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The Defeated group insults Xamar Elders in Hargeisa, Soomaaliya

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SomaliaRising, why are defeated group angry? I didn't get a chance to read the H.O article...


Summarize it for us, would you?

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The Defeated Group thinks that H Block and I Block are sharpening their political sword against the Submitted Group.

The two communities agreed to share the country in two halfs. Northern Half belongs to I-group.

Southern Half dominated by the H Block.

Yet both halfs will be under One Cuntry, no secession. There will be loose unity.

This is the only way.




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I like how you say, "The two communities agreed to share the country in two halfs"...ha ha ha


I only wish they had done this a long time ago... never mind the Elephant in the room :D

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I urge the 300k terrorists do not lend support to these sick freaks calling themselves the godfathers of the HAG. Their is no where these guys were crowned, their is no way these guys have a historical lineage to claim such propensity. What your dealing with is XAAD a former barber in siyad time turned oday and diriye residing in muse boqor home. Alot of these guys are not even guinuine HAG elders but simple qabqablayashi with a kofi cas this time.


I urge the 300k terrorists to wake up these guys only seek you when they are in trouble, they are being surrounded by SAHAL forces and crying out their last call IRIROW. I urge the 300k to remember what irirism has done to our nation, the genocides, the rapes, the looting, the lack of government for 20 years I hope they don't repeat the same mistake thinking it is some sort of solution because it isn't, it will lead to a stalemate all over again.


I urge the 300k terrorists to remove these HAG elders immediately from hargeisa and send them packing home telling them their on their own. Thats a wise policy but discussing anything with them lead to nothing. For god sakes they flip flopped on the airspace should give u indications they aren't serious at all.


I warn the HAGS time is up the nation is fed up with your incompetent leaders constantly holding a nation back, why dont u guys just step back from politics because your no good at it, you do more damage then any good. A good example is the genocidal so called DR hirabe a member of the clan bigot organisation HAG. He even held a number of conferences in sweden among beesha and flat out attacked clans while speaking.


I am suprised why the 300k terrorists even entertain these losers from mogadishu, i seriously don't understand, what will it benefit them, absolutely nothing. If u cant see they are only there for their self interests then your blind, they are trying to use to stop the sahal onslaught that is happening with foul ministers being impeached like farah abdulqaddir, minister of interior and the president on the bench for slaughtering.


I call upon the 300k terrorists to cease all communication with these nutcases for your own good because if you get involved, hargeisa will be on the line.

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^ I read these elders represent all the tribes of Somalia including yours. That is what these elders told the UCID party.

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Talaabo puntland aint from the south, its from the east. So nice try, there isnt one sahal oday in there, jubaland learns from puntland and puntland learns from jigjiga thats our cycle. We dont need to learn anything from hargeisa adeer, we created this frickin nation, what does PL or JL need to learn from somaliland we cant learn from jigjiga? how to create a mamul for a tribe? sxb you guys built hargeisa, we built 4 major cities just for your one jigjiga,garowe,galkayo,bosaso plus kismayo our second home is rising.


Talaabo don't expect that sahal will learn from you, u learn from us and copy us in everything like oil, claiming arab descent, etc,etc

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I think that pic says it all, puntland looks down on somaliland not up to it. We learn from jigjigga and its always going to be like that.

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I suggest hargeisa helps out their irir brothers, we tried our best maybe if u can contribute something there, that will be miracle but I doubt they can since they both dont have a history of doing much for the nation except destruction and division. U guys are like inferior to us, do u see us needing u to join puntland? but u need ssc because of that inferior complex. This is repeated throughout somalia for example abudwaq leaves central regions and central regions cant form a govt, baidoa cant form a govt without Jubaland. Its darod inferiority complex but we never need u guys, we are basically saying to you guys war naga taga oo dhulkeena noo daaya anagu idin ma bahnee

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The only time Puntland needs other tribes is to make something look national, besides that it doesn't have any need for other clans. We created this nation for god sakes, u think we cant manage our own regions? managing our own regions we dont see as an accomplishment like hargeisa because we seen that we can manage a whole nation our mindsets are different bro

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Talaabo don't expect that sahal will learn from you, u learn from us and copy us in everything like oil, claiming arab descent, etc,etc


Doctor, so are you telling us that SAHAL leads and the rest follow? :D

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Tilmamook dont u see the picture yet? GALMUDUG, XIMIN IYO XEEB aligned with puntland no amisom and live in peace, but dhusomareeb running from puntland protected by ethiopia forces and shabab just comes in and takes over any time.


Niyahow Puntland is a godfather of somalis, were not claiming crown prince we know we are

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Drugtoore if Puntland does not need amisom how come Alshabaab rules Galgala mountains? How come alshabaab is king in northgaalkacyo?


Sufi towns Guriceel ****Mareeb and CaabudWaaq are more safer than Puntland :D

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somalirising if shabab is hiding in the mountains doesnt tell you i have the same capacity like amisom, because they do the same thing to amisom. Ur just dreaming Puntland cant handle 300 ragtags in galgala. They are using them to get extra toys we need an excuse

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