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Somaliland militia flees Taleh as Bosaso, Garowe and Galkacyo armies head west

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That was quick. They sneak in like terrorists and flee when they hear about troops coming. loooool.


niyoow, good job President Abdiweli who draw a line in the sand. The mercenary militia from SSC who said they captured the historic town for Somaliland will be dealt with. this incident was really good for Puntland and Abdiweli. it showed the international community and neighboring countries how Somaliland is not a peaceful neighbour and The largest mobilization of army is underway. Somaliland has crossed a line.


this is serious and somaliland will pay for its deeds.

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I call that very cheap booloxoofto from Puntland.


I wish the Somaliland holy army all the best in their quest to secure the sacred borders.


The pirates and konfurians must be contained.

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I call that very cheap booloxoofto from Puntland.


I wish the Somaliland holy army all the best in their quest to secure the sacred borders.


The pirates and konfurians must be contained.



If you want war with us Hags , we will destroy you with destruction never seen by the inhabitants of heavens and earth.

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^Somaliarising, niyow fanka fatadhugta badan naga daa. I thought you were from SSC? When did you become HAG?

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Cheap pirate propaganda we all know pirates have nothing... Just trying to save face.


The same thing was said about las korey here anything to do with puntland since.



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Real news: the somaliland army are not in the village of taleex but on the outskirts in their barracks after speaking with the elders of the town. If piratestan has anything come and meet us in taleex.



Sarakiisha Ciidamada Qaranka JSL ee Ku Sugan Taleex oo Shirweyne La Yeeshay Odayaasha Magaalada Taleex Haddana Ku Laabtay Fadhiisinka Ciidanka Qaranka ee Duleedka Taleex iyo Khaatumo Ku Warheshay in Laga Baxay oo Soo Galay.





Taleex (BurcoONline) 16.04.2014 Waxa Hadderr Dhamaaday Shirweyne ay ka Qayb Galeen Saraakiisha Ciidanka Qaranka Somaliland oo uu Dhaxeeyay S Odayaasha Degaanka Taleex iyo Masuuliyin Ka Tirsan Maamulka Khaatumo Iyado Halkaas Is Afgarad wanaagsan laga Gaadhay, waxaano Shirkaas Lagaga Hadlay Arrimaha Naadgeyada iyo Argagaxisada ee Degaanka Taleex ee Somaliland Iyado Marki Dambe Is afgarad Shirkaaasi Ku Dhamaaday.


Waxaana Ciidanka Qaranko Mar Dhoweyd Dib Ugu Laabteen Fadhiisin Cusub ee Ka Sameysteen Taleex Duleedkeeda iyado Halkaas uu Noqon Doonta Xarunta Militariga Somaliland ee aaga Taleex oo Hore ugu Laha Xarun Laakin Ciidanki Lagu Kordhiyay.


Waxaanay Shabakada Burcoonline News Ku warhelaysa in Maleeshiyada Khaatumo oo Ila Shalay Joogtay Banaannka degaanka Taleex iyago Xalayna uu Hoyday Meel Banaan oo Lagu Magaacabo Banka Sayidka aya Waxa Goor Dhowedy Dib Ugu Soo Laabteen Magaalada Taleex inkasto sida La Xaqiijiyay inaan Hogaamiyaha Maleeshiyadaasi ee Indho Sheel La soon.


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