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SW3 & SW6 Merged Into 1 SW3 Administration. A Victory 4 Locals

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The Galgaduud boys will not decide and should not be allowed to have any voice in this. Mostly it is Galmudug guys who have some farms and property. The Galgaduud have only guns and militia. Any way the Shabeelaha State protagonists are The Unaka who have a land (shabeelaha Dhexe) to join with Shabeele not reer Galgaduud. The Watermaal can deal with Unaka who are not looters and may have similar culture.

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MMA, I thought President Noone and Shariif Hassan agreed on this. Are we getting a wrong info on this?.


Waxaan moodayey in labada kooxood hesshiska gaaheen.


Wax heshiis galay ma jirto. Madoobe Nuunoow Baydhabo ayuu joogaa, odeyaashii dhaqanka soo dhisay maamul goboleedka iyagana Baydhabo wada joogaan. Kuligoodna wey kasoo horjeedaan heshiis ku sheegaan. Qof ka socdo maamulka lixda gobol oo u saxiixay maleh. Wasiir xilkiisa laga qaaday oo ay isku jufo yihiin kan kale ayaa wax lasoo dhoob dhoobay kala saxiixday. Doolar dad qaatay waaye, meel ay marin karaana heshiiskaan ma jirto ka ahayn dagaalo sokeeye inay u horseedaan dadkaas deegaanka.


Inta ka dhageyso wareysi laga qaaday Madoobe Nuunoow ( haddaa Afmaay garan kartid.


Madaxweyne Madoobe Nuunow oo Caawa Wareysi Xasaasi Ah Siiyay Warbaahinta Koonfur Galbeed


Waxaa goordhaw caawa khadka telefoonka ee Ishabaydhaba ku wareysanay Madaxweynaha Dowlad Goboleedka Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya mudane Madoobe Nuunow Maxamed oo aan ka wareysanay arrimihii ugu danbeeyay ee kusoo kordhay Koonfur Galbeed.


Madaxweyne Madoobe Nuunow ayaa sheegay heshiiskii maanta ka dhacay Muqdisho inuusan khuseyn Koonfur Galbeed, ayna ka qeybgalin.


Madaxweyne Nuunow ayaa Lugooyada Koonfur Galbeed ku eedeeyay Siyaasiyiinta kasoo jeeda Koonfur Galbeed.


Halka Hoose Ka Dhageyso Wareysiga Aan La Yeelanay Madaxweyne Madoobe Nuunow oo Mid Xasaasi Ah.



Shaqsi ahaanteyda waligey maamul qabiil ku dhisan ma taageerin, mana taageeri dooni -- walaa lix gobol, walaa sagaal gobol, walaa toban gobol. Waligeyba waaka soo horjeeday, waana kasoo horjeedaa wax federaal (isku tag) la dhaho. Soomaali uma baahna isku tag. Wey isku tagsantahay, taariiqdoodana wey isku tagsanayd. Waa shisheeye, gaar ahaan kuwa dariska la ah Soomaaliya, arrimo ay wataan Soomaali lagu kala qeybiyo, midnimadii iyo jiritaankii Soomaaliyana si tartiib tartiib ah meesha ugu baxdo.

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one more thing, the ***** idea, so far is dominated by the **** group. They never spoke about Shabeelaha Hoose or even tried to change anything. They always concentrated on BAY & Bakool. so they will not decide where the region goes. The ***** who fought and are speaking for the region will decide if they will join the Shabelle thing or the Bay region. If the ***** want to join HAG no one can stop them.


If the M can't fight for Jubada Dhexe where they have large population, how can they makes fight about Qoryooley or Marka.


Adigaa la socon, odeyaasha wey ka hadleen, baaqna wey soo saareen maalin dhawayd. Siyaasiinta kale wey ka hadleen iyagana, Madoobe Nuunoow ka koow yahay. Madoobe Nuunoow qabiilkiisa kore waxee wadaagaan kuwa degan Shabeellada Hoose, ma'aha kuwa ku badan gobollada kale ee Gedo, Bakool, Baay iyo Jubbada Dhexe.


Baaqa ay malaaqyada kasoo saareen arrinta Shabeellada Hoose, kuna socota dadka daneeya arrimaha Soomaaliya waa kan:


Warsaxaafadeed Ka Soo Baxay Gollaha Guurtida Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya


Gollaha Guurtida Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya ayaa waxa ay soo saareen Warsaxaafadeed ay kaga hadlayaan dhibaatooyinka kasocda Gobolada Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose.


