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Ahmed Ismaciil Samatar "Somalia is dead"

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lool@ciidansuldan becoming desperate. somaliland is falling apart and all he could find are the words of a desperate guy who wants to be accepted by the Habro family. loool


niyoow we all know siilaanyo is going to milk the Somaliland cow for another 5 years and after that, muuse biixi family will not let samatar milk the maandeeq cow earlier than them because they waited so long niyoow. after that, Saalax's family will want their turn. niyoow we are looking at 20 years from now that samatar has a chance to come close to touching the breast of the milky cow and by that time, nobody in his right mind would elect Samatar because he will be 100 years old. loool





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Pirate logic.... Somaliland is economically superior today then ever before. Militarily we continue to take more and more land....somaliland has special political status outside of somalia as is the case with the dual track policy and all the European States show. Somaliland according to your pirate parallel demension is falling apart but as is evident to normal people who have basic common sense. We are getting stronger.

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This is what your pirate enclave said about somaliland:


We are in no position to fight somaliland we need to maintain what's left hahahha...


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Somaliland has a literacy rate of 78% is on the verge of signing a billion dollar port deal to enlarge it and create the somaliland Ethiopian coordidor which will initiate free trade between the states. Not to mention cheap electricity and a growing tax collection system that increases year on year. Our people live in their country unlike yours that live in Nairobi. Hahaha...


We ain't refugees Mooge. We took all your land. We took what dignity you had left and you can't stop us...that's why in your parallel demension somaliland is in chaos.


Hahahahah ah....



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The all talking no action pirate enclave. Your guys have become the laughing stock of Somalis. Cabdi cawar said he going to liberate las canon....hahahahah...


Instead he is grateful to be left with garowe.... Don't worry we are coming for garowe as we'll. just waiting for you to fire the first shot so we can have justification to take the last bit of desert you have left.


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haha. ciidan is angry.


ciidan, niyoow abdiweli is playing a game. you know it and everyone who knows him will tell you about his strategy. siilaanyo is now isolated more than ever and abdiweli has demonstrated that he is responsible leader ready to be welcomed by the civilized world. you are falling behind in the game niyoow and abdiweli is winning it which is why your whole enclave is angry at abdiweli even thought he refused to pick a fight with you. loool. your uncle waraabe was on TV the other day and the only person he would not stop insulting was Abdiweli. Why? why is waraabe angry at abdiweli who didn't even lift a finger to fight your enclave? hahahahaha


real politicians know why waraabe was angry. we know why siilaanyo is upset at abdiweli. we know what is burning your uncles. Abdiweli has pushed your enclave to a point on no recognition. siilaanyo is isolated and has been labelled a warmonger, uncivilized, terrorist harboring and senile who has lost control of somaliland. sealed and delivered. loooool. Neighboring countries are all worried by somaliland's direction lately. abdiweli is winning friends and stature ... siilaanyo is losing hope. l


keep enjoying the phantom victories niyoow. it is what expected siilaanyo would be telling his loyal family members like you to do; keep pretending you are winning. looool

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Mooge I sincerely feel sorry for you and your defeated lot peoples Hahahahah... Miskeen. so let me get this right. It takes a bit of time for me to understand deluded pirate logic. Cabdi cawar is playing a clever game because he keeps losing land to somaliland....??? Hahahha


and let me get this right somaliland is isolated now because of cabdi cawar.


I have said it once before and I'll say it again. When God gave us your people as enemies he blessed us with the weakest of peoples.


Let me break it down to you if there is one thing your people are allergic to its the truth.


Cabdi cawars campaign was that he would get sool and sanag back and assure in a new era of development. In his promises he has utterly failed. Somaliland has secured the rest of Eastern sanag and at one stage declined cawar of an entry visa into las Korey. Secondly khatumo is finished with the fall of taleex and las canod is still part of somaliland territory and in being so has blossomed and grown. On cabdi cawars second promise he has failed yet again. The few civil servants and militia forces that can't fight or take any land from anyone have not been paid for such a long time they are starving and joining somaliland army.


Somaliland internationally is not isolated the American dual track policy is in place, the European Union special status is in place on the contrary Germany is the newest country to join the band wagon of somaliland separate status.


In regards to Silanyo, bixi and the sort. One thing pirates never understand is somaliland may disagree over minor details but when it comes to the Republic Of Somaliland that is always the main priority. Dahir riyala and Silanyo had arguments, before them egal and others had arguments but the nation always comes first. That is why we continue to grow while you are on verge of total collapes. Politically, economically and militarily.

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After losing land, and becoming bankrupt. Your enclave has become isolated as you have no real presence in the African Union run protectorate. In mugdisho you have become persona non grata and internationally to countries that matter you mean very little. The only policy you have left is to play the terrorist card. And that is pure bull as everyone knows. So cabdi cawar has resorted to making his full time job begging the Italians convincing them that they once shared a fish meal together in garowe before fulfilling Italian interests in Africa. Or going to countries that mean very little like Yemen which itself is a failed state.


Desperate times... A war has been waged from two sides and your left with begging Italy and going to visits to countries like Yemen or begging tours.




That is why buuuuuntaland is not collapesing it has already collapsed

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