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Puntland oo ku dhowaaqday Inaysan Dagaal la gelayn S/land

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Maamulka Puntland ayaa ku dhowaaqay markii ugu horaysay Inaysan diyaar u ahayn dagaal ay lagalaan maamulka somaliland, Sidoo kalana aysan haatan duulaan ahayn oo ay difaac xidheen.



C/wali Xirsi Indho-guran Wasiirka Wasaarada Warfaafinta Maamulka Puntland, ayaa Saxaafada u sheegay in Puntland aysan Cidna Duulaan ku aheyn.


Dhowaan ayaa deegaanka Tukaraq waxaa soo gaadhay Xubno ushaqeeya maamulka Puntland kana soo jeeda maamulka khaatumo, Kuwaasi oo halkaasi ka sheegay inay Puntland dagaal gelayso.


Arintaan ayaa Waxay u quus gooynaysaa Xubnaha Kasoo jeeda deeganada Khatumo ee Ku jira maamulkaasi ama Taageersanaa, kuwaasi oo ka filayey inay dagaal geli doonto Puntland.


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Ciidan Puntland is comin for you, Qaab Ciiidan








Thats just godad and siinay. Forget about the tanks in bursalax, the airport, xero darawish and so many more in mudug. These boys are packing around 20 operational tanks, airforce, f350 mining vehicles so u cant lay down any IEDS, they got heavy trucks and BMS....The only way to address you ciidan is to address with qaab ciidan







Ciidan we have upgraded our soviet gear to newer weapons, we have an active airforce with armed helicopters and war planes. We have F350 mine detector armoured vehicles. All our technicals are all new also. The point I was making was we have the old soviet gear in abudance and also newer weaponry plus extended capabilities in the sky. Stop being a xasid, Puntland is a powerful state and you know it.


You will deal with 1000 technicals, 200 of which are bullet proof. Heavy armoured trucks, BMS, Tanks as our ground force supported by a capable airforce with armed helicopters and warplanes which is guided from the command center in QAW with satellite guiding systems. On top of that we got an effective coast guard to invade u thru Berbera, while deploying ground forces into burco and striking hargeisa from the sky with our airforce. You have to admit we got the best armed forces in the Nation? Somaliland only has what we have as far as old soviet gear and technicals and a few BMS but it lacks in all the other aspects like bullet proof technicals, the airforce, the F350 mining vehicles, etc. You are in denial if your denying the power of puntland, your just being argumentative I think


Dr Osman stop the chase beating accept defeat ........



Puntaland is all talk no action .......

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Buuuntiland is all talk and no action that's nothing to be ashamed of at least they live in there desert free unlike you malister who lives under Burundi.


Your a man living under occupation critising someone who lives free.


They can't fight but they are free. You malister can't fight, can't manage and can't control your own land and your not free.


Sort out your priorities. Don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house that's already falling over.

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Waa sax puntland dagaal dooni mayso waa dad nabadda iyo ubaxa beeridiisa jecel, ilaahow aan garoowe lagu qabsan.,, aamiin

Mushkiladdu waxay ila tahay aragtidayda qaabka reer sool loo wajahayo baysan kalsooni dawladeed ama maamul u lahayn baqdin xoog leh iyo kala qaybsanaan baa jirta,dagaal kaliyana wax ma xaliyo


Waxay iila muuqataa reer puntland markay arkaan in bad xiran kusoo socdo dhulka ay sheegtaan inay maamulaan, isla markiiba dastuurka wax ka badalaan oo madaxweyne u doortaan reer sool ama reer sanaag siiba reer sool, si umaddu u aragto in meesha lawada leeyahay.


hadiise madaxweynaha laga dhigo 16,sano ina cismaan cumar ciise , taasi waxay keenaysaa in la waayo awood ka baxsan sedexdaa magaalo ,wax macnaa samayn mayso inaad idaacadaha digniin ka dirto ama caalamkana ku tiraahdo see yeelaa dawacaa dhulkaygii dalxiis ku timide!


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