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Bosaso Documentary. Video

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This is another good documentary by Universaltv on Bosaso


But it's a bit late by universal and the other tv channels speaking about Bosaso, we already have our own TV PLTV that will be doing that, so waxba ma soo kordhinayo, its a bit to late now.


I actually don't know if Hargeisa is the second city of somalia anymore, I think Bosaso may have overtaken it. It has definitely overtaken Hargeisa as far as factories are concerned, this city already has 200 factories and I heard that from the minister who did diwangelin the other day being interviewed about his agenda for the state.

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It is a real get to the grind type of city Bosaso, it is the only place that built truly from nothing, the place was no better of then dhusomareeb back in the 90s, and it's rose up to be possibly be to the 2nd or 3rd city of Somalia. You guys must be remember this place was unreachable, gaari-wa totally isolated. How can a place that is not reachable is a miracle to be developed how it got it too, because its a nightmare just reaching it let alone building it.


Mogadishu, Hargeisa, Kismayo, Berbera all had a head start, they had everything in their cities, they had all the infrastructure needed to move people and goods such as airport,roads,port a huge difference when looked at Bosaso yet it still rose up is a truly miracle. I am suprised, I am sure noone would've betted that it would be in the race for the 2nd city of Somalia today back in 1991 if you asked anyone back then. I am sure they would've of betted on cities with better infrastructure such as kismayo,mogadishu,hargeisa,berbera to rise up. I know I would've of.


Lets give credit where credit is due, the boys in bosaso pulled off the unimaginable in a short of period of time. Good on you Bosaso, a true miracle story.


I urge the HAGS specifically the central region HAGS just focus on your regions, forget chasing cities that aren't yours, you time will be better spent building your regions rather then the continous cycle of stalemates in the south. While all you guys were arguing over the south key cities, Bosaso has already overtaken pretty much everything bar Hamar. I guess the ppl who eat fish are smarter then people who eat meat or ambuulo.

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