Halka Hoose Ka Akhriso Warsaxaafadeedka Ka Soo Baxay Gollaha Guurtida Koonfur Galbeed.





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It appears this was fabricated deal. If the stakeholders of SW6 are not on-board as MMA indicated, a made-up deal is nothing more than a futile publicity stunt.


It is ii dheh heshiis ah. I don't support maamul goboledyadaan, walaa lix gobol, walaa sadex gobol midna ah. Many of my family members do support dowladda Koonfur Galbeed, but I don't.


Saas oo ay tahay, I can't tolerate beenta iyo buun buuninta laga wado meeshaan.


I remember these same Soomaali media wey ka aamusnaayeen dhisidii iyo doorashadii maamul u sameynta lixda gobol. The same media ayaa hadda buun buuninaayo heshiis ku sheegaan.


Heshiis ku sheegaan a few days kahor lagu dhawaaqo la rabay with a full media present, but Jawaari kasoo horjeestay. He was finally forced by the unseen hand of IGAD, I guess. Xildhibaanadii kasoo jeeday deegaanada Koonfur Galbeed were not present, except only the few Shariif Xasan la jiro.


Also last month markuu Madoobe Nuunoow joogay Xamar waxaa la isku raacay maamulka lixda gobol (only loogu wanqalo 'maamulka kumeelgaarka ee Koonfur Galbeed,' sida uu kan Kismaayo ka dhisan loogu yeeray). Madoobe Nuunoow wuu ogalaaday. Xasan Sheekh iyo Jawaari iyagana wey ogalaadeen. In the last hour ra'iisul wasaaraha ayaa damcay inuu heshiiskaan burburo, wuxuuna keensaday arrin cusub oo ahayd in kan madaxweynaha sheegaanaayo ee sadex gobol lagu daro oo jago laga siiyo mamulka lixda gobol. Madoobe Nuunoow wuu diiday, Baydhabo ayeena ku noqdeen wafdigiisa.


Ra'iisul wasaaraha wuxuu u diiday maamulka lixda gobol la isku raaco waxee tahay cadaadis meelo kale ugu yimid oo markiisa hore ku heynin.


Heshiiskaan hadda lasoo dhoob dhoobay ra'iisul wasaaraha ka dambeeyo badankiisa. Privately Jawaari wuu xanaaqsanyahay, he is fuming, laakiin jagadiisa ayuu ilaalsanayaa, culeys kululna IGAD ugu yimid oo ah dadka si dhab ah u maamulo siyaasadda Soomaaliya.


Dagaalo horseed ah iyo barakac kale ayuu keeni doonaa heshiis ku sheegaan. Some will even join Barbaarta and Barbaarta si sahlan u qabsan doonto deegaanadaas. Dowladaan iyadaa iska dhumin doonto taageeridii yarayd loo haaye.

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I do not think a dismissed former minister can decide for the South west. If President Nuune doesn't agree , then, it is a sham.


Wallee way najiidhsiiyeen. waxay ka dhigeen wax loo dhan yahay. If that is the case, the Guurti who formed the south west must be respected. the wishes of the people must be respected.

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GOODAX: “Heshiiskii Aqoonsiga Maamulka Saddexda Gobol waa sahrci-darro”


Talaado, June 24, 2014 (HOL) — Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Soomaaliya, C/llaahi Goodax Barre ayaa kasoo horjeestay heshiiskii lagu saxiixay magaalada Muqdisho shalay ee ay ku aqoonsatay dowladda Somalia maamulka saddexda gobol ee Koonfur-galbeed.


Goodax oo wareysi siiyay BBC-da ayaa sharci-darro ku tilmaamay heshiiskaas, isagoo xusay in markii hore qalad la galay, saxiixa heshiiskii shalayna uu kaas la mid yahay.


“Arrintan sharciga ma waafaqsana, wasaaradeyda markii hore siyaasad gooni ah ayay ka lahayd arrinta maamul u sameysta dalka, hadda meelaha maamullada loo sameynayo xor ma ahan, meelo ka mid ah weli waa la haystaa, runtii kii ka horreeyay heshiiskan ayaa far-qaha la isku haystaa weli kanna kuwaas ayuu la mid yahay,” ayuu Goodax ku sheegay wareysiga.


