out some Confederation deal.


There is no reason why Somalis in Galmudug or Puntland can't develop on their own without the help of the Federal Government.


This whole "top-down" approach we've tried in Somalia has never worked for the last 23 years. Why not just try a decentralized approach where every region focuses on their own self-development.

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