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Khazar's Leaving Europe As The Far Right And Muslim Populations Grow

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Cidan, what's the environment like in Europe for Muslims, Jews, Blacks and Indians?


I'm hearing that ever since the financial crisis in 2009, Europe has been moving further and further right-wing. There have been more incidents of Islamophobia than ever before, and Europeans are growing more Nationalist.


And do you think that's bad news for Somalis and Muslims who live in Europe?

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That's the thing from what ican see it seems the Muslims and the nationalist or the far right are both rising. The difference is the Muslims are growin in numbers I.e demographics while the far right can't really change the deeply engrained post Cold War multicultural society. Think about it if you hate European Muslims what can you really do to stop them. Nothing.


You can't hault muslim immigration because you would then have to hault all non EU migration or lose influence and trade in Muslim countries.


You can't kick them out in the numbers required to hault there growth because it against the law.


You can't promote racism openly in a multicultural society it's a recipe for disaster.


The far right is the European people's last attempt at self preservation but as they say go hard or go home an clearly this lot can't afford To go hard so its a lost cause.


Islam here is taking root setting solid foundations. Muslims most of them anyways don't intermarry with non Muslims. They haven't a was planned melted into the pot they have in effect created their own pot and are getting non Muslims to melt into their pot.


Europe has a lot of social problems as well and these problems like alcahol abuse, the death of te family structure, teenager pregnancies, drug addiction etc are crippling in the majority non muslim societies.

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That's the thing from what ican see it seems the Muslims and the nationalist or the far right are both rising. The difference is the Muslims are growin in numbers I.e demographics while the far right can't really change the deeply engrained post Cold War multicultural society. Think about it if you hate European Muslims what can you really do to stop them. Nothing.


You can't hault muslim immigration because you would then have to hault all non EU migration or lose influence and trade in Muslim countries.


You can't kick them out in the numbers required to hault there growth because it against the law.


You can't promote racism openly in a multicultural society it's a recipe for disaster.


The far right is the European people's last attempt at self preservation but as they say go hard or go home an clearly this lot can't afford To go hard so its a lost cause.


Islam here is taking root setting solid foundations. Muslims most of them anyways don't intermarry with non Muslims. They haven't a was planned melted into the pot they have in effect created their own pot and are getting non Muslims to melt into their pot.


Europe has a lot of social problems as well and these problems like alcahol abuse, the death of te family structure, teenager pregnancies, drug addiction etc are crippling in the majority non muslim societies.


Muslims societies are a total failure hence Muslims immigrate to prosperous and tolerant countries. But instead of learning from these countries and being grateful. They try to recreate the hell holes they left behind. Madness

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Muslims societies are a total failure hence Muslims immigrate to prosperous and tolerant countries. But instead of learning from these countries and being grateful. They try to recreate the hell holes they left behind. Madness


You mean like the secular republics of Tunisia, Indonesia, Iraq (under Saddam), Syria, Somalia (under Siad), Libya (under Gaddafi), Yemen, Lebanon, Jordan, and many other "Muslim" countries that aren't really Muslim. Yes they have Muslim-majority populations but the governance is FAR from Islam.


But you don't wanna pay attention to facts. Because you're already brainwashed to believe whatever nonsense you wanna believe

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There is no Muslim country on earth today. As for Muslims coming here. The western world destroyed the chaliphate and the systems and structures which we built to rule ourselves and our peoples. Because of the choas we have come and we will settle and the mosques will be our barracks and our beliefs our armour and in time we will grow peacefully into the majority. Reverse colonisation in action.

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Cidan but don't you think that the European Far-Right are gonna start slogans like "France for the French" or "Italy for the Italians" and start deporting ALL foreigners from their country--Muslim or not?


That's the rhetoric coming from these countries. These Europeans couldn't give a damn whether you're Muslim or not. If you're a dark-skinned foreigner, they want you out of their country. I think they're trying to make their countries ethnically homogeneous just like South Korea or Japan (where you'll find very very few foreigners)


That's what's happening in Russia. That's what's happening in Greece. And these far-right parties are gaining more and more prominence in even UK, France, and some other European nations.

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That will never happen in Europe. Economic meltdown would be the result along with international isolation and loss of markets around the world. Europe is gone in a few decades nothing these people can do about it.

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^ Nothing is impossible, and who would've thought liberal pansies like the dutch would turn against Islam and Muslim immigration in such a visceral fashion in such a few years. Don't underestimate a people power for self preservation. This is the first stage for Europeans: identifying their foe, then its mobilizing the political system to do something about the Muslim hordes by placing implacable rules against their culture (circumcision, niqabs, fgm, arranged marriage, mosques, etc), reducing welfare, curtailing immigration and waging a massive PR campaign on the danger of further Muslim immigration. all this is happening apace.





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And I feel like it's gonna get worse. Before you know it, the Europeans will start behaving like the Russians, and start to expel all dark-skinned foreigners from their country.


During the Communist era, Russia was filled with foreigners. Many Somalis studied in Russia during the 1970s, and so did many other Africans and Asians. But today? Russia is extremely xenophobic and entire sections of Russia are off-limits to foreigners.


The right-wing parties have gained prominence in the last decade, and they're blaming foreigners for all their problems. There might come a day when France would once again be a land where you see nothing but White Frenchmen

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