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Puntland - IGAD Office To Be Opened

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(Warbixin) Mas’uuliyiin ka socda IGAD iyo Dowlada Puntland oo ku kulmay Nairobi


(Nairobi Pi ) Ergeyga khaaska ah ee Urur Goboleedka IGAD u qaabilsan arimaha Soomaaliya Ambassador Maxamed Cabdi Affey iyo Wasiiru Dowlaha Madaxtooyada iyo Xiriirka Caalamiga ee Puntland Dr. Maxamed Cabaas Cumar ayaa maanta ku kulmay magaalada Nairobi. Kulankan ayaa ka dhacay hotel-ka caanka ah Serena Hotel oo ah goob ay badanaa ka dhacaan shirarka waaweyn.


Dr. Maxamed Cabaas ayaa warbixin balaaran oo ku saabsan xaalada Puntland oo taabaneysa dhinacyo badan u gudbiyey Ambassador Affey. Waxaa kale oo wasiirku ka codsaday mudane Affey in loo baahan yahay in IGAD xafiis ka furato Puntland, gaar ahaan caasimada Garowe, maadaama Puntland ay tahay deegaanada ugu nabad galyada wanaagsan guud ahaan Soomaaliya, ayna ka jirto xukuumad si dimuqraadi ah loo soo doortay oo ay si buuxda u shaqeynayaan dhammaan laamaha kala duwan ee dowlada Puntland.


Ambassador Affey ayaa isagu dhiniciisa balan qaaday in uu bishan hadda lagu jiro ee May 2014 uu booqasho ku iman doono Puntland, isaga iyo wafti balaaran oo ka socda Urur Goboleedka IGAD, booqashadaasuna ay gogol xaadh u noqon doonto in IGAD ay xafiis ka furato caasimada Puntland ee Garowe.


Kulankan ayaa ku soo dhammaaday is afgarad wacan, waxaana hadda Puntland isu diyaarin doontaa in ay gacmo furan ku soo dhaweyso Ambassador Maxamed Cabdi Affey iyo waftiga uu hogaaminayo oo dhawaan booqasho rasmi ah ku iman doona Puntland.




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Well if this turns out to be true, Puntland has taken an official step towards being seen as a regional player, possible IGAD invitations for meetings are on he horizons too. Who knows huh.


But this will definetely officially cement Punland as a regional player in the region or else IGAD wouldn't have an office there. I welcome this initiative wholehearedly.

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