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hi guys hope this makes u'r day

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The prime Minister of China called President Bush to

console him after the attack on the Pentagon:

" I'm sorry to hear about the attack. It is a very big

tragedy.But incase you are missing any documents from the Pentagon,

we have copies of everything."



Musharraf calls Bush on 11th sept:

Musharraf: Mr President, I would like to express my

condolences to you. It is a real tragedy. So many people, such great bldgs...

I would like to ensure that we had nothing in connection with


Bush : What buildings? What people??

Musharraf: Oh, and what time is it in America now?

Bush : It's eight in the morning.

Musharraf: Oops...Will call back in an hour!


Vajpayee and Bush are sitting in a bar. A guy walks in

and asks the

barman, "Isn't that Bush and Vajpayee?"

The barman says "Yep, that's them."

So the guy walks over and says, "Hello, what are you

guys doing?"

Bush says, "We're planning world war 3"

The guy says, "Really?

What's going to happen?" And Vajpayee says, "Well,

we're going to kill

14 million Pakistanis and one bicycle repairman." And


guy exclaimed, "A bicycle repairman?!!!"

Vajpayee turns to Bush and says, "See, I told you

no-one would worry

about the 14 million Pakistanis!"


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