Wasiirka ayaa muujiyay in wasaaraddiisa fara-gelin lagu haayo, ayna dhaliilsan tahay sida wax u socdaan, isagoo si cad u diiday habkii loo maray aqoonsigii maamulka saddexda gobol oo ay muuqatay in hal dhinac kaliya ka socotay.


Horay ayay wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha u caddeysay mowqifkeeda maamuladii looga dhawaaqay Baydhabo ee saddexda iyo lixda gobol, iyadoo ku tilmaanyay mid aan sharci ahayn.


C/llaahi Goodax ayaa wuxuu hadalkiisu imaanayaa kaddib munaasabad shalay ka dhacday xarunta madaxtooyada Soomaaliya oo lagu saxiixay heshiis ay wada gaareen maamulka saddexda gobol iyo lixd gobol, iyadoo dowladdu aqoonsatay maamulka saddexda gobo lee ka kooban gobollada Shabeelaha Hoose, Bay iyo Bakool.


Waxaa heshiiskan labada maamul u kala saxiixay C/fataax Geesey oo Nuunow uu sheegay inay xilka ka qaadeen iyo iyo Maxamed Xaaji C/nuur oo ka socday maamulka saddexda gobol ka kooban.


Qodobbada heshiiskan oo 11 ka koobnaa ayaa lagu sheegay in dowladdu ay ka digayso in laga horyimaado heshiiskan, iyadoo xustay in ciddii ka hor-timaadda lagu qaban doono gacan bir ah.


Saxiixa heshiiskan ayaa waxaa qayb ka ahaa xubno ka socday beesha calaamka, iyadoo guddi ay labada dhinac iska saareen laga dalbaday inay muddo 30-maalmood gudahood ah kusoo diyaariyaan qorshaha dhismaha maamulkan, ayna dib ugula laabtaan Baydhabo.


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MMA, your naïveté baffles the mind walahi:


It's fine and dandy to oppose what you denounce as tribal federalism, but you are yet to share with us, what you would have in its stead, knowing full well the current political outlook in Somalia and the mistrust that is abundant amongst Somalis.


Love it or loathe it, the Southwest State consisting of only 3 provinces, will join Puntland and Jubaland as federal member states. We will then wait for the central provinces to come together to form their own federal state, after which we will invite Somaliland to an all inclusive table for talks to determine their fate in Somalia.


This is the blueprint, ama calaacal ama is qarxi like your heroes, Al Barbaarta!



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Maskin Macruf, Dalku waa qabiil ama iska indhatir ama shaati soo xiro. Dalku manta uma bahno shaatiyo la soo xirto, shaatiyo la soo xiranayo daawo uma noqonayo khilaafka qabiil uu dhexayo somalia. U really think this shabab stuff is true? you really think this secessionist stuff is true? you really think this centralist hal meel dalka ka hukun is true? they are all just shaatis for a clan agenda, at least federalism says 'rather then wearing' so many different shaatis why don't we just talk at tribe level, after-all thats what the civil war was about, thats what is forcing us to seek masks and ever changing masks depending on geo politics and wear we can funding to support our mask nonsense.


I love when I hear people say 'isu tag' ma rabno, 'qabil ma rabno', wax ka qabyalad badan ma jiro, today their mask flavor is centralism but once they lose support for it on the ground, they will find some other mask to disguise their tribalism and then this person will come to a table and expect a resolution but will only get more clans wear more masks becaue they know what your doing and this will lead to more failed conferences like we always had. War dalka waxay uu bahan tahay wixi jira oo xaqiiqda la tabto, marki federal la yiri, xaqiiqdi ayaa la tabtay, somali dhan kalsoonida ayaa uu soo noqday because wixi jira bala tabtay and calamka so that somalis are now being SERIOUS and show them confidence also. They know when we wear stupid masks sxb, their not stupid and they won't come near us when we do CAUSE they know the outcome will be just failure and people in ever more denial.


Qabil ba loo burburay, cid qaran rabto ma jirto marku qabilkisa ka maqan yahay marka federal solution is the only way to ensure each major tribe has a regional govt and a say while not in power at a federal level without resorting to wearing stupid masks like we always did since the 60s till today and cause destabilization techniques like rebel groups, clan parties, shabab, secession, etc all mere destabiliation techniques to conceal the tribal agenda.


