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Football analysis in the era of ‘highlight heroes’

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It is one thing for two or a group of people to have a heated post-match argument about a football game – about the tactics employed, techniques of the players, turning points, and tactical nous of the coaches. It is quite another to get ensconced in your lavish sofa’s, sipping Albustani’s Casiir while playing video games, and spare only few minutes to catch the updates about a high-profile football match as Aljazeera’s sportsmen utter “saqaqat Porto bi arba’ati ahdaaf duuna rad…”, and then challenge the analysis of men who have to reschedule permanently their conjugal responsibilities on Tuesdays and Wednesdays nights to follow every action of football as it is played.


It is also a different matter to be harassing colleagues over the phone for updates about the match you never watched, with ‘wareer badanaa’ aplomb, and then scuttle to the favorite cyber-pulpit to face head on seasoned experts, who have witnessed upsets and walkovers in equal measure.


Elsewhere, experts of other disciplines proffer well-informed, well-canvassed opinion. They are highly regarded lot next to the friar. Not in SOL sports section. Here, to be a football analyst is to be a caveat emptor (let the buyer of their stories beware types). It is to be a rebel from all overbearing precedents and records. It is to watch AlWahda’s front man shaking the net of his opponents with scissor-kicks and to decide he is fit for a world cup final. It is to watch the silky moves of players in their twilight and make a nostalgic judgement about what they could do. It is to hate one player (for whatever reason) and to fit your analysis to your antipathy rather than the scientific evidences of the passes they completed, crucial contributions they made!


And it is not only a SOL malady. I read the link Legend of Zu posted in one of the threads about how Arsenal will crush out against Porto by one Michael Somerville. I called him Tuujiye Somerville. The shallowness of the analysis, the amount of conjecture and hear-say put into it, is very much the same to those of Norf and Tuujiska. I am certian Ngonge would have been fit for analysis if he were to be patient and watch games. Even neophytes have the right to learn by doing. So, in many ways, it is easy to forgive such a trash talk for such a mundane sport.


But, there is one mistake SOL has made in the past. That is when they put Duliye-Sare Nuune, with strong jara-ka-boodo and Leyla-gobolo background but little football, as the moderator of the section. It is when they encouraged credulous Uncle Bob to take himself as a serious commentator of football merely because Jubbadda-Hose happened to win half-of the Provincial championships in Somalia before the country collapsed.


If England makes to the Semi-finals of the World cup, then perhaps the endless phones-calls of Tuujiye and the compendium of highlights Norf gathered would have paid off. It might point to a fact that one doesn’t need to waste his time watching a game for hours, to become an expert!

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loooooooooool waraa caadi ma tihid naga tag... waxaan oo english oo bilaa macni ah haduu igu jiri lahaa, Harvard University ayaa ditoor ka ahaan lahaa.........


Adiga ayaa noo ah our expert duqa marka noo sharax wax..hadaa rabtidna noo shaqal lol...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Tuujiska, saxib gardaro iyo madax adeeg saasa ma aragtay? Maantana wuxu na leeyahay he watches every game so he is an expert marna koox bilaa laacib ah oo ay ku jiraan Fabiano, Adriano iyo Robhino ayuu na leeyahay wey dhaamaan Messi, Tevez iyo Rooney kuuxyada ay u ciyaaraan. Even these guys have been playing the best football for the past 2 years and the Brazilians have done nothing for 4 years.


Bari dhoweedna wuxu inagu akhriyay Romania koobka Europe iska haysata looool.


Last year he said Bayern would beat Barca only for Barca to score 8 goals in 2 legs looool!


A&T, i noticed you havent made any predictions this year. Why?

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It really does not need too much analysis. You watch a game, you see if a player is doing well (like a certain Lucas for example) and you report back that he was playing well even though the team as a whole might have not. The problem with Norf, Tuujiyee and YOU is that you watch football with your hearts instead of your eyes.


England is more than capable of winning the world cup. They have a solid team with a prolific striker and a great manager. Their chances are much higher than that of France, Holland, Argentina and others. On form and ability only Spain and Brazil eclipse them in the eyes of most observers.


This Brings us to Brazil; now that team might not be as sexy as previous Brazil teams but it is functional and experienced enough to win the world cup. I believe that they have the best defender in the world, Inter Milan's Lucio. Their midfield and strikers are also not that bad and, on paper alone, should get them at least to the semi finals.


Spain is a team that does not need any analysis. Most of you know who they are and how they play. If they fail to win the world cup it will not be for lack of skill or hunger, it'll probably be because of bad luck (which can afflict any of the other teams taking part) or simple fear (they have never won the darn thing).


Expectation is not the same as analysis. Some of you often mix up the two. I expect Liverpool to finish fourth. I expect England to win the world cup. As for analysis, I think Liverpool WILL finish fourth but maybe England might not win the world cup.

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There is no bad luck that hits you twice! They lost the Confed cup, and if they lose again, it is not because of luck. By the way, Pique and Puyol are not good players. They are vulnerable. Iniesta is the best player in the team, and Torres is not in good shape. I think they are not going to overwhelm teams in the World Cup. It is always tricky to judge Spain on frendlies. Long before they become a real power, they were known for beating big teams on frendlies. They panic when it is a serious match. Let us wait and see.


