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Prof Cali Khaliif Galaydh in Talex sends a warning to Hargeysa ....

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Galaydh Jawaab ku dhuftay Mamulka Somaliland & Soo dhowayntii Wafdiga Baladhan ee magalada Taleex<!



( Waxaanu Halkan idiinku soo gudbinaynaa Muuqaalka Wafdi Balaadhan ay Hogaaminayeen Raysal Wasaarihii Hore ee Dalka Soomaliya Prof Cali Khaliif Galaydh iyo Dr Cali Ciise Cabdi oo ah Gudoomiyaha Gudiga Fulinta G11. Pro Galaydh oo ugu Horayn ka hadlay Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Magaalada Taleex Ayaa Shacabwaynaha Reer Taleex ku Hanbalyeeyay Sidii Ay Isaga Caabiyeen Maleeshiyadkii Soomaliland ee ku soo duulay. Wuxuu sidoo kale Jawaab adag Ka bixiey Hadalo Been Abuur Ah oo Saxaafada Ay soo Mariyeen Kooxda Siilaanyo kuwaasi oo Sheegay Inay wada hadal la gelayaan Cali Khaliif, Ugu danbayna Wuxuu Gabay usoo Qabtay Beesha Siilaanyo. WaWaxaa sidoo kale Goobta ka hadlay Dr: Cali Ciise Cabdi, Madaxwaynaha Maamulka Khaatumo Coll: Maxamed Yuusuf Jaamac (Indhosheel) iyo Garaad Maxamuud Cismaan ( Mashaqare) oo kamida Golaha Dhaqanka maamulka Khaatumo






Khatuum getting stronger and more real - Ali Khalif finally came to his sense shifting from Mogadishu to Talex .


Can Cali Khaliif Galaydh Convince his cousins in LA to abandon secessionist agenda also that they can be self sufficient .

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Will malister and hag ever win their freedom from Burundi. Will they ever be able to control 1 mile without au forces. Can they combat the sexual violence against hag women in mugdisho being commited by au forces. Will hag ever evolve mentally to the extent that they can be civilised ???


No one knows...


They to busy commenting on somaliland a country that left them 23 years ago and some las canod folk who will join somaliland eventually



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Will malister and hag ever win their freedom from Burundi. Will they ever be able to control 1 mile without au forces. Can they combat the sexual violence against hag women in mugdisho being commited by au forces. Will hag ever evolve mentally to the extent that they can be civilised ???


No one knows...


They to busy commenting on somaliland a country that left them 23 years ago and some las canod folk who will join somaliland eventually






HAG has you sleeping in Nightmare or What ? Why you so obsesses about Rape have you experience it before ?



Prof Cali Khaliif Galaydh is not HAG ?


the Man is in Talex making Noise Beating his chess out loud Heading to Liberate LA and rest reaming SSC regions .



Maxaa Ka Jira In Markasta Oo Wasiir Xaglotoosiye Ka Dhoofo Hargeysa





Maxaa Ka Jira In Markasta Oo Wasiir Xaglotoosiye Ka Dhoofo Hargeysa






Xaglotoosiye :Extortion I need Half Million by Tomorrow No wonder why Hargeysa in a Financial turmoil - Water shortage - Electricity Shortage



King of Hargeysa or What ?

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Khatumo is destined to be with Somaliland eventually the finance minister and their biggest garaad and supporter of the project is in hargeisa. Just read the topic Khatumo process merging with SL and how it develops. Gol khatumo is where the USP party was formed USP was a Somaliland party in the 1950s. What you are missing cali khalif biggest constituency are all die hard Somalilanders from Laascanood, he making noise is just to have a bigger share before he joins the bandwagon, Malistar dont say XX did not tell you



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haha. xaaji and the bird ciidan never give up. loooooooooooool.


niyoow the man insulted your clan for being rumor monger habashis and you are still talking about him visiting your neck of the wood. niyoow somaliland is a comedy train. after all that money you spent to woo galaydh, he has insulted your clan at a public rally and all the hopes you had of him joining you hav vanished. talk about used and abused.


ileen ceeb looma dhinto.

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^^ Lool and do you think the SL government cares about tantrums , its all about dancing to he tunes he is saying what Khatumo nationalist want to hear, he knows what they want to hear, Trust me on this Galaydh and his group its not really about him but his group will join SL how much u wanna bet?

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There is no question in my mind ali khalif is an SNM agent whether he publicly declares it or not doesnt matter. Ali khalif doesnt have any intention to be president of puntland or even somaliland however he does have one intention and that is to be president of somalia. For one purpose he wants to be in villa somalia to claim the ssc clan made it the top of somalia politics and also he wants to clean up his political image which has been a bad one. He doesnt want to be remembered for his scandals like mareeray sugar plant looting, trying to destroy puntland while he was PM and he sees the opportunity is rife now to settle that since the nation is now actually peogressing. He basically wants to go out leaving behind something to be remembered by. He doesn't need money either he has enough of that, he just needs to settle his political profile image in somalia kind of similar for abdillahi yusuf he didnt want to die without leaving behind something other then SSDF, believe me sxb.v


