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Ciidammo ka goostay Somaliland oo Maanta isku dhiibay Maamulka Puntland

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Ciidammo ka goostay Somaliland oo Maanta isku dhiibay Maamulka Puntland




Isniin, Abriil 21, 2014 (HOL) — Maamulka Puntland ayaa sheegtay maanta inay isku soo dhiibeen tiro ka tirsan ciidamada Somaliland, kuwaasoo tiradooda lagu sheegay 60-askari oo watay hubkooda.


Guddoomiyaha degmada Carmo ee gobolka Bari, Ibraahim Shire ayaa sheegay in ciidamadan ay xiriir lasoo sameeyeen, waxayna ahaayeen 60-askari oo wata hubkooda, Puntland ayayna soo galeen.


“Ciidamadan waxaa saldhig u ahayd gobolka Sanaag, halkaasoo ah deegaan ay ku muransan yihiin maamullada Puntland iyo Somaliland,” ayuu yiri Shire oo aan sheegin qorshaha dowladda ee ku aaddan ciidamadan u soo goostay Puntland.


Mid ka mid ah ciidamada kasoo goostay Somaliland ee galay Puntland ayaa u sheegay warbaahinta in maamulka Somaliland ay amar ku siiyeen inay dilaan dadkooda, iyaguna ay go’aansadeen inay soo galaan Puntland.


“Waxaanu ahayn ciidammo aad u hubeysan, waxaa nala siiyay amar ahaa inaan dadkeenna dilno, innaguna taas waan diidnay, markaas kaddibna waxaanu ku gaarnay go’aan inaan soo goosanno,” ayuu yiri askarigan ka tirsan ciidamada soo goostay.


Arritan ayaa kusoo beegmaysa iyadoo dhawaan ay ciidamada Somaliland qabsadeen degmada Taleex oo xarun u ah maamulka Khaatumo, inkastoo ay isaga baxeen maalin kaddib.


Sidoo kale, waxay goosashada ciidamada Somaliland ee maanta ay imaanaysaa iyadoo bishii lasoo dhaafay uu madaxweynaha Somaliland, Axmed Siilaanyo iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo ay booqdeen degmada Laasqoray, degmadaas oo ka mid ah kuwa ay ku muran yihiin Puntland iyo Somaliland.


Ma jiro hadal weli kasoo baxay maamulka Somaliland oo ku saabsan ciidamada maanta ka goostay dhinacooda ee galay Puntland, iyadoo aysan tani ahayn markii ugu horreysay oo ciidammo ka goostay Somaliland ay galaan Puntland.


Maxamed X. Xuseen, Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

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Shame on snmland not only they are terrorist ashabaab supporters and sympathisers, but they also shoot and kill unarmed civilians, la hawla wala quwata, how low can they fall!?!?!??!!!!

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The SNM gang's pockets are emptied once more. How long wil they keep paying militias that will never be loyal to them? meesha somaliland shaaha laga cabaa wana laga cararaa. loool. soon somaliland people will tell poor siilaanyo war lacagtii naga dhamatey stop this nonsense and let us concentrate on the lack of water and electricity in hargeisa.



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The day you people free las canod get back to me because all I see is people talking outa there behinds.


Somaliland army is in las korey, las canod and now on the outskirts of taleex. It seems all d block have left is talkin online or in front of the camera.


We have taken all your cloths and have left you your underwear and yet you think you are men because we had the dignity to leave you your underwear.


We all know you can't fight... Budlayn hahaha... Don't make me laugh.


They are greatfull we have no ambition outside Somalilands borders.



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Ciidan good that you write D block is your enemy. Thank you for letting D Blocks in your neck of the woods realize that your clan project is exclusive for your clan and your whole project is based on revenge.


This is one of the results of miscalculation of Siilaanyo adventure in Las Qoray and Taleex. More set backs for this fruitless adventure by Siilaanyo to come.

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SNM = Say no more. Another of thos facy woords you youngerz teens like to use. You trolls are what keeps this forum alife , keep up the goda work. Peace and bariis,

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