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Football analysis in the era of ‘highlight heroes’

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Listen Mr. Brazil, Cole Toure yaa ka fiican ii sheeg? name one? you also made fun of Puyol who I think is a great defender as well... Just because kuma heysto PHD in Brazilian football doesn't mean I don't waxa aan ka hadlaayo...sanka maa naga gilinee waxa aad adiga jeceshahay? atariisho waaxid...



lol@ Ngonge A&T watches DVDs from last year loooooool caadi ma tihid waraa...A&T ninyahoo horta wili ma ciyaartaa kubada?



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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hear!hear!hear people. The best defense composed of Kolo Toure, Ledleky King and Puyol. Loooooooooooooooooooooooool! Where are the people, Oz, legend of Zu and others who know about this thing. Tuujiska is getting ever more comical with each new post!




When I was first-class University striker, with a tiny 55 KG but speed of light and full of heart, you were probably rampaging dance floors in Muqdisho weedings, clad in Azzaro shirt and Idol trouser! :D


Waryaa, not only I played football, but was good at it. One day, someone who knows me will join this forum, and what he will tell you is that I was never known for bed-time stories in my youthful days but football. I still play albeit with slow pace.

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^^ :D yaa gantaal saaruukh ridey oon AT&T aheen, I will agree with him though on the selection of Tuujiska of PuyoL and Toure, bad taste of him!



anyway, just to clarify few things between AT&T and Tuujiska



When I was first-class University striker,
with a tiny 55 KG but
speed of light
and full of heart,

But they don't play footie in Addis or Dire Dawa, even in Harar, whom did you played with, I know there is a football stadium in Dire Dawa, but who excatly plays there, none whatsoever, they use it only to jog and run, wasted!


the game is not even well known there in that end of the hood, they are more into marathon and running as being suggested by your speed of light(which explains you were more into running), unless you were based in Fiiq and Dhanaan, then I can believe you did played footie smile.gif



But I will believe Tuujiska whom I played football with many times back in the old days, though he is heavyweight now and can't even kick a ball let alone few runs, he gets many things wrong with his analysis :D


But North can explain more about Tuujiska's footie tactics since they both played against each other recently.



I know many people who never kicked a ball in their whole life(AT&AT will say that is Ngonge), and these people, believe me, they are the best footie commentators, simply because they master all the commentary and reinforce it with few highlights, and they would argue you that they were the best strikers, none of them would say they played in any other position, all strikers, soomaalida maxay ku jecelyihiin strikers, hadaad dhahdo kaalayoo goal-keeper noqo, wuxuu ku dhihi uff maxaan ku fali goal baan dhaliniye, suu u ordayo ayuu hadana dhihi hala i badalo waan xiiqayee dhakhso.

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^^ fully agree with everything there.. btw nuune how is everything going sxb.


AT&T, What's all this about? :D

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I take it as Nuune is ignorace of how Ethiopians feel about football. It is the number one sport. They have won one African Cup of Nations (although they played only one game against egypt then). Their youth team qualified to World under 21 cup in Argentina few years back. But overall, they are poor.


Perhaps Nuune also doesn't know that in Dire Dawa hardly a game ends in peace when Cotton plays Railways, or that in Addis Ababa Stadium barely a third of the crowd that comes out for the derby between Coffee and St.Georges turns to watch Kenenisa and Haile when they are participating in the national championships.


Anyway, I said I played for the Uni and also for High-school in Harar. It is sad Tuujiye and Norf are two guys who I hold with the highest regard and esteem, but in Sports section, I just can't turn blind eye to their ever-worsening baloney.

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At the moment there are no great keepers or defenders. They are all as bad or as good as eachother. No one stands out and going by Friday nights game between Catania and Inter, Lucio (did you see his dismal attempt at a tackle for the third goal?) and Ceasar (did you see him come off his line only to be breezed past by the Catania striker?) are nowhere near the top.


Great keepers were Schmichael, Khan and Buffon. Guys who were involved in big games and getting to CL semis and playing at world cups (some winning it and some losing in the final). Ceasar is nowhere near that level. No one is right now. Good keepers usually have good defenders in front of them but make vital saves in big games. Remember that Schmichael save from Zamarano? Remember Khan heriocs in the 2002 WC? Thats what great keepers do. Ceasar is still getting there. I'm reluctant to label ANYONE world class until they have shown it for at least 3 or 4 seasons straight in a major league and in the CL.