I am objecting to the analysis of those who are clearly not watching full games. Now, they can do as Ngonge is doing and simply spew out what the media is saying. Their chances of accuracy is higher for the media is run by professionals who know the game. That will help in the area of prediction. But when it comes to evaluate which team will find which team tough to beat, one needs to know the tactics of both teams and how they play out each other mentally. For instance, Brazil will find France too difficult to beat even as we know France is not a good side right now.


I welcome the former Arsenal Midfielder, Karl!

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^^ Could it at all be possible that I tend to agree with the media? :D



Iniesta is not even the second best player in that team, saaxib. Xavi all the way. Plus don't forget their short forward who scores goals for fun. Torres hardly played this season and will be fresh for SA.


Go sit next to Norf, kubbad waxba kama taqaan.

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lol@highlight heroes, waryaa Norf ninka maad iska celisid, mee gantaaladaadi, orodoo ku soo asqee oo ninka meel fariiso dheh,


AT&T is taking football into another level, one thing for sure, he knows what he is talking about, despite getting numerous predictions wrong :D waa meeshan meesha aan wax billad haba yaraatee aanan siineyn.

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Nuune, ninka 'tactics' ayey kaga dhagtey and to be honest we havent even had any discussion on tactics. Brazil uun ayuu nagu waaley and keep telling him lets wait and see. He thinks Brazil has the best keeper just because Jose said so.


Waar wu madax adagyahey.


As for Ngonge he has been listening to Alan Hansen too much. Lucas ayuu ka arkaa a few minutes on highlights and tells us he is a great player. He still thinks we will finiish fourth even though the others are ahead on points, have games in hand and we keep playing crap. Maantaabu ka sii daray and says Lucio is the best defender in the world.

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Just google and look for 'who is the best goalkeeper right now in the world?'


Lucio is the best central defender. There is no doubt about that.


It is good gradually people are exposing one another about their source of information and about highlights.


Tactics are the key in football. Technic alone is not enough. I am praising Brazil because they are getting their tactics right, to a level that makes Italians amateur.

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Its easy to be a defender in a league that lacks pace. Its easy to be a good keeper in league where chances are limited. We all saw Chelsea dominate Inter. They just couldn't convert more of their chances. The goal they got was a gift by 'the best keeper in the world'. Unless you saw a different game A&Tow.

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Even best goalkeepers make mistakes sometimes. That is a fact. But there is no doubt Julio Cesare comes out from every game making incredible saves. I mean you probably think Buffon or Cech are the best, but how often do you see them make wrong timings?


Anyway, I watched Julio over and over and over and I can confidently say he is the best. Perhaps Van der Sar comes second.

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Its easy to be a defender in a league that lacks pace. Its easy to be a good keeper in league where chances are limited

thats right on the money..wax kale oo laga hadla maba jira meeshaas.... the italian league maba aha league serious loogaga ciyaaro anymore...Lucio is a very good defender but I don't think he is the best..I think the best defender in the world is Kole Tore from Man City and King in Hot Spurs when he is healthy lol... Lucio is a very strong player but don't forget that he has a strong defenders around him...


Ngonge nin yahoo riyada goormaad ka kici doontaa? War Liverpool iskaga tacsiyee oo ka har..they even lost in europa first leg qashin waaye team kaas....


Spain is the favours to win every world cup or maybe to go all the way o the finals..However "bad luck" ayaa ku dhaca lool... Spain will come out from that group but they have to face Brazil, Ivory Coast or Port' in the second round and I don't think they could beat any of them teams....


A&T Brazil always had good tactics and excellent technical game.. thats why they are always a top team.. What this defender is doing to the team is wrong because when it comes to the world cup, you will not win with out good technical players..I think he needs at least 2 or 3 even if is not Ronaldinho... but hey, since your the proffesional, i'm sure you know it better than us lol.....


waraa nuune A&T meeshaan Mod nimo ayuu ka raadsanooyaa ee kaalay biladahaaga



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Originally posted by Norfsky:

Its easy to be a defender in a league that lacks pace. Its easy to be a good keeper in league where chances are limited. We all saw Chelsea dominate Inter. They just couldn't convert more of their chances. The goal they got was a gift by 'the best keeper in the world'. Unless you saw a different game A&Tow.



I have not heard such nonsense in a very long time.


Fine, lets ignore the Italian league. Just tell me why Drogba could not have any impact in the game between his team and Inter!


I thought A&T was bad but you and Tujiyee are coming up with some fantastic nonsense of your own (King & Toure?). At least A&T has an excuse and only gets to watch last season's DVDs in the mistaken belief that they are this year's games.

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At least if I am made a moderator in this section, I could spare myself the drops of acid exasperating my ulcers eveytime I see such top drawer drivel as Toure and King are the best defenders. Kaalay, I seriously think Tuujiye is even worse than I thought. Waryaa, both of those guys actually can win the worst defenders title.


NG, I noted Norf's nonesense which is truly shocking! But at least he admitted he doesn't watch games, but highlights only.

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