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According to Somali (Quack?) Doctor - Don't Swallow Watermelon Seeds

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Dr Bashiir Cali Biixi oo kamida dhakhaatiirta Puntland marna so ahaa wasiirka caafimaadka puntland ayaa waxaa uu ka digay in marka la cunayo qaraha ama xab xabka la liliqo mirtiisa waxaana uu sheegey inay sababto xanuuno ku dhaca qabsinka dad badan ay qaleen ay ku arkeen qanjirka dhexdiisa mirta qaraha ama xab xabka oo qofka uu cunay.


Dr bashiir Cali biixi ayaa waxaa uu sheegey in miraha la calaliyo marka la cunayo ay wanagsan tahay balse mirta oo nool hadii laliqo ay keeneyso in qofka uu qabsin ku dhaco qanjirkana marka ay mirta gasho aysan dib uga soo bixi karin halkaasna cabuq uu ka dhasho Radio Gaalkacyo ayuu la hadlay

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Doing a simple google search shows that these are perfectly safe to swallow. Not sure where he is getting this. And why it made news. Nobody is asking Culusow to account for Villa Somalia attacks but these makes it as news?! Sad state of Somalia.



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People with certain colon conditions can't tolerate large seeds swallowed in their diet. There is not much benefit to swallowing watemelon seeds anyways, so he is wise to advise his patients to avoid WMS.

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carabta qaar baa tidhaa...من لم يكن له شيخ فشيخه شيطانه


Waxaan uga gol leeyahay "A simple google search" can not make you well versed in anything. Such facilitators as google made things easier for us. We can understand something superficially.


Swallowing watermelon seeds (without chewing) is generally safe.The seed will safely pass through the digestive tract or surrender to the mechanical and chemical digestion that continuously going on in the gut. That is the outcome for most cases.

At the same time, no doctor will completely rule out the possibility of swallowed seed causing a problem. In some unfortunate individuals, there has been recorded isolated cases of "Intestinal obstruction" caused by ingestion of watermelon seeds.

As Holac mentioned, dry undigested seeds may injure the intestine and even may cause perforation in individuals with certain Gastrointestinal conditions.


In young children and even adults with swallowing difficulties. dry Seeds may take the wrong exit and end up going to the lungs. Any foreign body in the lungs might cause lung collapse or create haven for infection (pneumonia). These are all possible scenarios.


Fortunately, We all swallow a Watermelon seed without chewing it from time to time, and the vast majority don't have any problem with it. Educating the public about the rare complications of watermelon seeds during the month of Ramadan is a wise move by the doctor. Ramadan always comes with raising consumption of Watermelons, and Some people intentionally swallow seeds without chewing.

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