Maskin it is a shame I thought you were smarter then that but you obviously aren't, if your still anti federalism, your simply anti somali and anti peace as far as I am concerned because you prefer us to remain in this cycle of civil war and allow for an environment wear every clan will mear masks to destabilize the govt whenever they find themselves out of a position at a federal level with some nonsense mask they find as their vehicle.

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Somalis tried a 6 state solution in the 2000's era with shatigaduud but the RRA killed themselves over it, do you suggest we repeat it? in politics opportunities come once, if u lose it, it wont come again. Today a 3 state solution is being discussed and if they fail to grab it like they did with the 6 state solution in the 2000 era we could be discussing a 2 state solution of bay and bakool with lower shabelle on the table for negiotations, this could even lead to a 1 state solution in bay since bakool there are jubalanders who live there and can cause a mayhem about sacrificing their land to the RRA folks.


I would suggest the RRA folks dont repeat the bad politics of yesteryear and lose more land, once you lose land, getting it back is going to be difficult, dont be reduced to BAY because the path you guys are taking now it can only lead to that because your allowing for confusion and an environment of chaos to continue which will mean other chaos factors and other tribes will start annexing their own parts of the 3 state solution and the only loser will be you at the end when it gets out of hand and the RRA are told a 3 state solution is not feasible any longer because to many clans warring over it, your going to a 1 state solution of BAY

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Awalba Soomali waa loo talin jiray - this is a done deal with the powers that be putting their stamp of approval on it. This is a good step notwithstanding the cries of unrepresentativeness and the never ending 'we are missing'. It reminds me of the transitional government chosen in Embagathi and its tenuous foothold in Jowhar/Baidoa and how it slowly and eventually came to acquire legitimacy. This is a starting point for a large southern constituency to get its act together and play a definitive role in shaping their own future and that of Somalia instead of perpetually standing on the sidelines.

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Somalis tried a 6 state solution in the 2000's era with shatigaduud but the RRA killed themselves over it, do you suggest we repeat it? in politics opportunities come once, if u lose it, it wont come again. Today a 3 state solution is being discussed and if they fail to grab it like they did with the 6 state solution in the 2000 era we could be discussing a 2 state solution of bay and bakool with lower shabelle on the table for negiotations, this could even lead to a 1 state solution in bay since bakool there are jubalanders who live there and can cause a mayhem about sacrificing their land to the RRA folks.


I would suggest the RRA folks dont repeat the bad politics of yesteryear and lose more land, once you lose land, getting it back is going to be difficult, dont be reduced to BAY because the path you guys are taking now it can only lead to that because your allowing for confusion and an environment of chaos to continue which will mean other chaos factors and other tribes will start annexing their own parts of the 3 state solution and the only loser will be you at the end when it gets out of hand and the RRA are told a 3 state solution is not feasible any longer because to many clans warring over it, your going to a 1 state solution of BAY


Horta taariiqda kaa qaldan. Federalism iyo wixii la mid ah maanta ma bilaaban nor did it start in in '90s. Toddobaatan sano kahor si dhab ah u bilaabatay, in late 1940s oo u horkacaayo ururkii HDM oo hoggaamintiisa labaad ahaa marxuum Ustaad Cismaan Maxamed Xuseen. Ustaad Cismaan was assassinated in early '50s by kuwa shisheeye u adeego, purely because he advocated federalism long before other Soomaalis realized for clan reasons. He advocated for regional regional states -- Afmaay speakers and Afmaxaa speakers. After Ustaad Cismaan's assassination, ururka HDM -- the only official opposition party in '60s in Soomaali parliament -- waxee hoggaanka u doorteen marxuum C/qaadir Soobe, another hero of federalism in '50s and '60s.


Again during the UNOSOM times in early and mid 1990s, a regional administration sponsored by the UN was established in Baydhabo consisting the six regions in koonfurta galbeed ee Soomaaliya. Its president was marxuum Xasan Sh. Ibraahin (Xaseey), who passed away early this year.


Having said that, if you are so fond of federalism, why are you against maamulka Koonfurta Galbeed? Sheekada bootada ah anaga nagama gadi kartid. Reer Koonfur Galbeed dantooda iyo aayahooda iyagaa yaqaano, lix gobol ama sagaal gobon haddee doortaan, waxbana kaama galin, lagaamana weydiinaayo. Stick with Garoowe issues you are devoted to.

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