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Dr Osman Investigation - Why Puntland And Jubbaland Are Destined Powerhouse

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This investigation is going to unveil why PL JL are destined to be supreme powerhouses in Somalia. I will be looking into areas that decide what becomes powerful and what simply doesn't. Puntland having a large population who have known governance for at least 300 years, we enjoy a port and our airports are under construction. We settle in the largest somali diaspora areas Minneapolis. We have a strong business community who left in the 70s as truckers to east africa such as kenya,tanzania,zambia and dubai. These business community today own corporations. Add to the fact we have a local population who have always been well-off compared to mogadishu and a vibrant local business community and livestock. It's also very clear that Puntland is heading into opening a new economic giant the fishery sector and with it's coastline, it's going to be another added resources. We have a strong foundation so if one person disappears it won't effect us and we will recover quickly since our base is strong in every aspect.


When you assess JL it's obvious how it will be a success due to the deepsea port and the most fertile land in the south, it will simply be the breadbasket and have a strong hand on the agricultural GDP. They also today enjoy a well off diaspora in Jigjigga and Nairobi they enjoy a large business community outside of somalia. Infact they own alot of the big businesses in Nairobi also. If these two combine their policies, it is quite stranglehold on Somalia plus their locals have alot of livestock as PL does.


When you assess the HAG you see a big problem. They simply don't have that historical experience to govern, they simply have shown how they are lost when it comes to govern due to the fact they have no base that can assist them in the right direction. Back in the day SYL and it's charter were all done up by yassin sharmarke from Puntland, the HAG were asked to come and join as members and follow the path that has been set up for them. Thats how abdillahi cise came and aden cade and thats why their remembered as great people since the whole foundation they stood on was devised in Puntland who are known as wadani. Then the problem the HAG lack is a business base other then a few wealthy ones here and there most of their population are gaari-gacan type of people. They scored big with the loot in 91 which is why some of them got rich and re-invested into legit businesses. But when u look at outside in the diaspora you see alot of them are the weakest. For example in Nairobi they sell taraqs and stuff like that, their simply isn't a base for them thats why they don't do community iniatitives and collect and build a road or other things because the base is gaari-gacan there simply isn't anything to collect. This is why u see a high level of corruption among the HAG because the ppl seek villa somalia to make 'money' since they come from the base I was just explaining.


So HAG unfortunately coupled with no governance history and weak base, it is only going to lead to what we see continuously 'fighting' with other clans as a way to distract from their key weakness and continue making money on the side thru villa somalia. What I suggest to HAG is why don't you step aside and let the real people rule, you did much better when under the leadership of Puntland, you do realize how beautiful mogadishu used to be. You need to be honest with yourself deep down and accept what the reality is. The base you guys have are 'gaari gacan' and the few wealthy ones if they go so do their wealth and their nothing to replace them since the base simply isn't there. This is why after aideed u see the galmudug folks die, after dahir aways u see the dhusomareeb folks die, after siyad u see the gedo folks die. Their simply just isn't a base that u guys can recover from.


I urge you if you love the nation step aside for Puntland and let us recover this nation from the mess 'u' put it in. There is no point going to hargeisa and asking for 'irir' alliance again because your scared of PL JL alliance. We know full well you fear the fact that PL and Hamar were at a stalemate for 20 years and now with a rising JL you see defeat on the horizon and need hargeisa backup. I hope the hargeisa folks dont fool for your crap because you know irir only when you need something. When irir was there in 91 why didnt u share it with the SNM? aaaahhhhh because sahal was divided and u could handle it on your own. I hope to god the SNM see through your total using of them constantly when you need something.

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No protocol whatsoever. They simply just isn't that historical base there, who will he seek advice from? just another gaari-gacan thats the base he has. Allow Somalia dhowr



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