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Xaaji Xunjuf

Well done Xassan Sheikh International community backs the Presidents

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Deeq A.   

Tillamook, in our opinion, the term "defeated lot" is not a clan name and doesn't warrant censorship of any kind. Where do we draw the line? It is a slippery slope for moderators. Nomads are free to coin new terms as long as clan names and vulgar insults are avoided. We are all adults here and we know when someone crosses a line.


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Dear Admin,


Okay, undestood, for future reference(pun intended!), I will use the following to reference the 4.5 constituents:


Defeated Lot, Habro, Anarchists, Digir&Muufo, and the Macmacaan(I just made this one up)


As for sub clans...we will have the Pirates of Puntland, the 'sii soco soo soco" association of Khaatumo, the Pedophiles or Marfashlanders of Somaliland, the Looters Inc. of Xamar, The Big Foots and Kacaan Clique of Jubaland and so on and so forth.


What say you? :D

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Dear Admin,


Okay, undestood, for future reference(pun intended!), I will use the following to reference the 4.5 constituents:


Defeated Lot, Habro, Anarchists, Digir&Muufo, and the Macmacaan(I just made this one up)


As for sub clans...we will have the Pirates of Puntland, the 'sii soco soo soco" association of Khaatumo, the Pedophiles or Marfashlanders of Somaliland, the Looters Inc. of Xamar, The Big Foots and Kacaan Clique of Jubaland and so on and so forth.


What say you?

You forgot to include the ditoore's "300k terrorists" title for the habro.

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