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Ximin iyo Xeeb Admin intercept child trafficking from Lower Shabelle to Saudia

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Maamulka Ximin iyo Xeeb ayaa ka warbixiyay howl gal ciidamadooda ku

soo bad baadiyeen ilaa 18 caruur laga soo xaday qeybo ka mid ah Gobolada Koofureed, lana doonayay in qaab ganacsi loogu tahriibiyay dalka Sacuudiya Carabiya.

Wasiirka Arrimaha Bulshada ee Maamulka Ximin iyo Xeeb Cumar Maxamed Diiriye oo wareysi siiyay Laanta afka Soomaaliga ee BBC-da ayaa sheegay in caruurtan laga soo afduubtay Muqdisho iyo Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose.




"Baaritaan kadib waxaa ciidamada amniga ku qabteen Cadaado caruur gaareysa ilaa 18 caruur oo 17 ka mid ah ay gabdho ahaayeen, afar qof baa hogaamineysay oo mid ay haweeney aheyd, markii hore warar kala duwan ayay inoo sheegtay, Galkacyo ku soconay mar na tiri, iyo Boosaaso iyo in tahriib u wado dalka Sacuudiga, marka baaritaan ayaa wali ku wadnaa"ayuu yiri Wasiirka Arrimaha Bulshada Maamulka Ximin iyo Xeeb.


Waxaa uu sheegay in caruurtan ay geeyeen xarun weyn oo lagu xanaaneeyo, isla markaana ay ku wareejiyeen Ururka Haweenka Maamulka Ximin iyo xeeb, si ay u xanaaneeyaan.


Mar la weydiiyay sababta ka dambeysa in caruur inta la eg oo u badan gabdho loo afduubto ayuu xusay inay ku tuhunsan yahay in qaab ganacsi ahaan loo waday, waxaaa uu cadeeyay inay la xiriireen reerahooda.


"Caruurtaan waxaa tuhunsanahay in qaab ganacsi loo waday, ma ahan caruur shaqeyn karta, waayo aad bey u da'yar yihiin, waxaa u weyn 9-jir, 6-jir ilaa afar jir, marka sabab loo tahriibiyo ama shaqo loogu wado meesha ma muuqato, reerahooda ayaa la xiriirnay, badankoodna waxay ka soo jeedaan Buulo Mareer"ayuu yiri Wasiirka Arrimaha Bulshada Maamulka Ximin iyo xeeb.


Dhinaca kale waxaa uu sheegay inay wadaan dadaalo ah sidii dadka eheladooda ah ay ugu wareejin lahaayeen, balse waxaa uu xusay in marka hore ay soo dhamaato baaritaanada wali socda.

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Truly shocking, why do people do this, it just ends up giving somalis a bad name overseas because these people will simply say their from somalia. I hope Puntland cracks down on this nonsense at bosaso port of tahribs. Good job cadaado

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walahi the more I think about the South of Somalia, the more I say dadkani daawo maleh. why sell young children to Saudis? niyoow why isn't life valuable for these people?

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walahi the more I think about the South of Somalia, the more I say dadkani daawo maleh. why sell young children to Saudis? niyoow why isn't life valuable for these people?


Galkacyo ku soconay mar na tiri, iyo Boosaaso iyo in tahriib u wado dalka Sacuudiga,





South Has a lot of Ports And airports why don't the human traffickers Use them . Bossaso Port has become famous for tahriib and Humane traffick business ever since the Pirate business ended and Port Dried . Puntland admin must put on end to the Illegal activities Taking place in Bossaso Port .

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Malistar, niyoow bosaso is a business city and i am not surprised that few tahriib merchant criminals would take money to send a family to Saudi Arabia. these people pretend to be families when they go to bosaso. the police should investigate any young kids going to bosaso for tahriib. But what bothers me is that families would sell their kids and send them to saudi arabia. i don't buy the stolen story. I think the kids were sold and were going to be slaves in Saudi Arabia.

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Why isn't anyone shedding some light on the Arabs in the gulf who still engage in slavery?


Why should only the source be shocking, when the real problem lies with those vile Arabs who demand young children as slaves.

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