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I remember Oliver Kahn (if the German goalkeeper is the one you are referring to) for giving two goals to Brazil in WC 2002 final. He was a good goalie, but erratic and unpredictable.


I will rate Iker Casilas of Spain as a world class, inaddition to the one I mentioned before.

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Agreed on Iker.


Khan did make a mistake in the final but he got them there in the first place. Just like Baggio in 94. Being considered best keeper is alot harder than being considered best player. Proving you're the best means doing great things at crucial times on the big stage. Buffon save from Zizzou in 2006 final for example. General good play for Club won't do it otherwise Shay Given and Brad Friedel would win it hands down.

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Oz, A&T reminds me of the old guys that come to play with us..they tell you how to play adigoo goroonka ku jira.."war dhinacaas u bixin" "banooniga cesho nooh" looooooool


A&T waagaa ciyaari jirtay iyo hada isku waqti ma'aha tacbaan yahoo... 1980's ayaad wili ku dhagan tahay.... Catania waxa ee ku sameysay Inter ma aragtay? what happen to your great defender lucio? Lucio needs to stop moving up for an attack and should play his position..



Nuune lool waraa just because baal dooro ayaad tahay doesn't mean i'm that big lool... But I have to admit, when I came down to europe I was bigger than ever lool.... I lost alot since then and I'm back playing better than ever again alhamdulilah.... I plan to make my final appearence to Toronto Somali week will be a good year iinsha allah...


I don't think I'll see Norf playing again no? lool



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Though I don't rate A&T's football analysis that much I have no choice but to side with him here. Tuujiyaan raaci laha lakin Kolo Toure markaan maqlay ayaan is badalay. Warya Tuujiye dadka north America jooga basketball iyo NFL bay ka sheekeyaan ee orodo Shack amaan oo fadlan noo daa kubbada cagta.


Norf laftiisa kubbad wuxuu ka yaqaan waa iska laadh iyo eryio. Best player, best tactics iyo best team la isko ma daaliyo.


A&T, Oz and LZ are much worse, saaxib. Wait for them to come and try to argue that William Gallas and Titus Bramble are the best defenders in the world.



Nuune, anigu waagaan kubbada ciyaari jiray waxan aha libero, marmarka qarkood na goalkeeper. :D

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Kolo toure, wareer badana,lol. The guy only had two good seasons with the arsenal team that went unbeaten for the whole season. In a way, I think campbell made him look better than he was. Since then Toure has been pretty much been an inconsistent and average defender. Kolo had all the abilities to be a great defender. But he seems a bit of fuley and lacks the drive to become a top defender. Maybe he is a wadad sufi ah. He looks like a miskeen. I laughed when Mancity paid all that money for him. I would have had Michael Dawson over him anyday. :D


As for king, he is an excellent defender. However, anyone who is always off sick, plays part time and never leaves his average employer, will, sadly, never get far in life.


Alex has to be one of the most underated defenders though. what yall think?

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LOL Tuujiye and NG, if we had a list you'd be at the bottom of the list just for rating Lucas so high. :D


I will agree with Lucio(imo)is the best defender at the moment the reason simply is, when he combines strength, pace and technique he is unstoppable. He has everything a defender needs to have.


Keepers Hats off to Julio Cesar might have the edge here along with Van Der Sar and iker Casillas.

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^^ There is a thread dedicated to Lucas, saaxib. Any comments you feel like making about him should be made there. My reasoning is clear and is much better than Mr Toure there. :D

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Show rag aan kubada wax ka aqoon ayaa meesha ka buuxa lol. Winga & LOZ ayaa idin wada dhaama.


Ng, adigu Lucas uun inoo faan and watch your 'best defender in the world' get skooled this week.

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OK OK i'll admit Lucio is a great defender but not the kind of CB I would like to have in my team.. I like a CB who stays "back"...and I know you guys are just saying bala bala in here but you all know Cole toure is a great defender and one of the best in the EPL...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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