Ali khalif plan to capture villa somalia is simple. He needs at least 2 clans in parliament voting for him to stand a chance. He basically already has usc in his pocket as was evident from his last run for parliament cuz i guarantee u that no dblock voted for him. He needs another clan now for their support. He stands no chance with dblock so whos open for the picking? the dir clan who also have 61 seats and very influenced by the snm where everyone in those seats. If he can manage to get Hag plus dir thats 122 votes then he can work over his own ssc clan and buy a few more from rahanwayn or .5 mps. He will win the presidency. So he is executing that plan now as we speak with the snm giving them sool in return for the dir mp votes. He is doing it thru distraction techniques of giving the ssc folks their own govt which is a ploy to give more districts to SL. SNM are happy with this arrangement since they know their chances of ever securing presidency r limited but they also know theyre voice can decide who will take the villa be it hag or sahal and they are more inclined towards HAG since their policy is if i cant get it at least put a monster in there to make sahal life hell.


Its quite dangerous but ali khalif has the ball rolling for his run in 2016 election and our silly politicians in garowe sit by and wait till a disaster comes and not prevent it from happening. The only way to prevent it is to make sure sool is given to SL so they in turn do noy provide galayr the 61 dir votes. I urge gaas wake up you idiot its better to prevent a nightmare unfolding then to later on play this game of xirirka baan uu jarayna dawlada.


I urge the elites in garowe to stop ali khalif before its to late. As for our clan strategy in 2016 I have our own strategy on how we can secure villa somalia guaranteed which I wont expose here obviously but i expose the enemies strategy in order to wake ppl up.

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Pls note snm boys ali khalif is playing u too, so this isnt in your interest. If he gets in that villa thats another blow to the snm recognition compaign of being neglected thru the power sharing beecuz ali khalif will be used as a line of defence to such a claim. So its not in your long term interest to support such a scoundrel.

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Malister I am simply reporting what human rights watch has the irony is perplexing. While sexual violence unfolds in mugdisho, while Burundi and Uganda are the rulers of mugdisho and your bandits "army" run around a few villages on piggy back of au forces and Kenya is in kismayo and Ethiopia in the west. It's strange you talk about Galayd a man part of a group who control no where if the somaliland army are given orders they would all run for their lives as they have done many times.


Me thinks you should focus on winning your dignity, freedom and independence then when hell freezes over and you have achieved that feel free to talk then.

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Believe you me, Xaaji Maalaayacni, the Doctor is a very astute observer of Somali politics. You maybe be right about Mr.Galaydh's chances of winning the presidency in 2016 but I assure you the good professor does have such ambitions, which is why he started the Khaatumo project in the first place. The Khaatumo project was never about helping the good folks of SSC, nor was it created to help Somaliland secure its "borders"(as most secessionist would love to believe). Khaatumo was and is about one thing, and one thing only...Prof.Galaydh!


To Dr.Osman,


Saaxib, why do you begrudge Prof.Galaydh the presidency? Personally, I believe if he plays his cards just right, he just might have a shot depending of course on what sort of opponents will face off with him come 2016.

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^^ I doubt it he has not the numbers in parliament and his kin the larger D have no interest to back him for the presidency , He might have created Khatumo climb the political ladder how ever he started with the Speaker of parliament and he lost i doubt he has a chance for the Mogadishu seat. But we shall see in 2 years ba inaga xigta. By the way no one said Khatumo was created for Somaliland it just helps Somaliland strategically since garowe is not willing to support an independent entity between them and Somaliland, Somaliland has gained more territory since Khatumo was created.

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xaaji cali khalif has no regional intentions, his political profile is huge at a national scale so he gains nothing politically from a post in somaliland or puntland so thats out of the question. Financially I doubt h e needs any money when he sold the sugar plant in nairobi fo 8 million dollar and that was back in the 90s and im certain he reinvested and made more money. So politically and financially he gains nothing from regional politics. The only thing he can gain is to use regional major clans vote in parliament. 61 votes are up for grabs in somaliland even though all those northern mps arent from SNM but they have a huge influence on where all the dir vote. I believe galayr sees somaliland as mp picking grounds and im sure the snm guaranteed to him he would get all northern votes in return for sool joining somaliland. We all know he has usc ties as evident during abdiqasim salad days and also for his run for speaker they mostly voted for him. So he has their votes in the bag. He will gain 120 or so votes guranteed and then he can work over his own ssc tribe and pay of a few other clan mps as safety net. Even if he doesnt secure presidency, he can add his votes towards someone on the premise they name him PM. Plus he will get international acceptance by saying its time for the first northern president card.


Thats his strategy but its a shame somaliland are falling for it becuz the second he leaves so will those states because he is pulling the strings politically for his clan behind closed doors. Xaabsade, sandule, etc are just runners to keep things how they are. Somaliland loses on 2 fronts with this, the first front they lose because if he gets president they have their claim to unfair power distribution, a blow to recognition. The second front they will lose on is when the old mam retires from politics so will sool from somaliland.


The only front somaliland gains with this is to keep its ppl distracted with recognition is coming soon becuz the admin reached the borders. Once the ppl get sick of hearing that after a few years it will go to puntland and the snm admin will go back to we must secure the border or recognintion won't come and a few years after whwn they get sick of hearing that las anod will come back and they will just keep doing this to keep them distracted while politicians make their money and wait for mgadishu to fix itself up and join the union.

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