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South West Region Accepts 3 State Solution

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War Deg Deg ah– Labadii dhinac ee Baydhabo oo ku heshiiyey Maamul Sadex Gobol ah

Nairobi–20 May 2014–Pi– Warar Dublamaasiyadeed oo Howlwadeenada Puntlandi heleen ayaa sheegaya in Raysal wasaare Cabdiwali iyo Nickolos Kay ay guul ka gaareen inWar-Deg-Deg-ah heshiis iyo is afgarad siyaasadeed laga gaaro khilaafkii Siyaasaded ee bilahan ka jirey Baydhabo.


Labada maamul ee looga dhawaaqay Baydhabo oo ahaa kuwo isdiidan kuna kala saleysnaa Maamul Goboleed ka kooban Lix Gobol oo uu hogaaminayay Mudane Madoobe Nuunow iyo Maamul Goboleed ka kooban Sadex Gobol oo uu hogaaminayo Mudane Maxamed Cabdi Nuur Madeer ayaa hada lagu guuleystey in isfahan Siyaasadeed la dhex dhigo.


Sida ay Puntlandi Xogta ku heleen waxaa lagu heshiiyey in lasoo dhiso Maamul ka kooban Sadexda Gobol Bay, Bakool iyo Shabeelaha Hoose iyadoo ay Dowlada Federaalka gaar ahaan Xafiiska Raysal Wasaaruhu ay garwadeen ka noqonayaan dhismaha Maamul Goboleedka Sadexda Gobol ee Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya, Dhinacna IGAD iyo Beesha Caalamka ayaa fududeynaya dhismaha Maamul Goboleedkaan.


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I like Bay/Bakool clans, I have absolutely no animosity to them and I support the decision reached here. SW6 is just a ludicurous idea but I think some bay politicians were using SW6 to get a side deal monetary or ministerial posts in SW3. SW3 is not a real threat, sure the port at Marka is Jetty but it's not doom or gloom, it can be privatized for further development while regions with smaller port can be given in the mean-time exemption to federal taxes on their port and extra federal fundings to cover gaps untill the port is brought up to standard. Bay and Bakool primary economic activity is agriculture not so much trade so they won't lose much at all.



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